Can I give a dog cat food: veterinarian's advice

Some owners do not understand why you can not feed your dog cat food. Indeed, visually such food is no different. But actually there is a difference. And it is significant. Let’s consider whether it is possible to give a cat cat food?

Is it possible to give a cat food to a dog?

What is the reason why dogs love cat food?

When a cat and a dog live in the house together, the owner begins to notice that the dog pays more attention to food in the cat's bowl. She is trying to secretly eat the contents of the cup or directly take away food. What is the matter? Why is this happening?

Dogs, and especially their small representatives (puppies), eat very hastily, as they try to catch everything and go everywhere, unlike cats who like to take their time. At the same time, the dog nature is arranged in such a way that it seems to her that the food in the next cup is much tastier than hers.

Another reason could be greed. Strong and adult dogs that are used to being leaders in everything are prone to such manifestations. Puppies that their own mother deprived of food when they lived with her are prone to this.

Watching the situation, the owners are thinking about whether it is possible to feed the cats with cat food. After all, this will save the family budget, since such food is cheaper. However, the low cost is due to the fact that a large number of substances that enhance its taste are added to this food, so cats are deprived. But for dogs produce more expensive and natural products.

Is it possible to give a cat soft cat food

What is harmful cheap cat food?

Sometimes a dog can steal food from a cat for the reason that its food is richer in protein. This is taken into account by manufacturers of expensive cat products. After all, animals really need this substance.

Cheap dog food is inferior to good cat food. Therefore, animals can feel it and, accordingly, reach out to it.

But what happens to dogs if they constantly eat an inexpensive product? Why is cat food bad for a dog?

The strong aromatic smell of economical varieties attracts animals, which subsequently, like cats, become attached to it and begin to refuse other habitual food.

Is it possible to feed cats with dogs?

What types of dog food are there?

The question is whether it is possible to feed a dog food for cats, which arose as a result of the attachment of a dog to him, will disappear if you try to understand the proper dog food. At the same time, it is worth choosing the best diet for your pet.

There are 4 types of dog food:

  1. Dry food. The best option for all homeowners. It is not expensive, it is well stored, has a neutral smell, has brown tones and contains a minimal amount of water.
  2. Semi-moist food. Every dog ​​loves such a treat. It resembles meat sauce. Pack it in sachets or cans. It costs a little more than dry food. Average dog owners can afford it.
  3. Pate or wet food. They are expensive, and not every citizen can afford them. I release them for puppies or elderly dogs who already have problems with their teeth.
  4. A variety of goodies for dogs. They are also expensive, but are not intended for constant eating. They are used as a treat or reward.

Dog Food Classes

Products are divided into classes depending on quality and cost. Dog food is divided into:

  1. Economy class. This product is most often advertised, but it is not so safe for animals. In the composition, you can see corn and bean ingredients, a large number of plant components, animal proteins. The granules are painted in a variety of vibrant colors. In addition, the product contains salt.
  2. Premium class. These are the so-called running varieties of dog food. They are all fortified and suitable for the healthy feeding of healthy pets.
  3. Holistic class. This is the best food. This variety does not contain salt, but has a small amount of preservatives. The feed has a natural basis.
  4. Therapeutic feed. They are used only with the permission of the veterinarian.
  5. Special foods for pregnant or weakened dogs.

Is it possible to feed a dog with cat food

How is feed distinguished by canine age?

There are also feeds:

  1. Food for puppies from 2 weeks to 2 months.
  2. For dogs and puppies from 2 months to 10 months.
  3. For dogs from a year to 8 years.
  4. And for dogs that are older than 6 years.

There are special food for dogs from 6 to 7 years. When choosing it is worth considering some nuances. Do not feed an adult dog with puppy food. Before choosing a product, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

In addition, on each food package you can find information on the required feeding doses for each specific pet mass, and special diet formulations are developed for dogs prone to fullness.

Is cat food harmful to the dog and why?

What will happen to the dog if it is constantly fed cat food? Despite the fact that these representatives of the animal world are predators, their life is formed in different ways.

They have different blood composition, as well as different amounts of protein and glucose. Cats love to eat several times a day, but little by little, and dogs can eat both 2 and 1 times a day and at the same time they will not feel much discomfort.

The unusual thing is that large dogs can spend a lot of time without food, as they lie a lot and are lazy, thereby saving energy. While a small individual requires a larger meal.

When asking yourself whether it is possible to give a dog cat food, remember that cats need taurine. Dogs do not need him. Their body synthesizes it on their own. Therefore, a large intake of such a substance from cat food can lead to heart failure in a dog.

At the same time, taurine, which is part of the feed, suggests the presence of a large amount of protein in it in complex with amino acids.

Is cat food harmful to the dog and why

What diseases can cause cat food in dogs?

Is it possible to give a dog cat food, veterinarians are well aware. After reading their reviews or talking in person, you will definitely answer this question.

For cats, protein is very important. It is he who helps them maintain the normal acidity of the digestive tract. While for dogs, on the contrary, it increases this acidity. Therefore, dogs that regularly eat food intended for cats suffer from heartburn, acquire stomach ulcers and gastritis.

In addition, after frequent use of such a product, animals can get sick:

  • seborrhea;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • otitis media.

Renal failure occurs in dogs that consume economy-class cat foods for a long time, and small and sterilized dogs suffer from urolithiasis. Also, the animal can be tormented by constipation and indigestion. Due to the lack of feline vitamin E in the cat’s diet, the immune system will be weakened.

Decorative small dogs may be suffocated, allergic shock. Often this leads to death.

Is it possible to give a dog soft cat food? No, as it also contains a lot of protein in its composition. It is simply necessary for cats.

why cat food is bad for a dog

How to wean a dog to eat cat food?

Despite the fact that your dog loves this delicacy, you need to wean him from it. What should be done?

No matter how you love your dog, remember that not a single pet has said goodbye to this world at a bowl full of food. If you offer her other food, then all the same, soon she will start to try it. But you need to remember a few rules when transferring a pet to another meal:

  1. The dog must not be allowed to overeat.
  2. Feed your cat and dog separately from each other.
  3. Never give cat food.
  4. Do not neglect treats.
  5. Do not give cold and tasteless food.
  6. If this is dog food, then it should not be of good quality.
  7. Exercise more with the dog, so she gets hungry and will eat what is offered.
  8. Be sure to visit the veterinarian and find out all about the health of your dog.

You can wean it from cat food gradually, that is, mix it with other food, but reduce the dosage every day.

If your pet is dear to you, then ask yourself, is it possible to give a cat food to a dog? Think that she is also a living creature and is not immune from all kinds of diseases.

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