How long does the chest begin to hurt? Breast augmentation during pregnancy

The state of pregnancy is accompanied by a number of signs that characterize the most diverse processes occurring in the body. All metabolic processes, hormonal changes, the work of organs are aimed at developing, bearing and preserving a new life. The chest is no exception. During lactation, it occupies a key position. During pregnancy, one of the signs is pain in this area. Today weโ€™ll figure out how long the chest begins to hurt, why it happens, how to care for the mammary glands.

Chest pain - a sign of pregnancy

From the moment of conception, a lot of changes occur in the womanโ€™s body that are associated with the hormonal background. At the same time, the breast, as the most sensitive place, also reacts to changes.

breast change during pregnancy

The sensations that a woman experiences tell her about an interesting situation.

  1. During pregnancy, the chest hurts and swells, a slight tingling, heaviness appears. All this can concern both one mammary gland, and both. How long does the chest begin to hurt? Similar sensations are observed already at 8 weeks of gestation. At the same time, the breast increases in size.
  2. The area of โ€‹โ€‹the nipples and areola, as a rule, begins to darken. Nipples can also increase in size. Areoles become larger, tubercles are strongly manifested on them. These tubercles secrete a special substance that protects the breast from dryness.
  3. The venous pattern can also change, it becomes more visible. The skin as a result of an increase in the bust begins to stretch, so it becomes thinner. To prepare for breastfeeding, the body organizes an increased blood flow.
  4. Stretch marks as a result of an increase in breast size appear in especially large quantities. This symptom also appears in the first weeks.

We examined not only the features of breast changes, but also how long the breast begins to hurt. Consider why this is happening.

Causes of pain

It is very important to analyze the physiological component of the issue. Therefore, we turn to the question of why the chest hurts during pregnancy.

maternity underwear

Since pregnancy, a particularly large amount of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) has been produced. Its purpose is as follows:

  1. Regression of the corpus luteum slows down and the active production of estrogen and progesterone occurs in the first weeks after conception.
  2. Active changes in the physiology of a woman appear.
  3. The reaction of the organism to the fertilized cell, as to a foreign organism, from which it is necessary to get rid, is excluded.
  4. The work of the endocrine glands is enhanced.

All this suggests that hCG creates all the conditions for a healthy pregnancy. How long does the chest begin to hurt? When hCG begins to be actively developed. Conception has occurred, the embryo is gradually developing. Estrogens and and progesterone affect the epithelial cells that make up the mammary glands, the milk ducts and blood vessels that feed the mammary glands. That is why there is an active change in the breast during pregnancy.

at what period of pregnancy does the chest begin to hurt

Nature of pain

Many women note that in the last week before menstruation, the chest begins to hurt, and its sensitivity increases. Some women compare this pain with sensations during pregnancy, while others indicate a difference in the nature of the pain. In this regard, it should be noted that everything is individual. It is impossible to say for sure at what period of pregnancy the breast begins to hurt, because there are not even two women in whom all processes in the body proceed absolutely identically. We note the features of sensations when bearing a child:

  1. Feeling of bursting - a woman literally feels how her bust is growing, sizes are gradually increasing. If there is no visible result in the first weeks, there is such a sensation in the chest.
  2. Tingling pain occurs and grows in the mammary glands; it should not be unbearable. This is a slight discomfort.
  3. In the area of โ€‹โ€‹the nipples, there is a feeling of acute pain and burning in the areola. This is normal.
breast enlargement during pregnancy

Unlike premenstrual pain

The main difference is that before menstruation, the breast ceases to hurt at the time of their onset. The hormonal background levels out and becomes stable. During pregnancy, discomfort is felt for 6 weeks, until the body is completely used to the new state and rebuilt.

  1. In addition to painful sensations, breast enlargement during pregnancy, darkening of the nipples and areola, a bright venous network are observed. That is, during pregnancy, there are a number of significant signs indicating a new condition of a woman.
  2. The nature of the pain is different from premenstrual. With careful attention to your body and sensations, this can be noticed.
Gymnastics for pregnant women

How to relieve pain

We have already noted that there is no specific answer to the question of how long a pregnancy begins to hurt the chest. The same can be said about the duration of pain. The pain can begin at the 2nd week of pregnancy, and end at the 38th. These measurements are the most maximum, often they are less than these limits. Gynecologists recommend the following methods of easing pain:

  1. Sleep, excluding the supine position. In this position, the chest is compressed even more, so it hurts more.
  2. You can do therapeutic exercises, which lasts up to 8 weeks and helps the lymph to retreat from the mammary glands. About this method, you must always consult a doctor.
  3. Change the diet. From early pregnancy, you need to limit yourself to salty, canned and fatty foods. It causes the appearance of edema. If they are not there, then the pain may decrease.
  4. Warm compresses with a decoction of chamomile or calendula will help get rid of severe pain. You need to take cheesecloth, put it in 6 layers and lower it into a warm broth. Gently squeeze the fabric and put it on the chest.
  5. At least 2 times a day, you need to take a contrast shower, directing jets of water to the mammary glands. Do not use soap in such a delicate place. Wipe up after a shower with a wet squeezed towel.

Maternity Lingerie

sore and swollen breast pregnancy

An excellent modern way to overcome pain and changes is special underwear. That it gave effect, it needs to be picked up correctly. Firstly, maternity underwear should match the new breast size. If the laundry is tight, this will create additional discomfort. Secondly, it is necessary to choose such linen in which there are no stones, and wide straps. Thirdly, it is desirable that the cups be made of stretch fabric. And the inner layer should be made of cotton.

Already in the early stages you can buy a bra with fasteners in front. This underwear item when breastfeeding will perfectly help, because it is very convenient and quick to unfasten such a bra. If a woman has colostrum during pregnancy (about 38 weeks), you need to buy inserts that absorb moisture. They will be useful even after the birth of the baby.

Does your chest always hurt

Given the uniqueness of each organism, the presence of painful sensations in absolutely all women is called into question. This is not to say that this is a sign of a normal healthy pregnancy, and the absence of pain indicates pathology. There are not only clear terms and limits of pain, but also the likelihood of their occurrence.

True, a certain tendency was noted: the greater the weight of the expectant mother before pregnancy, the stronger and longer the painful sensations. Pain can occur immediately after fertilization, a month after it, at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, closer to childbirth or not appear at all. The main thing is not to be afraid of your new sensations and accept this as a normal phenomenon.

why breast pain during pregnancy

Pain during a frozen pregnancy

The death of the embryo leads to a general malfunction in the body of the expectant mother. If during a healthy pregnancy, at first, the breast was sensitive and tender, then when frozen, the mammary glands begin to become coarse, and discharge appears. The sensitivity level gradually decreases, pain disappears, the chest does not increase.

Pain in an ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy involves an incorrect attachment of a fertilized cell (outside the uterus). In this case, the processes in the body correspond to a normal pregnancy. The chest begins to hurt, there is an increase in the size of the mammary glands. That is, it is impossible to diagnose this type of pathology by the state of the breast.

Please note that increased pain, which causes serious inconvenience to the expectant mother, is an occasion to contact a gynecologist and a specialist mammologist. Be healthy and listen carefully to your body.

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