Child's illness is stress for parents. According to statistics, children under the age of 5 can tolerate SARS up to 5-6 times a year. With a typical viral infection of the respiratory tract, the temperature rarely rises above 38.5 degrees and the disease proceeds favorably. However, not in all situations, the disease goes smoothly. If the child does not have a fever, what should parents do? Many mothers panic and do not know what to do. The article will discuss quick help, tips and tricks of pediatricians.
Why does hyperthermia occur?
When viruses or bacteria enter the child’s body, they find there the most favorable conditions for their existence. They settle on different tissues. With pharyngitis - the mucous membrane of the throat, with laryngitis - the larynx, with tracheitis - the mucous membrane of the trachea. Pathogenic microflora actively multiplies. The body begins to respond to foreign elements and triggers the immune process.
Over time, the first symptoms of the disease appear - swelling, redness at the site of attachment of the infection, as well as perspiration, runny nose, hoarseness. Viruses and bacteria secrete biologically active substances into the body, which contribute to the restructuring of the thermoregulation center - pyrogens. It is they who increase body temperature. Thus, the body fights the infection. However, at too high temperatures (39-41), this leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems.
Why does the temperature in a child not go astray? In this case, we can assume the development of a more serious disease. This will be discussed later in the article.
Do I need to lower the temperature
First of all, you need to pay attention to the well-being of the baby. If the child has a sick look, he lies and does not contact his parents, and his arms and legs are cold, then the temperature should be brought down. It is not necessary to wait until it reaches 38 degrees. This is a white “fever”, the symptoms of which signal that the child’s body cannot cope with the heat.
If the temperature does not go astray in a child, what should mothers do in such a situation? With its indicators above 38 degrees, it needs to be lowered. This is especially true for infants younger than 2 months and babies who have cramps, diseases of the nervous system, blood vessels and severe lethargy.
If the child has rosy cheeks, he is active, plays, then you should not bring down the temperature to 38.5 degrees.
How to lower the temperature in infants
To improve the condition of the baby before the arrival of the pediatrician, you must perform the following steps:
- Parents must provide fresh air to the room. To do this, ventilate the room where the patient is. Air temperature should not be more than 18-20 degrees, and humidity 45-55%.
- Parents should give more fluids. Heat can lead to dehydration of the child's body. To avoid complications, the baby needs to be given a warm drink. Breast, in addition to milk, you can give fruit drinks, tea or water.
- Parents should wipe the baby's body. This is done in conjunction with drugs, because the result will be a rapid drop in temperature. Alcohol or vinegar is not recommended.
- It should free the baby from warm clothes. Even if he is chilling, there will be enough pajamas made from natural fabrics.
- Mom needs to give her baby an antipyretic. For children up to a year, it can be: "Nurofen", "Efferalgan" or "Paracetamol".
If the temperature of the child does not stray annually, then parents need to urgently show it to the pediatrician. He will prescribe the necessary examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.
How to take antipyretic drugs
Most medicines contain fragrances and colorings that cause allergies. At the first signs of the disease, the administration of antipyretic drugs must be stopped.
When using them, the following must be considered:
- Does the child's temperature go awry? "Paracetamol", "Efferalgan" or "Nurofen" may not lower the fever if the parents calculated the dosage of the drug incorrectly. It corresponds to the weight of the baby, and not his age.
- Before taking the drug in the form of a syrup, it is warmed to room temperature in the hands.
- Do not exceed the required dose of the drug.
The same drug in different forms of release (syrup, suppositories) can be alternated, but given after 4 hours.
When the temperature does not stray well in a child, what should parents do in this situation? To prevent this from happening, Dr. Komarovsky advises you to calculate the necessary dose of an antipyretic while the baby is healthy. The amount of medicine on the package of the drug is indicated for the average baby. If the baby has more weight, then the amount of medicine needs to be increased.
