Thrush in the tongue of a newborn: causes, symptoms, how to treat

Thrush in the tongue of a newborn is a common occurrence for infancy. It manifests itself in the form of a white coating and causes discomfort. If parents notice the symptoms of the disease at an early stage, then combating them does not take much time. The article will discuss the causes of thrush, its symptoms and proper treatment.

What causes the pathology

Thrush in the tongue of a newborn in medicine is called candidal stomatitis. Its cause is Candida mushrooms. They are able to get along with normal intestinal microflora and colonize the digestive tract in the first months after the birth of the baby.

Once in the baby’s body, candida attaches to the oral mucosa and tongue, growing in their thickness and creating colonies. About 80% of people in the world are affected by pathology, for some it is asymptomatic.

With a decrease in immunity, fungi behave aggressively. In this case, medication is prescribed. To prevent disease in newborns, parents should exclude all factors that cause the activity of Candida fungus.

To distinguish fungal lesions in the tongue from food debris is very simple. Traces of milk disappear over time, and the spots from the infection only grow. They are located on the mucous membrane of the tongue, gums, giving the baby an unpleasant sensation.

What does thrush look like on the tongue in newborns

The clinical picture of thrush in the tongue of a newborn is as follows:

  • white coating that is difficult to remove with your fingers;
  • it has a sour smell;
  • there is no high temperature, usually it is 37.5.

In addition to the above symptoms, babies usually experience significant changes in behavior. If mom, finding unpleasant manifestations, immediately looks for a way to remove the yeast infection from the tongue of a newborn, then this is correct. The infection does not go away on its own, over time it will only progress. This makes the baby uncomfortable. If such symptoms occur, parents need to show the newborn to the pediatrician.

Causes of thrush

In newborns, the protective functions of the gastrointestinal mucosa are reduced. In this regard, harmful microorganisms affect the baby. Mom’s diet, which consists of sweets and preservatives, can contribute to this. The substances contained in them, together with breast milk irritate the delicate mucous membrane of the baby’s stomach and create a favorable environment for the colonization of the fungus.

Best of all, when a woman’s diet is full of wholesome foods. Then breast milk protects the body of the newborn. It contains antimicrobial components and antibodies, which forms the normal microflora of the stomach and intestines and prevents candida activity during their colonization.

The causes of thrush in newborns in the language also include:

  1. The early start of artificial feeding. Sugar is a breeding ground for Candida mushrooms. It is added to all milk mixtures, which becomes the cause of thrush in the tongue at the age of one month.
  2. Diseases of the baby. A fungal infection in the tongue usually occurs against a background of reduced immunity, which is associated with the influence of pathology. If the baby has symptoms of SARS or allergies, then the risk of thrush increases.
  3. Constant regurgitation. In this case, all conditions are created in the mouth for the propagation of pathogenic microflora and Candida fungus.
  4. Violation of the baby's hygiene. In the case of licking dirty soothers, teethers and toys that carry the active components of thrush, a large amount of pathogenic microflora is provoked into the body. If the baby’s immune system does not cope, then infection develops.
  5. Medicines Antibiotics taken with newborns or obtained with breast milk lead not only to dysbiosis and stool disturbance, but also contribute to the development of thrush.

The mucous membrane of the baby’s mouth is too thin and does not have all the necessary enzymes. Therefore, Candida mushrooms freely attach to the tongue. The likelihood of thrush increases if the baby is born prematurely.

The mother herself can infect the baby with thrush during childbirth. If a woman has vaginal candidiasis, then the disease can develop in a child.

How to treat the tongue of a newborn from thrush? The treatment of the disease will be discussed in the article below. In the meantime, it is necessary to understand the main signs of pathology.

How to treat thrush in a newborn in the tongue

Symptoms of thrush

The disease has characteristic signs. The initial stage of thrush in the tongue of a newborn begins with the formation of small pink spots. A white curd coating appears on it.

How to clean the tongue of a newborn from thrush? Usually used local funds, which should appoint a pediatrician. At the initial stage, the infection does not bother the baby at all. His behavior does not indicate any problems. If treatment is not started in time, the fungal infection will spread very quickly.

