We all fiddled with toys in childhood: some tasted, tested for strength, fed, dressed, others were heroes of exciting stories. Those who went to kindergartens know firsthand that there is always a wide selection of toys for every taste and color. Today we will discuss what kind of toys in the kindergarten should be, what requirements are imposed on them and what are the basic rules of choice.
Toys: appointment
This category includes a fairly extensive range of items that can satisfy the needs of children.
Gameplay is an integral part of the development of kids, through it they learn life, make discoveries, gain experience.
Not without reason, even representatives of authorized bodies, checking the living conditions of a particular child, always pay attention to the presence of toys, since the full-fledged formation of personality depends on this.
Kindergarten is a territory of children, therefore, objects for games here must be mandatory, and for each age group there is a different set.
The main purpose of toys in kindergarten is to help in the assimilation of the properties of the surrounding world: shape, size, color, other physical characteristics of objects; development and training of the child’s logical thinking, concentration, fine motor skills.
Self-learning toys by the methods of Maria Montessori are very popular lately. These primarily include sorters - objects of various shapes (cubes, polyhedrons, cars, houses, etc.), in which holes are made in the form of any shapes (geometric, animals, letters, etc.). The so-called bodyboards are also gaining momentum - boards with attached household items that so often interest the baby: sockets, locks, keys, zippers, latches, door handles, etc. They, by the way, can be recommended for consideration if you need to make toys with your own hands for kindergarten, since every dad can easily make such a miracle board.
Let's see what kind of toys are in kindergarten. They can be divided into groups according to different criteria.
According to the age:
- for a day nursery;
- for the younger group;
- for the middle group;
- for the older group;
- for preparatory.
By thematic purpose:
- dolls and accessories, houses;
- transport;
- cubes, constructor, other building material;
- mosaic, puzzles, inserts;
- sorters;
- knockers;
- soft toys, animal figures;
- dishes and food;
- telephones, electronic and musical toys;
- numbers, letters;
- board games, etc.
According to the material:
- plastic;
- wooden;
- from fabric;
- from metals.
It can also be classified by texture (rough, smooth) and colors.
Which are allowed? Regulatory requirements
The requirements for all toys are always the same: they should not be toxic, dangerous, have too small parts. It is these norms that determine the harmlessness of items for games.
In the "toy" industry, the following GOSTs apply:
- 25779-90 (interstate standard: general safety requirements, control);
- P 53906-2010 (national standard: general safety, physical and mechanical properties);
- P 51557-99 (electric toys);
- ISO 8124-2-2001 (flammability);
- ISO 8124-3-2001 (allocation of substances harmful to the child).
The main SanPin for toys in kindergarten - " Production and sale of games and toys" (no longer valid in terms of security): establishes requirements for materials, the process of certification and sale of toys. Previously, there was also SanPin 42-125-4148-86, adopted back in Soviet times, but the document was never published.
So, toys for kindergarten children should have:
- certificate of quality;
- marking on the label / packaging (with the name of the manufacturer, his details, indicating the age of the child);
- a positive assessment of state sanitary and epidemiological expertise.
When filling preschool institutions, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are also taken into account. Toys for kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard should create a developing object-spatial environment: varied, richly-saturated, multifunctional, transformable, accessible and safe.
Basic requirements in accordance with GOST
- In the manufacture of toys, hygiene requirements must be observed: materials and final results must be free of rust, insects, other similar damage, and externally clean. It is checked visually.
- There should be no flammable, toxic materials.
- Parts, edges should be free of sharp edges and burrs.
- Protruding rigid parts must have a protective device.
- Toys containing a child must have ventilation openings, doors inside should be adapted for opening by a child (corresponding pressing force).
- Heavy outdoor toys over 5 kg should not be turned over.
- Protective and decorative coating should be resistant to saliva, sweat and wet processing.
- The seams of soft toys must be durable.
- Toys for children under three years old should not have glass and porcelain, pile materials available. Stuffing materials with hard / sharp objects (glass fragments, nails, metal shavings, needles, etc.), as well as granular materials with a granule size of 3 mm or less, are not allowed to be used.
