Deciding to buy a computer, the user is faced with the question "what is the configuration of the computer." To understand the importance of answering this question, it is enough to give just one example-analogy and compare the electric razor and lawn mower. Their principle of operation is similar, but the possibilities differ, and significantly. The same is true for computers. To use the huge power of a modern gaming computer only for working with office applications or surfing the Internet is not a very reasonable solution. The same is true for the case when the owner of a personal computer (PC)with an integrated entry-level graphics card (most of them) try to play modern resource-intensive games by setting the graphics to maximum quality. Nevertheless, it is possible to work in these examples, but there is no need to talk about expediency.
So, the computer configuration is that set of hardware components (components) from which the PC is assembled from the designer cubes. Their characteristics determine the main direction of use of this machine.
Having come to any computer store, a novice buyer is often amazed at the wide selection of different models. Indeed, there are a lot of them, and the computer configuration is rarely repeated, which allows everyone to "find their own buyer." In fact, absolutely all existing laptop and PC models can be divided into 3 types:
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The most productive computers are gaming. They use powerful components that can cope with almost any task. The best choice for someone who is not used to denying himself something. There are three drawbacks to this solution: high cost, high electrical power, rapid obsolescence (after 1-2 years, the price of components is significantly reduced).