How to lower the temperature in preschoolers
The actions of parents during heat in preschool children are practically no different from the manipulations that are carried out with newborns. The main difference is that they are allowed to take antipyretic tablets. The correct dose is calculated taking into account the weight of the baby.
An abundant drink in the form of fruit drinks and herbal teas will help to improve the condition. Parents should create the necessary microclimate in the room. This results from the ratio of cool air to moderate humidity.
If the child does not have a fever, what should the mom of the baby do? The heat decreases only when the causes of its appearance disappear and the necessary therapy is carried out.
What should not be done
Actions to reduce temperature may vary. This largely depends on the type of hyperthermia:
- White. This species is characterized by a hot forehead and icy limbs. In this situation, it is forbidden to undress the baby and use cool compresses.
- Red This type of hyperthermia is characterized by reddened and hot skin. Do not wrap the child and give him hot tea.
If the temperature does not stray 38.5 in a child, using the following tips is not recommended:
- Compress with vinegar. For a child with a thin skin, such procedures can be harmful. When ingested, vinegar can lead to severe intoxication, which can be removed from the baby only in a hospital. The younger the child, the more dangerous compresses with vinegar are for his health.
- Rubbing with alcohol or vodka. Similarly, the drug enters the children's body and causes severe poisoning. At the same time, alcohol, rapidly evaporating, causes a spasm of blood vessels. This leads to negative effects at high temperatures.
- Cold baths. When using the procedure, a temperature drop occurs, which contributes to the appearance of spasms of blood vessels. Outwardly, body temperature drops, and the baby burns from the inside. As a result of the application of the technique, respiratory arrest and cardiac dysfunction are possible.
Popular tea with raspberry jam will be useful if at high temperatures the child is active and drinks a lot of fluids. Otherwise, a drink that has a diuretic effect will lead to dehydration.
Popular medicines forbidden to children
If the temperature 38 does not go astray in a child, it is not recommended to use some drugs. The following medications that should not be taken by children are defined:
- Amidopyrine. The drug should not be taken by children, due to inhibition of the blood formation process and the ability to develop leukopenia.
- "Antipyrine". The product is prohibited for use, since the main active substance can lead to serious allergic reactions.
- "Analgin." The drug is highly toxic and inhibits hematopoiesis, so it is not prescribed for children.
- "Aspirin". It is prohibited for children under 12 years of age, due to the risk of liver damage.
- Nimesulide. It is not taken by babies, due to its high toxicity and the risk of severe liver damage.
When prescribing drugs that help lower the temperature, experts take into account their effect on the children's body.
Why the high temperature in a child does not stray
Such a situation in a baby can arise for the following reasons:
- When a bacterial infection occurs. Typically, high fever occurs with the following diseases: tonsillitis, pneumonia, otitis media, nephritis, and meningitis.
- Inflammatory purulent process. It occurs with an abscess or phlegmon.
- Rotavirus infection.
- Inflammation of the meninges. In addition to fever, nausea, vomiting, cramps and loss of consciousness occur.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
If the high temperature does not fall below 38 degrees for 24 or more hours, you should immediately consult a specialist.
When to call a doctor
The main reasons for calling a specialist at home to a child who has a high body temperature include:
- The baby refuses to drink, which leads to signs of dehydration.
- Vomiting and diarrhea occur.
- In addition to fever, there may be pain in the ears or throat.
- Hyperthermia lasts a day.
- The child has previously been diagnosed with anemia, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- With hyperthermia, a severe headache and discoloration of the tongue, lips or nails occur.
- In infants, a fontanel flows or it becomes convex.
- The baby cries or vice versa does not respond to stimuli.
The reason for urgent hospitalization is:
- high temperature in children up to a year, which persists even after taking an antipyretic;
- cramps
- white fever.
What to do, does the child have a fever? It is very important in this situation to monitor the condition of the baby. After all, in addition to heat, he may experience other equally dangerous symptoms. In such cases, the child must be urgently shown to a specialist.