How to create a command line file on Linux

It is useful for each user to know how to use the Terminal application (command line) in Linux to create a file. Upon completion of this process, you can use one of the built-in text editors of the OS to make changes to the new file.

linux create file

Where to begin?

To create a file on Linux, first open a command prompt. To do this, press “Menu”, then find the “Terminal” application, whose icon resembles a black square with a white symbol on it. Click on it. As a rule, it is located in the panel to the left of the menu window. You can also click the search button at the top of this window, and then enter the “Terminal” query to search for it.

ls , Enter. , . Linux , .

, . , ls (, « »), , .

, Linux, cd. . , . , cd Desktop, Desktop.

create file in linux command

, / , . , Misc «» cd Documents/Misc.

Enter. , , .

Linux ?

cat> filename.txt . « » (, «»). , kitty cat> kitty.txt.

Enter. . .

create text file in linux

, . Linux, , .

, . , Enter. , , .

Ctrl + Z. . .

create batch file in linux

ls -l filename.txt . . , .

, textfile, ls -l textfile.txt. L, i, . . , , . , Linux .

Linux Vim Emacs . , , , .

Vim vi Unix. Stevie Amiga 1991 . Vim , . , .

, Amiga, Vim - , . Linux.

create empty file in linux

vi, Vim , , . , gVim, , .

Emacs - , . , GNU Emacs, , , .

Emacs 1970- , GNU .

Emacs 10 000 , . , Lisp, , . , , RSS-.

create file in linux directory

Emacs vi Unix- . , .


vi filename.txt . vi Vim . filename , .

, tamins vi tamins.txt. , . – Linux .

Enter. Vim. ~ , .

i . «», . INSERT ( ), I.

. , . , Enter.

Esc. . Vim Command. , .

w Enter. , . q . Vim . .

, ls ↵ Enter. . wq . , Linux.

create link to linux file

. , vi filename.txt, . , , , .


Linux , Emacs. emacs filename.txt . filename . Enter. , Emacs.

, newfile emacs newfile.txt. , .


Emacs. , , , . : -.

: C- <letter>. , Control, Ctrl (, Ctrl A).

Meta ( Escape) : M- <letter> ESC <letter>. «M» Alt Esc ( ).

, C-a b ( M-a b), , Ctrl ( Alt, Esc) (, (, b)).

. , . , .

Ctrl + X, S. .

Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C. Emacs Terminal. . Linux, .

. emacs filename.txt . , Emacs, .

Vim, , Linux, Emacs - , . , , .

Emacs, Ctrl + H, T. «» , .

If you do not save the document before closing it, a warning about this may not appear, especially in the Vim editor. Therefore, always save the document before closing it.

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