- The brake system of toys, driven, must be in good condition. The speed of electric toys should not be more than 8 km / h.
- The mass of rattles for children under 3 years old should be no more than 100 g.
- Inflatable toys for playing on the water must be waterproof and airtight.
- The construction of prefabricated toys must be strong, operation - easy and reliable.
- Storage of toys: at t 10-20 ° and relative humidity 6%.
What does GOST not apply to toys?
The list includes the following items:
- Christmas tree accessories, garlands;
- decorative dolls;
- models for adult collectors;
- sports equipment;
- pneumatic weapons;
- pyrotechnics;
- items for archery and arrow with metal tips, catapults for throwing stones;
- functional products (furnaces, irons) with a voltage of more than 24 V;
- TS with an internal combustion engine, with a steam engine;
- bicycles for driving on public roads (sports, touring, etc.);
- video games for video screens (with a voltage of more than 24 V);
- inflatable vests, circles, etc .;
- sports protective equipment (glasses, helmets, etc.);
- jewelry;
- Nipples
- puzzles over 500 parts, etc.
It must be applied to the toy / container / liner itself. Marking should be clear, readable, indelible and contain the following information:
- name of the toy;
- age of children for whom it is intended;
- name of the manufacturer, his address;
- production date;
- warning of safe operation.
On toys that are not intended for children under 3 years old, a symbol should be applied in the form of a crossed-out (from left to right diagonal) circle of red color, inside of which the numbers 0-3 and face contour are written in black on a white background.
Selection rules
When purchasing toys in a kindergarten group, you need to rely on some aspects, since the correct development of the child largely depends on the selection literacy:
- compliance with the age of children;
- fabric toys must be with a solid frame, so that the walls do not push through;
- figures and small details should be selected with a size of 4-5 cm, they should be convenient for a child to grab;
- parts of toys with contents must be securely fastened so that small items do not disintegrate in order to avoid accidents;
- plastic objects must be uniform, the paint is distributed evenly on them, there should be no burrs and irregularities;
- wooden toys should be sanded to smoothness and painted evenly, otherwise children can "catch" splinters;
- Musical accessories should be pleasant to hear.
It is also worth noting that in the group itself the toys need to be placed on low racks, in boxes on wheels, in plastic boxes so that children can pick them up unhindered. For items with many details (designers, for example), multiple packages of durable polyethylene, fabric, plastic, wood should be provided.
For younger group 2-3 years
This is the most tender age, it is then that the foundation for knowledge and concepts about the world is laid in the kids, so the right things are very important in the environment of the child. Everyone probably heard the phrase: “it absorbs like a sponge!”, And so, it’s about such small fidgets! Children of this age do not sit still for a minute, but constantly study something, so here safety also comes first. Toys should not be fragile, with small details, with sharp edges.
Teachers distinguish 3 groups of useful toys in the kindergarten for the younger group:
- dolls, other characters, animals;
- sets of letters and numbers;
- cards with pictures.
The first paragraph is required for all children. These toys contribute to the development of imagination, creative abilities: in one game, the doll goes to kindergarten, in the other it will be the teacher or mother herself.
Multi-colored numbers and letters help the child learn the basics of future sciences. Putting them in rows, children will definitely remember their spelling, and bright colors will not leave anyone indifferent.
Although the baby may not yet be able to speak well, he sees and understands a lot, so cards with pictures (books) will be indispensable helpers. In this case, the child’s visual image is associated with the word spoken aloud. In the future, he will certainly find this item when you ask him about it.
Kids at this age are just starting to play together, the images should be conditional, you need to focus on various characteristic details in toys (opening doors, raising the body of a dump truck, etc.).
Toys in size are usually taken large, closest to the size of real things.
