When the heating season ends: it all depends on the weather

Batteries of central heating, giving off the heat of hot water flowing through them, appeared in the houses of the ancient Romans. In our country, the Summer Palace of Peter I was one of the first to be equipped with such a system. Well, cast-iron batteries widely known today appeared at the end of the nineteenth century.

when the heating season ends

Soon, this invention gained well-deserved popularity and was increasingly being installed in apartments of urban residents. In Russia, this peak occurred in the post-revolutionary time, when there was a boom in the development of industry.

Over time, the appearance of the batteries changed, their design was modernized. Only the main principle of work remained unchanged. Mass installation of batteries began to be carried out in all houses under construction, and the concept of centralized heating became familiar to urban residents. At that moment, ordinary citizens began to worry every spring: “And when does the heating season end?” And over time, the answer to it has changed.

The heating season ends

For all the simplicity of this question, it is difficult to find the right answer. What can this moment be tied to: a specific date or weather? Since the maintenance of this system was transferred to utilities, a lot of time has passed, the existing question was supplemented by another: “How to use the resources needed to maintain heat in houses as economically as possible?”.

What happened before and what happened today

Some time ago, the question of when the heating season ends can be safely answered by giving a specific date. On the one hand, it seems logical to tie this moment to the calendar. On the other hand, it is known that on the same day in different years the temperature can vary significantly. And it’s not a secret to anyone that, for example, in Moscow at the end of April there can be thirty-degree heat and light frosts. Therefore, in one year, residents will languish from stuffiness in houses, and in another freeze.

That is why today the question of when the heating season ends, the answer is given depending on specific climatic conditions. Indeed, in addition to temperature fluctuations in different years, the weather changes significantly in different regions. So, in Astrakhan in April there is already steady hot weather, and in the cities in the north there is still snow.

heating season Moscow

As a result, the government adopted a decree regulating the time on and off batteries. The heating season ends when the average temperature for 5 days is at least eight degrees with a plus sign. Conversely, if a similar number of days the air does not warm up to this mark, the supply of heat to the apartments begins.

In addition, we can say that in case of receiving an unfavorable forecast, the regional authorities have the right to resume the heating season. Moscow has already experienced a similar experience when, after warm weather, which was the basis for its end, the cold came and the heat supply resumed.

Interesting Facts

To the question: "When does the heating season end?" - Residents of some cities respond: "Never." Indeed, residents of some settlements of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug live with constantly running batteries. So such an answer is correct. Well, on average, heating in homes in our country is served more than 200 days a year.

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