Just like humans, cats can suffer from gastrointestinal upset, they vomit. Some will say that reverse peristalsis indicates normal cleansing of the stomach from the hair. This is so, but not always. There are situations when vomiting is a symptom of a disease. If a cat rarely burps, and lumps of wool are visible in the masses, then you should not give any medicine, this is the norm. It is worth worrying only in cases where the cat vomits after eating. She will begin to refuse food, and such a condition can lead to dehydration, it will be necessary to take measures using the medicine. Well proven "Tserukal" for cats. How to calculate the dose, in what form and how to give, is it possible to use without a prescription? About everything in the further contents.
How does the drug work?
"Cerucal" is available in two variations - tablets and injection. The active substances, being absorbed into the blood, quickly remove vomiting (impulses), and the condition soon normalizes. Cerucal tablets for cats act a little slower than injections. If the cat is very ill, vomiting continues for a long time, and it is urgently necessary to normalize the condition, then solutions are used for intramuscular or intravenous injection.
Where to prick "Tserukal" for cats? Intravenous injection begins to act in a few minutes. If you put an injection in the muscle (upper thigh), then the medicine will give an effect in fifteen minutes.
The composition of the drug
In whatever form the drug would be released, its main active ingredient will be metoclopramide hydrochloride monohydrate. It is this component that acts as a pulse blocker for vomiting. Excipients of the tablets "Cerucal", the instructions for the use of which we will consider later, are the following components:
- lactose monohydrate;
- gelatin;
- magnesium stearate;
- potato starch;
- silica.
In injection solutions, the auxiliary components are as follows:
- edetate disodium;
- saline solution;
- sodium sulfite;
- sodium chloride.
Tablets are sold in cardboard boxes, the composition for injection is packaged in glass ampoules of 2 milliliters. Instructions must be included in the packaging with the medicine.
Indications for use
If vomiting occurs once, and at the same time the cat burps out pieces of wool, then no medicine will be required, this is a normal reaction of the body to indigestible objects. To prevent this from happening again, give the animal special wool-splitting preparations, which are sold both in tablet form and in the form of treats.
If the animal often suffers from vomiting, then it will be necessary to use "Cerucal" for cats, which should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. The specialist will select the optimal type of medication (tablets or injections), dosage and number of applications per day and per course - depending on the condition of the patient.
"Cerucal" for cats is prescribed for the following reasons of vomiting:
- Taking certain medications can cause vomiting.
- Impaired kidney or liver function.
- Damage caused by foreign objects (the animal could swallow something, which injured the lining of the larynx or stomach).
In addition, “Cerucal” for cats is prescribed for complex treatment of the following diseases:
- hiccups;
- exacerbation of an ulcer;
- flatulence;
- dyskinesia;
- esophageal and peloric refluxes;
- gastrostasis.
It happens that at the doctor’s appointment before the appointment of therapy, you need to do an x-ray to the cat, but this is impossible when the animal vomits. In this case, the veterinarian will administer Cerucal intravenously in order to stop the gag reflexes.
In which case “Tserukal” will not help?
There are many viral diseases in which the medicine will help stop vomiting, but will not affect the treatment of the animal. If the cat began to vomit, and this happened several times, then you will need to seek help from a veterinarian, because these may be symptoms of a life-threatening viral disease. Poisoning can also cause vomiting. In this case, “Cerucal” for cats will help, but you will need to give other medicines that will help remove toxins from the body.
The use of "Cerucal" will be inappropriate if vomiting in the animal is caused by disorders of the vestibular apparatus or is of psychogenic origin. In such cases, the veterinarian prescribes completely different medicines.
Can I use medicine without a doctor's prescription?
Self-medication is generally not welcome anywhere, because you can not only help but harm. Tserukal has contraindications, and an overdose will not bring anything good. If you vomit, you need to call a specialist at home, he will be able to make an approximate diagnosis, prescribe treatment to alleviate the condition, and then give a referral for examination.
If it is not possible to call a veterinarian at home, then you can give "Tserukal" to stop vomiting, and calmly get to the clinic. It is impossible to prescribe the drug on your own and treat the animal with a course course without the appointment of a specialist!
Cerucal for cats: dosage
This item is for informational purposes only, according to it you can calculate the dose for the animal to provide first aid. The further treatment plan is prescribed and calculated only by the veterinarian. Instructions for use of tablets "Cerucal" is quite simple.
A correctly calculated dose is the key to success. You can calculate it yourself, focusing on the weight and condition of the animal. For one kilogram of cat you need to take 0.2 mg for mild vomiting and 0.4 mg for strong. Daily doses are also calculated individually - 2 times with a mild course and with course therapy of diseases and 4 times with a severe course.
Injection dosage is also not difficult. In order to give a cat an injection, which will help faster than a pill, it is also necessary to calculate a single and daily dose based on the weight and condition of the animal. Dosages are similar to tablets.
How to give / administer the drug
If we are talking about tablets, then they will need to be crushed into powder, diluted in a syringe without a needle or in a small spoon with a small amount of water. So it will be easier to give medicine to the animal, and it will be absorbed faster. Next, open the cat's mouth, gently pour the medicine as close to the root of the tongue (so that the animal does not choke, you do not need to sharply inject from the syringe or pour from a spoon). Raising the head of the animal and closing its mouth, wait until the drug is swallowed completely.
As for the injections for Cerucal cats, they can be injected into the muscle, under the skin and intravenously. If you are not a veterinarian and do not know how injections are put into a vein, and indeed, how to find a vein in a cat, then you should refuse the last option. You can put an injection in the muscle of the upper thigh or inject the medicine into the withers.
Overdose Signs
Why not use the drug on your own? Because you can simply overestimate the weight of the animal (if there are no weights) or its condition and give more medicine than it should. Signs of an overdose can scare even more, and cause more harm than vomiting itself, so you need to be extremely careful.
If you have given "Cerucal" too much, then the following symptoms may appear:
- the cat partially or completely began to get confused in space, it shakes, it falls, cannot stand up, knocks objects down;
- the heart rate becomes knocked down;
- the worst thing is respiratory arrest.
Overdose treatment is symptomatic and is carried out only under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.
Contraindications and limitations
It is necessary to completely refuse to take "Cerucal" if the cat has the following diseases:
- tumors, both benign and malignant;
- gastrointestinal bleeding;
- epileptic seizures occur;
- intestinal obstruction in case of blockage by foreign objects;
- intolerance to animals of any components of the drug.
In addition, “Cerucal” is contraindicated in kittens, as the drug can cause irreparable harm to the liver.
Taking the drug with caution in the following cases:
- renal failure;
- disturbances in the liver;
- pregnancy of an animal and feeding of kittens.
On their own, even for first aid, the drug is not given in such cases. Only the veterinarian can correctly calculate the dose, and only under his control can Cerucal be given.
Side effects
Few drugs can boast of no side effects. "Cerucal" in some cases can cause:
- overexcitability and nervousness of the animal;
- tachycardia;
- spontaneous contractions in the muscles;
- extreme drowsiness;
- diarrhea
- extreme thirst.
If any of the symptoms appear, then the drug should be stopped. In the case when the symptoms do not disappear during the day, you need to urgently consult a veterinarian.
Reviews about "Cerucal" for cats
Many cat lovers have encountered such problems as caudate vomiting. Some of these people commented on the treatment of the animal with Cerucal. Here is what the owners of cats say: the medicine helps quickly, after a week you can finish the diet and switch to the usual food without worrying about the fact that the stomach simply will not accept food. A convenient form of release is to give tablets simply, but not every animal is able to swallow an unpleasant drug. Side effects were not noted by anyone who wrote.