With an average stage of thrush in a child, the following is observed:

  • lack of appetite;
  • moodiness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • refusal of games.

It would be good for every expectant mother to know how the thrush looks in the tongue of newborns in order to take the necessary measures for her treatment in the future. White plaques on it increase in size. Thrush on the tongue goes to the area of ​​the cheeks and lips. There are also wounds in the corners. Small foci of the fungus merge together. Therefore, white islands appear in the oral cavity.

In this case, swelling of the mucous membrane increases. This is able to negatively affect the health of the baby.

How to clean the tongue of a newborn from thrush? Removing plaque at this stage is problematic. The plaques are coarsened, which causes the baby pain. So the thrush tightly joins the mucous membrane. Experts do not recommend removing such a plaque.

If the parents do not fulfill their duties and do not monitor the hygiene of the newborn, then the thrush in the tongue goes into stage 3.

At this stage, the following symptoms are observed:

  • enlarged tonsils;
  • white coating on the throat and larynx;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • connection of all foci into one dense film.

Such manifestations of the disease lead to loss of appetite, to a lack of desire to suck a breast or a bottle. The child is constantly crying and is in a depressed state. The severe form of the disease is accompanied by fever and weakness. With this course of thrush, treatment should be carried out in a hospital.

Drug treatment

How to clean the tongue of a newborn from thrush

The first step in the treatment of the disease is the elimination of the causes that cause the development of infection. The diet of a nursing mother is fully adjusted. More cereals, boiled vegetables and dairy products are introduced into it. Sweets, marinades, smoked meats, canned food and possible allergens (citrus fruits, red berries and vegetables) are removed from the diet.

In order to avoid infection, the mother should treat the nipples with baby soap before each feeding. Do not use greenback.

How to treat thrush in a newborn in the tongue? Therapy of the disease is carried out using local or systemic antifungal drugs. It can be combined with the prevention or treatment of concomitant diseases that contribute to candida activity. These include regurgitation and violation of the intestinal microflora.

To help cure the disease:

  1. Medicines and ointments of local importance ("Candide", "Pimafucin"). Treatment of affected areas is carried out 4 times a day. To do this, use cotton swabs or carry out the treatment with a finger wrapped in gauze. You do not need to remove all white plaque, because under the influence of the drug, the candida colonies die on their own. An improvement in the baby's condition can be noticed after 3 days. On day 6, the symptoms stop, and the child recovers.
  2. Antifungal drugs and ointments, they are prescribed by a specialist. They are connected to treatment if no improvement is observed. They are most often taken orally in the form of a suspension or injections are given.
  3. Antipyretic and analgesic drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. These include Efferalgan, Panadol. Before offering a breast or a bottle, lubricate the affected area with an anesthetic gel with lidocaine.

Juices are excluded from the baby’s diet. Fruit acids in drinks irritate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and cause pain.

calendula decoction

Alternative methods of therapy

You can get rid of the symptoms of the disease using alternative methods. However, all appointments should be made by a pediatrician. A specialist will examine the newborn and advise on effective methods for treatment. If we talk about how to treat thrush in a newborn in the tongue, then the following methods are considered the best.

For the treatment of fungal infection, apply:

  • Honey solution. It is prescribed in the absence of allergies in the newborn. To prepare the solution, honey and water are heated in a water bath. The mixture wipes the baby's mouth and candida plaques. Honey is an excellent antiseptic that cures inflammation and softens.
  • Infusion of flowers of calendula and sage. The mixture (1 teaspoon) is poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist 50-60 minutes. Each time a new solution is brewed and the infant's oral cavity is treated with it.
  • How to wipe the tongue of a newborn from thrush? A solution of baking soda. It is prepared from a glass of water and 1 teaspoon of the product. Using a gauze swab, wipe the mouth of the newborn every 3 hours. You can dip the dummy in the solution and give it to the baby. Soda neutralizes the acidic environment, prevents the spread and activity of candida.

In order for the child not to cause discomfort, the mother needs to press the chin with her thumb - and the mouth will open.

soda solution

Treatment in 3 ways is very effective. It all depends on the availability of a particular product and allergies to them.

