Many want to acquire a female dog, but one of the main questions stops them: at what age does estrus begin in dogs, how long does it last? They are also particularly interested in how to act in this situation. Now we will consider this topic in detail.
The first estrus. When?
At what age does estrus begin in dogs? Some have from six months to the ninth month of life. In others, the first estrus occurs in the period from 10 to 12 months. There are dogs in which this happens already in a year and a half.
At this time, special attention should be paid to avoid accidental mating: you need to try to constantly control the animal.
So at what age do dogs begin to estrus and how much does it go? It is impossible to answer this question precisely, since each dog has its own organism. The first may last a short period of time. In some cases, it can manifest itself very weakly and be expressed by a small amount of blood discharge, which will not attract dogs so much.
The first estrus can be considered fake, and it ends very quickly, but this is not a reason to relax, since renewal can occur again after a short time. Then the female needs to be watched very much, as she begins a real hunt, which means ovulation.
Breed and estrus
At what age in dogs does the first estrus begin? It all depends on the breed of the dog and its size. First of all, this natural phenomenon occurs with representatives of small breeds and can occur as early as six months. For large species, it is characteristic that it occurs in a year. But all this is purely individual and depends on the dog’s body.
If the female is small, then you must make sure that the dog is not huge, as this can negatively affect her health.
When the owner knows his dog well, then the onset of estrus will not be so difficult to determine. During this period, the pet dramatically changes its behavior. Due to the playing hormones, she becomes more active and playful, and disobedience is the main feature.
Signs of estrus
By some signs, it is possible to determine the condition of the female in whom estrus started:
- her urination becomes more frequent;
- greater interest in her dogs is shown;
- in the corner where the dog is resting, you can notice discharge with an admixture of blood.
For about a week, you don’t have to worry much that random mating will occur. During this period, a female dog does not admit dogs to itself. But when the discharge changed color and their concentration resembles mucus, then it should be carefully watched.
Inconvenience can create bloody discharge, because the dog leaves them in different places. To get rid of this, she should purchase special panties. This will relieve not only frequent cleaning, but also unwanted mating.
Three stages of estrus
Three steps are characteristic of estrus, which can be considered the main ones:
- Proestrus.
- Estrus.
- Diestrus.
The first differs in that the discharge is very insignificant. But blood traces can be present anywhere. In this case, it is best to use underpants.
A second period should be expected approximately ten days after the initial discharge has been noticed. At this time, the pet needs to be carefully monitored, as it can let the dog in.
The third stage is characterized by the fact that even if the males show interest in the female, she already does not allow them to herself. The length of this period is ten days.
After that, the dog becomes the same - calm and obedient, until the next estrus begins. This can happen in about six months.
Estrus duration
But at what age do dogs begin to estrus and how long is it? This question is of interest to almost all female dog owners.
Mostly estrus occurs a couple of times a year. It can last from twenty to twenty-eight days, which is approximately three to four weeks.
It is also advisable for each owner to know that the frequency and duration of estrus depends on many factors - both the size of the dog and its body weight. In some breeds, this natural phenomenon occurs only once a year. And with others, the number of leaks decreases with age. In addition, it can be expressed very weakly or not at all show any signs. But, despite this, the female can attract the opposite sex and mate, which will eventually lead to pregnancy.
In most cases, estrus lasts about a month, and the other begins six months later. In this mode, it can last a long time. But at the slightest change (or the discharge changed color, or began to appear in larger numbers, or breaks between estruses changed), it is best to take the dog to the veterinarian so that there are no negative consequences.
Each owner must necessarily control the frequency of leaks. And to do this not depending on whether the binding occurred or not. Then it is much easier to notice any changes in the body of the pet.
It so happens that estrus is completely absent. Then, without delaying for a long time, you should consult a specialist.
Do not use drugs!
During estrus, many owners, in order to avoid the pregnancy of their pet, resort to special pills and drugs. But this is undesirable. In most cases, such precautions lead to a hormonal malfunction in the dog’s body or, even worse, to cancer.
Labrador chick
It is worth noting that estrus for each breed passes individually. Therefore, it is difficult to unequivocally answer at what age in dogs the first estrus begins. At the Labrador, it can begin both in six months and at almost two years of age. At this time, the females are very active and irritable. For the continuation of the genus, the most suitable are the ninth, eleventh and thirteenth days after the first discharge was noticed.
The female Labrador will require special attention and care during this period. It’s best to follow a few simple recommendations:
- In the second half of estrus, the dog is able to secrete special pheromones, which can attract a male from a long distance. At this time, it is advisable to refrain from walking and keep the pet at home.
- You can not let her go unaccompanied, as the males smell and try to always be nearby.
- If you plan to knit a female during the first estrus, then it is better to abandon this, since her organs have not yet fully formed, and pregnancy and childbirth can adversely affect her health. You should wait until the second or third estrus.
- To prevent any unpleasant “surprises” with the dog and its offspring, it is advisable to find out what kind of health her mother had, how the pregnancy went, if puppies with defects were born.
- Pregnancy after the first estrus can cause great stress in the dog. Because of this, if further reproduction is planned, it is necessary to give her body a little rest, and knit for this purpose through at least one estrus. If this is not adhered to, then pregnancies alternating one after another can adversely affect the health of the female Labrador.
Knowing at what age estrus starts in dogs of this breed and what needs to be done for his pet, its owner will be able to be calm not only for her pet, but also for her future cubs.
Husky dog
At what age in dogs does the first estrus begin? Husky has this happening in half a year. But there are some peculiarities.
It is characteristic of this breed that it is the female who is responsible for successful offspring. It is necessary to ensure that she is always well-fed, but at the same time elegant and graceful.
The first estrus of a representative of this breed begins at six months, lasts about a year, including short breaks between estruses. At this time, she requires special attention. Therefore, with any, even minor, changes, you need to consult a veterinarian.
Completely female husky for pregnancy and childbirth is ready during the third estrus.
Now you know at what age estrus begins in dogs. Possessing this information, each owner will be able to calmly control this process and prevent something bad from happening to his pet.