How is physical education in kindergarten?

Physical education in kindergarten is an important component of the overall comprehensive development of the child. Most parents want their child to be healthy and active. The foundations of these qualities are formed at the beginning of life. If the kid attends a preschool educational institution, then a lot depends on how much physical development will be involved here.

The main task pursued by programs in this direction is to strengthen and protect the health of children. In addition, it is necessary to develop many qualities in preschoolers, for example, dexterity, quickness and others, as well as to form the necessary skills and subsequently, in accordance with the individual characteristics of each.

Physical education in the preschool educational institution uses the whole arsenal of possible means to strengthen the health of the child: proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, hygiene and, of course, exercises. The latter are given special attention. In addition to specially organized classes, this also includes physical exercises conducted during classes in mathematics or speech development, outdoor games for a walk or in a group, health gymnastics , etc. These should be exercises that correspond to the age characteristics of preschool children, and are also accessible to most pupils. Their task is the development of large or small muscle groups.

Physical education in kindergarten provides for specially organized classes in this direction. Usually, they are carried out several times a week, lasting no more than 20 minutes, in the morning. In this case, the teacher is guided by a program compiled independently, or recommended by the administration of the institution, educational standards.

Children in these classes should be in sportswear (white T-shirt, dark shorts) and shoes (sneakers, sneakers, Czechs). An important requirement for this clothing is convenience. The teacher (or other person conducting the lesson) is recommended to use additional equipment (balls, hula-hoops, pins, etc.), however, they should be safe for the kids so that the risk of injury is minimized.

It should be noted that physical education in kindergarten contributes to the comprehensive development of the child, developing not only physical, but also mental qualities such as attention, thinking, spatial and temporal representations, and perception. In addition, this activity teaches you to work in a team, often contributes to team building.

Among other things, games for children in kindergarten should be noted, as they also play an important role for physical development. They should be selected carefully, analyzing the tasks that they set for themselves. In addition to the formation of certain skills, games contribute to the acquisition by children of knowledge about socially acceptable behavior in society, develop dexterity, quick reaction and some other physical qualities. Properly organized, active movements of the baby increase the body's resistance to the occurrence of infectious diseases, activate its immune system, and, therefore, have a positive effect on general health.

It is very good if physical therapy is carried out in kindergarten. Its main purpose: prevention and correction of diseases of the respiratory system and musculoskeletal system. The duration of classes depends on the age of preschool children and varies between 20-35 minutes. Exercises must be done systematically. Classes are held in a well-ventilated area, children should be in special, light clothing. The increase in load should be carried out gradually. Exercises must be selected a variety of, it is recommended that they be updated periodically.

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