Perhaps someone will find that the appearance of these animals clearly does not reach the standard of dog beauty, but hardly anyone will argue that the Vendée Basset Griffon has a very original and memorable one. Beginners in dog breeding find in it resemblance to an ordinary mongrel. Many people love this breed for its lively mind and kindness, courage and unlimited devotion to the owner.
The Vendee Basset Griffon was bred in the 16th century in France, in the Vendée region for hunting: in size, these animals belong to small hounds. They perfectly proved themselves in hunting on any terrain and, what is equally important, under any weather conditions.
Today, this breed is common in Europe, and in the United States, dogs are almost unknown.
Vendee Basset Griffon: Description
The breed can be divided into two varieties: large and small. The large Vendee basset-griffon differs from its smaller counterpart not only in size, but also in part of the pedigree features, for example, with longer ears.
Dogs can work independently or in a svire. Animals have a lively, but balanced disposition. The large basset is noticeably larger, more massive and has a longer body. The head is larger, the tail and hair are longer than those of small bassets.
According to the standard, the growth of the small Vendee basset-griffon should not exceed 38 cm (males) and 35 cm (females). In a large basset, these sizes are 44 cm (males) and 40 cm (females). One centimeter deviation from the norm is allowed. Small bassets weigh about 17 kg (males) and 15 kg (females), large respectively 20 and 17 kg.
The head is elongated, elegant, with a developed occipital tubercle, clearly defined. The superciliary arches stand out a little, the frontal groove and cheekbones are smoothed.
The shape of the muzzle is close to square. The nose is dilated, straight or has a smooth bend. Scissor bite. Forward teeth should not protrude. Black lips are dry. The teeth are white and powerful. The nose is voluminous, well developed with open nostrils. In profile, he is a speaker. The nose is dark brown.
The eyes are larger than average, rounded, set not deep and not close. The cornea, according to the standard, should be pigmented in the darkest colors. Its color should be in harmony with the main color of the coat of the animal. Eyelids are dry, tight-fitting, painted black. The look is friendly and smart. Long and thick eyebrows are located above the eyes.
Ears are set below the line of the eyes. They are medium in size, hanging down, in small bassets they should not be longer than the nose. The cartilage is elastic, thin, the tips are rounded. The ears are covered with hard and long hair. Inside, they are also covered with wool.
The body is stretched, muscular. The back is straight. The chest is wide and deep with rounded ribs. The loin is quite voluminous and strong. The tail is high set, saber, medium length. It is thickened at the base, and tapers toward the tip. In the active state, the Vendean basset-griffin fun wags them and raises them to the level of the back. The tail is covered with long hair with a thick undercoat.
The forelegs are muscular, even, located strictly parallel. The standard does not allow the slightest distortion. Legs in the form of a lyre are considered a disqualifying factor. Elongated shoulder blades set obliquely, powerful shoulders.
The hind limbs are set quite wide, powerful, smooth and strong. The hips are rounded, muscular. The hocks are well developed. Paws rounded and voluminous, with fingers well adjoining to each other. Pads are dense and springy, claws are strong.
Wool and color
On the wool of the Vendée Basset Griffon it is necessary to draw your attention, since this is a characteristic feature of the breed. Coat - hard, reminiscent of horse hair to the touch, and it is so even on the head. Thick undercoat allows the animal to feel quite comfortable even in humid and cold climates.
The dog has a long mustache and eyebrows that are directed forward, but they should not close their eyes. The standard allows for many colors - spotted (different colors), deer (reddish and paler), with tan and others. In all of them, white should be dominant. Only plain white and black coat colors are prohibited.
The large and small Vendean basset-griffon, photos of which we posted in this article, are endowed with a good and soft character. Puppies are extremely affectionate, even adult animals rarely display unjustified aggression. In kennels, males are kept in common enclosures, and there are almost never fights between them.
When kept in an apartment, these are gentle and obedient companions, and on the hunt these small dogs turn into seasoned dogs. According to owners, these are extremely smart animals with an expressive look. They are funny and lively. But it is precisely this quality that requires the owner to be as strict as possible, because despite their small size, dogs are endowed with a strong character. It is necessary to educate the puppy from the first days of its appearance in your house. By two and a half months, puppies are completely independent and may in some situations be stubborn.
This is the time when the owner must make it clear to his beloved who is the boss in the house, what can be done and what is better to refuse.
After reading the description of the character, it may seem to some that the Vendean basset-griffon, whose photo is often published by various publications on dog breeding, is a couch potato. We assure you - this is a mistake. Serious mental and physical stress is vital for these animals. Bassets are very fond of the game and the solution of interesting tasks assigned to them by the owner. They quickly get tired of the routine, but when they get bored, they become destructive, and we emphasize that they are smart and destructive. Not getting the proper load, they quickly gain weight, which inevitably leads to health problems.
Before acquiring a basset griffon puppy, weigh the pros and cons, especially paying attention to whether you can devote a lot of time to games and walks with such a pet?
Breed feature
There is one feature of this breed that can make it impossible to keep such a dog in a city apartment. Very much basset-griffons are “talkative”. Hounds by tradition should give a voice when entering the trail. But among them there are individuals who bark for no apparent reason. Their loud voice is even marked in the AKC standard. Even with a heavy load and competent professional training, these dogs are louder than representatives of most breeds. This must be taken into account if you live in an apartment building.
Maintenance and care
The long and stiff hair of a basset griffon needs careful care: regular combing, periodic grooming and trimming. At least several times a year, you need to contact a professional groomer. The weak point of this breed is the ears, however, like all dogs with hanging ears: dirt accumulates in them, infections can develop. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor their cleanliness, regularly check whether redness or an unpleasant odor has appeared.