Cats are famous for their cleanliness. Often, even the slightest touch on their fur forces the animal to closely engage in washing in order to remove the smell of a person. They are also very easy to accustom to the toilet, both to the personal tray and to using the toilet of the owners. This cleanliness makes cats the darlings of many people, especially those who, for various reasons, cannot devote much time and attention to the animal. But sometimes there are punctures even in the behavior of such purebred cats as cats, and unpleasantly smelling puddles of urine begin to decorate the apartment. Not all owners are able to respond stably to an extremely annoying aroma, and therefore the tips below are useful to many. So, how to wean a cat to write anywhere.
The very first and most important rule, if you have already discovered an unappetizing puddle: in no case do not hit the animal and do not punish it. The peculiarities of cat memory are such that the pet is able to correctly relate the punishment and the puddle that he assimilated between himself only in the first 2-3 minutes after he made a mess. In the future, all attempts to punish the cat will be considered by them as just aggression in his direction and may lead to the opposite result - the animal will continue to urinate in the wrong place. And we do not need this at all, because we want to understand
how to wean a cat from writing anywhere.
The next thing to do is to understand the motives of your pet. No animal commits a deliberately wrong act for no reason. Therefore, in order to wean a cat to write anywhere, you need to find out why he does it. The main reasons may be as follows:
- the animal is sick, or something bothers him. The cat cannot verbally express their well-being, and therefore it signals people that something is wrong with them through such actions.
- The cat may not like the location or size of the tray it should go into. Maybe filler is not suitable for him.
- puddles in inappropriate places can signal that the cat is under stress - from the appearance of new people in the house, a change of residence, loud noises or other reasons.
- perhaps the cat is not writing where it is needed due to the tray being not clean enough and having an unpleasant odor.
Once you understand the reason, it should be eliminated: consult a veterinarian, replace the filler in the tray or the tray itself, and eliminate the cause of the animal’s stress . And after that, you can think about how to wean the cat to write in the wrong place.
The surest remedy for cat smell is citrus. Their aroma interrupts the smell of urine, and to cats it is extremely unpleasant due to its harshness. Therefore, one of the effective ways to wean a cat to write anywhere is to spray the place where he urinated with lemon juice, put the peel from a couple of oranges there or just pour a couple of drops of the essential oil of these plants.
So that the animal can make the toilet at rest, you should choose the correct location of the tray - quite secluded, not located in a noisy open place. In such a corner the cat will walk with pleasure.
Now a lot of tools are being sold with which you can decide how to wean a cat from writing anywhere. They have an invisible to humans, but significant for the animal aroma. After spraying the tray with such a tool, the cat will easily understand where her toilet is and stop using inappropriate places in the house.