You probably don’t need to say that every person who has visited a disco, night club or concert show at least once knows what color music makes a unique impression. The constant change of lighting and colors only enhances the already crazy effect of euphoria from a thundering sound. But few people thought that color music on a computer monitor is also possible.
What is color music?
Without going into the technical details of the electrical circuits of the color music installations and the LED or searchlight components that are installed in them, we will dwell on the main thing.
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, - . Windows, , «» Windows Media Player. , , .
, , WinAmp, AIMP, AVS Media Player . , , «» , .
, WinAmp AIMP , , , AVS. ( ) . , . , .
. , (). , WinAmp , . , .
Prometeus LPT, .
. - , . , LedSwitcher, WinAmp. , (Num Lock, Scroll Lock Caps Lock). , PCI-. .
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Adobe After Effects. , , , .
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