Pregnancy is not a reason to refrain from updating the appearance. But immediately during this period, numerous representatives of the weaker sex do not want to carry out cosmetic and medical procedures. However, there are wonderful procedures for updating the appearance, for example, coloring, highlighting. Many believe that during this period it is not necessary to do highlighting, since chemical dyes can cause harm to oneself and the child. What do doctors think about this? Is it possible to do hair highlighting during pregnancy?
Should remember
If you want to maintain a good condition of your hair without harm to the fetus, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. In 97% of shampoos (an awesome number!) Of popular brands are elements that poison the body. The key components that cause all the troubles on the labels are classified as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical elements ruin the hair structure. They become brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the tone fades. However, the most terrible thing is that this muck enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We recommend that you refrain from using products that contain these elements.
Is it possible to highlight during pregnancy and why not?
Just note that almost no significant studies in this area have been conducted. Experts have speculated that the relationship of the future mother with chemical hair dyes can adversely affect the nervous system of the unborn child. It seems to him that he faces a neuroblastoma. However, the matter did not go further than this assumption. The assumption has not been proved. For this reason, it is unambiguous to say that highlighting hair when bearing a child is undesirable, impossible. Doctors do not prohibit their patients from staining curls or highlighting them. In such matters, you must rely on your intuition and health status. Since the pregnant woman’s mental state is more important than prohibitions and prejudices. And yet, for what reason does not need to be painted and highlighted during pregnancy? The following are the arguments.
All paints of medium and low cost groups in their composition contain ammonia. Its fumes are harmful to the expectant mother and her child. It is logical to assume that this may provoke nausea in the fairer sex, especially given the increase in susceptibility to aromas in the early stages of gestation. In addition, the likelihood of dizziness and vomiting is extremely high.
Unexpected result
Can highlighting during pregnancy be done on my own? It is worth remembering the unexpected consequences. Quite often, a similar problem occurs when trying to improve the hairstyle. Instead of light curls, for example, gray ones can turn out, and this is due to hormonal changes in the female body.
Change in hair structure
The hair during pregnancy changes its own structure. For this reason itself, conventional and previously used by a woman paints can provide a completely different result.
Not as planned
The tone in most situations disappoints women. When highlighting, the color change will be less noticeable than with traditional dyeing. However, there is still a danger of getting an unnecessary result.
Possible harm
Of course, there is no evidence that paint can actually enter the blood from the scalp and seep through the placental barrier. But there is a danger of this kind.
By the way, highlighting hair when carrying children is potentially safer. Since the roots in this type of staining are not painted over. In this case, the paint does not get on the skin and is not absorbed through the pores.
How to carry out the procedure?
Hair coloring is possible only after selecting the right technique. In this case, it is important to choose high-quality highlighting. The procedure should be:
- Practical. Already after the 1st highlighting of hair, adjustment should be carried out extremely rarely. It is necessary to choose methods of coloring, at which color transitions will be almost inconspicuous.
- Plain. It is possible to apply a couple of colors in hair coloring, however, it is most correct to choose one tone. In this case, it is possible to carry out the procedure sooner.
- Partial. It is not necessary to perform full highlighting. Superficial or zoned staining is perfect. Procedures help refresh the image. Moreover, they are economical and practical.
- Close in color to a natural shade. With diametrically opposite transitions, a very frequent correction is needed. It will need to be completed in a month. Colors must have differences with the main color no more than 3 tones.
If you take into account all the distinguishing features of the procedure, hair highlighting can be carried out during pregnancy. And subsequently, the expectant mother will be well-groomed and neat.
What to stop attention?
Before deciding whether it is possible to do highlighting during pregnancy, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its safest types. Not everyone knows the known types of highlighting, as well as the fact that it is better not to find the staining procedures during pregnancy. During this period, it is possible to choose one procedure from the following proposed. They are completely harmless and effective.
- Californian. The method using gentle cosmetics with beeswax has a good result, forming sun glare and overflow. It can be used with hair of various lengths and structures. It is not necessary to apply California staining to the owners of light curls - the black pigment may not work.
- French When it is performed, gentle means are used that look better on fair hair. Unlike the California procedure, in this case, only the upper part of the curls is stained.
- Glare. It involves staining with the creation of sun glare. The process is suitable for various shades, several colors can be used.
- Balayazh. Using this common technique, the lower part of the curls is updated. Balayazh is used for strands of different colors and textures. If coloring was previously carried out, then such a technique is not suitable.
We protect ourselves from the consequences
If you are sure that highlighting is currently necessary, you should know what to do to reduce the potential danger from the use of harmful paint.
- You should not induce beauty in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all the organs and systems of the baby are just formed, and the placenta still cannot guarantee absolute protection against the invasion of harmful elements into the baby's body.
- Do not stain more than once every 3 months: it is better to be safe. Choose a paint tone that is extremely close to your own natural, in which case the period between the procedures will be psychologically calmer.
- Find out before the procedure the reaction to the skin and hair dye in the test order, even if you have previously used one.
- Use coloring compositions of trusted manufacturers, in which the content of thermonuclear elements is lower, and for highlighting, use the offers of a highly professional hairdresser who will provide the necessary recommendations, moreover, he will be able to perform highlighting very correctly for skin and hair.
- It is better to perform an operation at home, where you can go to the balcony or open the window for ventilation during painting. This will make it possible not to breathe vapors.
Looking attractive during pregnancy is a girl’s natural aggravated need. However, do not forget: highlighting is, although more gentle, but still dyeing hair with the use of chemicals of various levels of aggressiveness.
If there is even a slight doubt about the safety of the procedure, it is more correct to abandon it, giving preference to tinting shampoos, tonics, natural coloring broths for the period of gestation.
It also guarantees hair supplementary nutrition. And it means that you will still look attractive, even without the help of staining.
Many people are afraid of signs about whether highlighting can be done during pregnancy. They arose relatively recently. In those days when legends were made up, there were no chemical-based paints. Herbal remedies like henna or basma do not cause much damage, or rather, on the contrary, can be useful for curls. The ancestors did not forbid expectant mothers to paint them with grass-based paints, so pregnant women do not know any signs about hair dyeing.
Therefore, the question of why it is impossible to dye hair during pregnancy is not difficult to answer - paints and brighteners have their own contraindications. Ammonia-containing brighteners are not something that a pregnant lady needs to have contact with.
However, beauty salon workers can recommend ammonia-free paints, highlighting on foil. In this case, the harmful composition does not come into contact with the skin. There are other safe options. The same applies to other procedures in which hair gets a harmful effect.
The restriction for visiting the hairdresser is intoxication. One cannot foresee a girl’s reaction to smells. During pregnancy, an allergic interaction is likely to occur, even if it did not exist previously. In addition, a change in the hormonal background can give an unexpected result. And the expectant mother is likely to get the wrong tone that she expected.
It is also important to know about how, according to reviews, highlighting during pregnancy (is it possible to do, we have already found out). Reviews indicate that the girls who performed this procedure did not see any reflection on their babies. But this is everyone’s choice.