A set of toys for children of the second younger group usually consists of the following items:
- dolls, animals, birds of different sizes;
- wrist dolls;
- figures of fairy-tale characters, men;
- masks of fabulous animals;
- clothes for games (white hat, cloak, cap, helmet);
- tea set, kitchen utensils of different sizes;
- bowls, buckets, a set of fruits and vegetables;
- plastic hammer;
- doll bedding;
- iron and ironing board;
- Trucks
- open top cars, fire truck, ambulance;
- steam locomotives, wagons, airplanes;
- Carriages for dolls;
- horses (other animals) on wheels / rocking;
- a horse on a stick;
- medical instruments;
- striped rod, binoculars;
- doll furniture, stove;
- skeleton of the house;
- screen counter;
- screen-wreck of a bus (wagon) with a wheel;
- gas station;
- volumetric modules (cubes, rollers, etc.);
- large building kit;
- substitute items are small;
- pieces of fabric;
- balls, pins;
- ball and gate;
- board games ("fish", "ball in the hole").
For the middle group 3-4 years
Children of this age usually have well-developed imagination and perseverance, so the main role-playing game becomes.
The set of toys for the middle group of the kindergarten consists of the same items as for the second younger group, plus some more are added to them:
- crane;
- Railway;
- robot rocket;
- small cars;
- scales, watches, telephones;
- bags, baskets, backpacks;
- steering wheel and helm on the stand;
- folding screen, theater (screen);
- Dollhouse;
- model of the farmyard;
- landscape layout;
- traffic light;
- building kits on the subject (fortress, city, farm);
- large button designer;
- table bowling alley; ring throw;
- Board games "Lotto" and "Gusek".
If you are faced with the question of how to make a toy with your own hands for kindergarten, as an example, you can offer the simplest - a screen-theater for dolls. All you need is a thick cardboard (you can from under the box), fabric, threads, a needle, glue. And those who are interested in sewing can easily tailor wrist dolls. Children like these theaters very much; they develop imagination and attentiveness.
For older preschoolers
This category of kindergarteners includes children of the senior and preparatory groups. Children 4-6 years old are already completely independent, are able to communicate quite well, know the main purpose of objects. The main goal of education at this age is to prepare for school, so special emphasis is placed on the study of letters and counting.
In the first place among the toys, there are also cubes with letters and numbers, cards, games that develop dexterity and motor skills - designers and mosaics, but with smaller details.
So, small men and animals (5-7 cm), a set of clothes and accessories for dolls, military equipment, collapsible vehicles, a collapsible doll house, sets for small characters (zoo, house, garage, lighthouse, city) were added to the set of toys , farm, traffic signs and traffic lights), school furniture set, table football / hockey, towns, dartboard, classics rug, dominoes, checkers, chess, etc.
What should be required in kindergarten?
For all preschool institutions there is a list of toys that must be available:
- characters: figures of people, animals, dolls, etc .;
- educational subjects: pyramids, mosaics, puzzles, inserts, etc .;
- items: dishes, tools, stoves, irons, etc .;
- transport;
- board games, printed materials: puzzles, dominoes, “lotto”, cards with fruits, vegetables, various items;
- experimentation kits: metal, wood, etc. constructors
Parents most often bring educational games for kindergarten classes. Toys, in fact, contribute to the formation of the correct thinking in the child and the skills necessary in the future, therefore developmental games are also approved by educators.
Cruel subjects, cynical attitude to life, early sexual manifestations, violence are strictly prohibited.
At the same time, it is important that toys are available for both boys and girls, consistent with their tastes and desires. This contributes to the full development of the personality.
As you can see, the assortment of toys is very large. Choosing the right ones from them and creating a developmental environment in the kindergarten is a responsible and difficult task that is placed on the shoulders of the educators. After all, for example, if you buy a 2-year-old kid a prefabricated helicopter, he is unlikely to sit and dig for a long time with this occupation, this toy is more suitable for older age. And vice versa, at 6 years old it is no longer interesting to string the pyramid rings, I want to assemble something large-scale from small details such as legos.
Of course, the first place in the preschool institution is not the game or the toy itself, but the process of introducing it to the child by the teacher, 90% of success depends on this.
In this case, you must always remember that the toys used in kindergarten must first meet the safety requirements, and only then correspond to the age of the child.