How to flip down on a laptop without a mouse using the touchpad, keyboard and mouse emulator

A laptop is, first of all, mobility, therefore it combines all input and output devices that are connected to a computer separately. It follows that there is no need to connect the mouse separately, for this purpose there is a touchpad that can be individually configured for each user. How to scroll down on a laptop without a mouse or how to scroll up on a laptop without a mouse, the reader will receive an answer to all these questions in this article. The use of a mouse emulator will also be considered.

How to flip through a laptop without a mouse using the keyboard

no mouse arrow on laptop

There is no doubt that a mouse or touchpad is a smart and convenient device to use. But with a lot of work with text, scrolling the mouse wheel becomes tedious with your finger, and there’s no point talking about the touchpad, so there are several ways to use the keyboard for this purpose.

  1. To scroll down on a laptop without a mouse, you need to press the Down arrow on the keyboard.
  2. To scroll up on a laptop without a mouse, you must press the Up arrow on the keyboard.
  3. To instantly move down the page, the user should press the End key.
  4. To instantly move to the top of the page, the user should press the Home key.
  5. To quickly go down the page, you need to press the PgDn key.
  6. To quickly go up the page, you need to press the PgUp key.

How to use a mouse emulator

How to flip down on a laptop without a mouse or up? You can use a mouse emulator for this. To start the emulator, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Press the key combination Alt + Shift + NumLock. It is important to press these keys on the left side of the keyboard!
  2. In the window that appears, click "Yes."
  3. The mouse emulator start icon will appear in the lower right corner (the emulator will not work if the NumLock key icon is not lit).
    how to flip on a laptop without a mouse

Now the user can perform the same actions without a mouse arrow on the laptop. The following is a table of key values.

oneDiagonal down to left
2Downward movement
3Diagonal movement down to the right
4Left movement
5Single click
6Move right
7Diagonal upward movement to the left
eightUpward movement
9Diagonal upward movement to the right
+Double click
/Enabling left mouse button mode
-Enabling Right-Click Mode
*Switching the mouse button mode in both directions

The key assignment from this table is easy to remember and intuitive.

How to set up a touchpad

Laptop touchpad

To configure the touchpad to scroll through the page, you need to go to the control panel, select small icons, find the mouse icon and open it. In the appeared touchpad settings window, open the “Scroll” property and select the function “Scroll with one finger” or “Scroll with two fingers”. But there are situations when the user has been using an external device (mouse) for a long time and the touchpad no longer works. Then, to solve this situation, you should use the following instruction:

  1. Open the device manager (if the user does not know where the device manager is located, then in the "Start" there is a search bar, enter "Device Manager" in it and click on the "Search" icon).
  2. In the device manager we find the item “Mice and other pointing devices”, open it and right-click on the desired configuration.
  3. In the window that appears, click update driver.
  4. The user will be offered two ways to choose: in one case, the system itself finds and installs the driver, in the other, the user does it manually.
  5. If the system writes that the driver does not require updating, then we find on the Internet on the official website the laptop model on which the driver updates.
  6. Download the required driver manually.
  7. We start its installation.
  8. After the installation occurs, reboot the device.


As it turned out, there are many answers to the question of how to scroll down on a laptop without a mouse or how to scroll up. And all of them are suitable for any individual occasion.

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