"Cestal" for dogs: description, indications, instructions for use, reviews

What are the worms in the dog’s body dangerous? They undermine the well-being of the animal, slowly destroying its body from the inside. Helminths are especially dangerous for puppies.

If the pet is infected with worms, it will be noticeable. How to deal with parasites? Try giving Cestal tablets for dogs. What kind of medicine is this, and how to give it to your pet, we will tell below.

"Cestal" for dogs

The main signs of the appearance of helminths in the body of an animal

How to find out that a pet suffers from worms? The signs are as follows:

  • puppies have bloated tummies;

  • there are attacks of nausea, vomiting opens;

  • adult dogs have strange taste preferences. They begin to eat inedible;

  • a constant feeling of hunger torments the pet;

  • the dog becomes lethargic and lethargic;

  • diarrhea gives way to constipation (and vice versa).

Sometimes in the feces you can see long, pale "threads". It comes out worms. If a dog shows all of the above symptoms, it's time to give her a Cestal for dogs.

English bulldog

The main thing about the drug

"Cestal" - tablets for helminths. The drug is produced in France. It fights with tape and round parasites that settle in the body of the animal. In other words, it is an anthelmintic drug that allows you to not only get rid of the “sharing” inside the dog, but also to prevent them from reproducing in its body.

What do the pills look like?

"Cestal" for dogs is a round yellow-gray tablet. In the middle of each tablet is a strip for the convenience of its division.

Sold in packaging of 10 pieces. It can be purchased individually.

With a taste of liver

Composition and action

At the heart of Cestal tablets for dogs are three main substances. These are praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate and fenbendazole. The names are obscure and a little scary. They don’t carry anything wrong.

The first component is actively fighting tapeworms. The death of the cestode occurs as a result of paralysis. For worms, praziquantel is deadly. For warm-blooded animals it is absolutely harmless. It leaves the body of the dog during the day.

The second component is responsible for the destruction of tapeworms (nematodes). There is a violation of the nerve impulses. Worm dies as a result of paralysis. Pyrantel pamoate is excreted from the body using feces.

And finally, the last component. Fenbendazole destroys nematodes, although it does not lead friendship with cestodes. In tapeworms, there is a violation of energy metabolism. The parasite dies instantly.

The drug is practically not absorbed into the blood and leaves the body for a very long time.

Instruction for action

Before giving the animal medicine, read the instructions, be sure to consult a veterinarian. The information given in the article is for informational purposes only.

The instruction for Cestal for dogs reads:

  • We focus on the weight of the animal. Overdosing can be dangerous for the health of the dog.

  • If you have a puppy, then a quarter of one tablet is enough for him. The same rule applies to dogs weighing less than 2 kilograms.

Little puppy

  • Little pets, whose weight ranges from 2 to 5 kilograms, are given half the pill.

  • Does your dog reach 10 kilograms? Give her 1 tablet.

  • For every ten kilograms, one tablet is added. But no more than 5 pieces in total.

  • A pet, whose weight reaches 20 kilograms, needs two tablets.

  • If the dog weighs 30 kilograms, she is given three tablets.

  • Four tablets are put on 40 kilograms of live weight.

  • Dogs whose weight is 50 kilograms or more receive five tablets.

Side effects

If you give "Cestal" for dogs according to the instructions, feedback about side effects will not arise. But it is worth exceeding the dosage, and the pet will experience lethargy. Vomiting occurs, diarrhea may begin. The dog will refuse to eat, her eyes will become cloudy. What to do in such cases? Urgently go to the veterinarian.

How to give medicine?

In order not to provoke side effects, there are several ways to give Cestal to the dog:

  • The required number of tablets is added to the minced meat or sausage. We feed the pet.

  • The dog is spitting out the medicine, demonstrating with all appearance that she will not eat it? Therefore, we are acting in a forced manner. We squeeze a large dog between the knees, open its mouth and put medicine on the root of the tongue. Close the mouth, and hold in the palms, so that the pet could not open the mouth. Did the dog swallow the pills? Praise and let her go.

  • If for some reason the second method cannot be applied, dissolve the tablets in boiled water. Water should be at room temperature. We collect the solution into the syringe, pour it into the jaws of the dog. This is most conveniently done by holding the syringe closer to the cheek. Just consider that it should be without a needle.

Tablets are given once. This is done in the morning before eating. As a prophylaxis, it is advisable to "anthelmintic" the dog once a quarter.

Chewable tablets


Cestal for dogs satisfies the requirements of the owners: the drug copes with its work. The only drawback is that it is not convenient to give the remedy (large dogs, at least, who do not want to swallow tablets).

Veterinarians note not only the fight against helminths, but also the prevention of their appearance. The safety of the medicine is at a good level (if you do not overdo it with the dosage). Side effects practically do not occur.

Storage conditions

What you need to know about this? Everything is standard:

  • The shelf life of the tablets is 2 years.

  • Store them in a dark place.

  • The drug should not reach children and animals.

  • Keeping the medicine near food and animal feed is unacceptable.

Contraindications and Precautions

Although Cestal is considered completely safe for dogs, toxic substances are present. Therefore, measures must be taken when using it.

Gave pills to a dog? Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Dry with a paper towel and dispose of it.

The skin turned red, my eyes pinched, did my nose run out? An allergic reaction to the drug probably occurred. Go to a doctor immediately or call a doctor at home.

What are the contraindications?

  • Puppies under three weeks of age should not be given.

  • Does the dog have an infectious disease? Get the dog to recover completely, and then treat him for worms.

  • When recovering from surgery or illness, dogs are contraindicated in any medication other than those prescribed by the veterinarian.

  • Cestal is not used with other medicines. Perhaps the manifestation of allergies and other not the most pleasant consequences.

  • The drug can be given to pregnant bitches (but only in the first half of pregnancy and on the recommendation of a specialist).

Dog lab

Price category

Depending on the region, the price of the Cestal package ranges from 700 to 1000 rubles. For one tablet you will have to pay 70-100 rubles.


We considered a good anthelmintic drug for dogs - Cestal. To some, it may seem a little expensive, but the medicine is enough for at least six months. Reviews about "Cestal" for dogs are very good both from the owners and veterinarians.

With the right dosage, you can forever forget what worms in a dog are.

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