The ability to organize an event is an important skill of every modern person. For a musician, a concert is the main format of his work and a source of income. Many creative people resort to the help of professionals. Agents and managers are able to properly organize an advertising campaign, find resources, sell tickets. And the artist’s task is to light the hall with his inspired creativity. In the history of art, a natural symbiosis of the musician and manager has developed.
I see the goal, I believe in myself
What if there is no opportunity to hire a professional agent? How to organize concerts? First, decide on your priorities. Do you want to have a charity concert? Or just share the results of your creative work? Is your goal to make money? Further actions depend on the choice of the task.
The easiest option - you want to introduce friends to your music. How to organize concerts in this case? The easiest way to spend a tenant. Home concerts were very popular in the USSR in the second half of the last century. Moscow and St. Petersburg rockers did not get along with the official culture and were forced to perform secretly.
Home concert, or Back to the USSR
In those days, the traditions of a householder developed. Several musicians played acoustic instruments. Sound equipment was not used. There were few spectators. They could freely talk to musicians, and often concerts turned into a feast or just friendly communication.
Today, it is possible to use sound recording equipment in the framework of apartment houses. And the speakers and amplifiers disrupt public order and prevent neighbors. An exception is private home ownership. To conduct an apartment, you do not need official permission, renting a room, advertising, in general, any expenses. Enough free space, which one of your friends will provide for free. The downside of the apartment is only one - lack of income.
Help for a nonprofit organization
How to organize concerts if you need to raise money for a good cause? Need a small amount urgently? Contact your friends and acquaintances. But instead of banal asking for a loan, organize a concert-feast in your apartment. Let it be a small party. Tell the audience about your problem or arrange a presentation of the project. Set the box to collect money. It should look bright and attract attention. For those who prefer electronic payments, print bank details. Hang the leaflet in a prominent place, and also distribute to each of those present.
Consider controlling friends over your expenses. They must understand what their money will be spent on. How to organize concerts for charities and non-profit organizations? Here you can’t do a simple apartment. It is necessary to attract a lot of funds. Therefore, a competent advertising campaign is needed.
What to show the viewer
Define your target audience. Studies show that people of all ages and social backgrounds donate to charity, but most of all - young men and women after forty. Both categories of citizens belong to the middle class. Unfortunately, these are completely different target audiences. Create for them a common advertising campaign is not possible.
How to organize a charity concert and determine your target audience? Do your own research. Start with an experiment. Try an advertising campaign in the main square of the city. It may look different. Hand out booklets and free demos for artists to passers-by. Entertain walking people, and they will be grateful for it. You can arrange a small auction. The sale of handmade toys, unpretentious drinks, calendars, magnets and all sorts of other little things will attract the attention of citizens.
Target Audience and Repertoire
Pay attention to who donates the most. You can involve a special observer in the study. So you define your target audience. Such a promotion requires a considerable investment. To avoid this, try to attract volunteers.
Target audience studied. But how to organize a concert? The next step is the image and repertoire of the artists. Explore the musical tastes of your future viewers. To do this, it is enough to monitor social networks. Pay attention to profile communities. For example, ladies of Balzac age gather in groups devoted to family, children, and recipes. Check what other communities they are in, whether they post music. Bikers, hipsters, yuppies, as well as representatives of other subcultures and social groups have their own groups.
Performance Structure
The musical tastes of the target audience are studied. Before organizing a concert, introduce the artists to the repertoire. Together with the musicians, make a list of songs in a specific sequence. Do not forget that concert numbers must be contrasting - a fast work is sure to be followed by a slow one. Include performances by artists of other genres: dancers, comedians, circus performers. Male numbers should alternate with female numbers. Do not forget that such an event does not last more than one hour. Do not take breaks between compartments. Otherwise, after the intermission you will not be counted by the audience.
Image of musicians and tasks of the producer
Attention should be paid to the appearance of the artists. If you are interested in how to learn how to organize concerts, take care not only of the costumes and makeup of the group, but also of their way of staying on stage. For a young audience, sudden movements and extravagant appearance of musicians are appropriate. Viewers aged will not like this. They will appreciate the calm and contemplative mood of the event. In addition, you need to take care of renting high-quality sound equipment, hiring professional lighting technicians, and even control the cleaning of the auditorium.
How to organize concerts? This is quite complicated. A popular expression among managers and organizers is: “If you want everything to be fine, do it yourself”. This wise aphorism fixes the main problem of all leaders. Finding responsible artists is one of the most difficult tasks. Therefore, the organizer needs assistants who control different areas of work. It is advisable that you fully trust these people.
As you know, creativity and discipline are incompatible concepts. Exceptions to this rule are rare. Artists can cause a lot of trouble. Want to know how to organize concerts in your city? Achieve success in the field of production. Make money for yourself and the artists. And then the best musicians will contact you. Of these, the most talented and disciplined should be chosen. Then success is guaranteed.
Where to hold a concert
A separate problem is the rental of the hall. It’s good if the city has a Palace of Culture, a club, a stadium, a philharmonic or something like that. And you have money to rent. If there is no professional concert hall, you need to include imagination. Want to know how to organize a concert of a band performing rock or pop music? The creative team needs a rehearsal room. Most likely, the group already has a spacious garage or warehouse where they regularly gather. You can ennoble this room and hold a concert there. Each city has a large warehouse or production workshop. It must be thoroughly cleaned. And then it is perfect for a rock performance.
How to organize a concert of a group, tells the practice of holding festivals of contemporary art. Often they are on the territory of abandoned factories and factories decorated in the style of a loft. Huge rooms have almost no partitions. Functional zones are distinguished only by meager decorations. Musical performances are held in a small room. There are also exhibitions of installations, souvenir stalls and canopies with fast food. Try adopting this practice. Rent part of the premises to merchants. To do this, you must have official permission. To get it, you have to work hard. But then the profit is provided to you.
Leading means foreseeing
Well at the entrance to the hall to organize the sale of discs with recordings of the group. If the band is known only in your city, it is likely that their music is not yet on the Internet. Just no one had time to download. Therefore, fans will gladly buy their favorite songs. Holding a concert in an abandoned production room can cause some problems. For example, there may be no sockets for connecting audio equipment. All possible problems must be carefully studied long before the concert. And try to eliminate them. A good manager foresees all possible difficulties in advance.
Distinguished guests
How to organize a star concert? And what amount is the amount of the fee limited? Such questions are often asked by young art directors of numerous nightclubs, which today appear in every city like mushrooms after rain. Novice managers should be aware that expenses will not be limited to star fees.
Large funds will be spent on moving the artist and his team, as well as accommodation. The star will not stay in a cheap hotel and eat in the dining room. There is no guarantee that you will make a profit. More likely to be losses. Another challenge is drafting a contract. It should be assigned to an experienced lawyer who has worked with such documents before. This is another expense item.
The artist's fee may vary depending on the circumstances. Of great importance is the date of the concert. For example, on holidays, the amount of payments increases several times. Much depends on the time the artist is on stage and the number of songs that he must perform. The number of spectators and the density of the touring schedule of the star are taken into account. The larger they are, the more expensive the concert will cost the customer. If you still decide to invite a star, you should pre-book the dates of the performance and coordinate them with the musician. A clear organization is the key to the success of the event.