If thrush has just begun, then parents should take the following actions:

  1. After feeding, lubricate the nipple in a solution of baking soda or honey and give to the baby.
  2. Before feeding mom, you can moisten the nipple in a solution of soda or honey. Give the child if he does not know what a dummy is.

For effective treatment, parents must process all the items that the child uses. These are nipples, bottles, toys and more. To do this, they are placed in boiling water.

Opinion of a famous pediatrician

Dr. Komarovsky has his own opinion on the treatment of thrush. If we proceed from it, then in addition to internal and external factors, the onset of the disease provokes saliva. It contains a large number of beneficial bacteria that prevent the activity of the fungus. If their indicator falls, protection also decreases. Saliva stops fighting microbes, so pathogenic microflora develops in full force.

How to clean the tongue of a newborn from thrush

Here, you need not only to understand how to treat thrush in the tongue of a newborn. To prevent the development of pathology, Komarovsky recommends constantly wet cleaning, maintain the air temperature in the baby’s room at a level of 20-22 degrees, and also clean the nose of the baby. The doctor does not advise parents to wrap the baby so that he does not sweat excessively. It is this environment that fungi love. If the mother will comply with these recommendations, then you will not have to resort to drug therapy.

Can thrush return after treatment

Thrush in the tongue of a newborn can return at any time. Mom needs to constantly monitor the health status of the baby and all family members. You need to thoroughly wash pacifiers and bottles, toys and change diapers more often. Mom before applying the baby to the breast should treat the nipples with a weak solution of baking soda.

What medicines can not be used

Some time ago, mothers used zelenka to treat thrush, a solution of borax in glycerin. Pediatricians are negatively opposed to such drugs. Borax medicine in glycerin is harmful to a fragile organism, and a solution of brilliant green overdries the baby’s delicate mucous membranes.

It is unacceptable to use such a medicine as "Fluconazole" to treat thrush. A specialist can replace this drug with a drug with a minimum of side effects.

Disease complications

Thrush should not be considered as a mild pathology. The fungi themselves are harmless, but against the background of a decrease in immunity in the baby, they begin to multiply. If the treatment of thrush in newborns in the tongue is not carried out, then the following complications arise:

  • damage to internal organs;
  • inflammatory process of the larynx and oral cavity;
  • diaper dermatitis, if the infection spreads to the genitals;
  • the occurrence of synechia in girls;
  • dehydration and weight loss when refusing food;
  • death in premature babies.

If suspected of candidiasis, the child is shown to a specialist. Not to notice it is quite difficult. And the later the treatment begins, the longer it will be for mom and newborn. To prevent thrush from returning, you need to observe precautions.

Preventative measures

In order not to have to think about how to remove the yeast infection from the tongue of a newborn, it is better to follow the preventive recommendations. Careful adherence to hygiene rules, mandatory sterilization of bottles and nipples will help prevent the occurrence of pathology. After feeding, the baby should be given a few tablespoons of boiled water. She will be able to remove food debris, which prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora. Other preventive measures include:

  1. Strengthening immunity. This includes massage, outdoor walks and hardening.
  2. Prevention and therapy of diseases that cause candida activity
  3. Limiting contacts with potential carriers of the disease.
  4. Rational and balanced nutrition, proper introduction of complementary foods.
  5. Strict diet of a nursing mother. Sweets, marinade and canned foods are excluded from the diet.
  6. Hygiene of the mother. It includes a daily shower, changing pads for the breast, every 4 hours, treating the nipples with a solution of baking soda.
  7. The clothes of mother and baby should consist of natural fabrics.
How to wipe the tongue of a newborn from thrush

Particularly important is the prevention of thrush in infants who constantly spit up. Food from the stomach enters the oral cavity, where the necessary conditions for the development of the fungus are created. The baby needs to be properly applied to the chest, and after feeding it is to be vilified with a column.

Thrush is a disease that can be quickly cured if mom follows all the recommendations of a specialist. Be sure to use preventive measures and hygiene.

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