Short umbilical cord: causes, consequences for the baby and mother

Doctors call the umbilical cord the umbilical cord. It connects a small embryo, which subsequently becomes a fetus, with the placenta. With the help of such a peculiar “bridge”, the child’s body is connected with the mother throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Communication remains until the very birth. There are norms for the length of the cord, but in some cases it may be longer or shorter. Both a short umbilical cord and a long one can lead to negative consequences.

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut, clamping with a special clamp on the side of the baby. After that, a small “process” remains on the baby’s body, which dries and disappears over time. Mom takes care of the umbilical wound until it is completely healed.

When does the umbilical cord remain?

When does the umbilical cord fall off in a newborn? In most cases, this occurs approximately 10 days after the baby is born. But sometimes this happens a little earlier or, conversely, later. The range from 4 to 14 days after the birth of the baby is considered normal.

The process of rejection of the umbilical cord is natural, so you do not need to accelerate it. Everything should flow spontaneously. The main thing is to understand that the rest of the umbilical cord dries out a little faster, if you provide free access to air to this area. When the umbilical cord drops off in the newborn, a small open wound forms in its place. How to take care of her, a neonatologist will tell mom already in the hospital.

The functions of the cord, its structure and features of blood circulation

short umbilical cord

The described organ begins to form in the second week of bearing a child. As it grows, the length of the umbilical cord increases. Normally, it can reach 60 cm and be 2 cm in diameter. The umbilical cord is quite dense and covered with special fetal membranes.

The main function of the umbilical cord is to supply the fetus with nutrients and divert metabolic products. Inside the cord are two arteries and one vein. These vessels are shrouded in varton jelly, and therefore are reliably protected from rupture or clamping. The fetus receives oxygen and nutrients through the vein, and the spent venous blood is taken from the baby's body to the placenta through the arteries. Also in the umbilical cord there is a vitelline duct and urachus. The first transports nutrients from the yolk sac, and the second is the channel connecting the patient and the bladder.

Normal length

The length of the umbilical cord may be different. Even in the same woman with different pregnancies, this indicator changes. Scientists found that approximately the length of the strand is 40-70 cm.

Thanks to this, the fetus freely performs active movements in the womb. If the umbilical cord is short, then this can be fraught with negative consequences. Below we will consider them in more detail.

Umbilical cord length below normal

doctors cut the umbilical cord

Short umbilical cord is quite common. Doctors distinguish between an absolutely short cord and a relatively short umbilical cord. The first has a length of less than 40 cm and is much more common than the second. In a relatively short strand, the indicator remains normal, however, it decreases due to some factors:

  • When entangled in some parts of the child’s body.
  • In the process of forming nodes on the umbilical cord: true and false. The first are extremely rare and are real nodes. The second is the varicose expansion of one of the vessels, the accumulation of Warton jelly, vascular twisting. They are not dangerous.

Symptoms of Deviation

Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to detect the described pathology in advance. During pregnancy, usually no symptoms are observed, and signs of deviation can only be talked about when labor begins. After all, the length of the umbilical cord is an individual indicator. The main symptom that may indicate a problem during pregnancy is fetal hypoxia. This marker is relative, and the doctor may prescribe additional examinations.

If childbirth has already begun, then a short umbilical cord may be indicated by acute bleeding from the vagina and prolonged labor (more than 20 hours in primiparous and more than 15 hours in multiparous).

Diagnostic research

placenta and umbilical cord model

It is quite difficult to diagnose the described pathology. However, the doctor can send mom to the following studies:

  • Ultrasound During the study, the doctor may notice the appearance of nodes, entanglement of the fetus, abnormalities in the development of blood vessels. Based on the results of the survey, it can be assumed that there is a deviation. However, no one will say for sure.
  • Dopplerometric study. This technique is quite informative. Thanks to it, you can observe the movement of blood through the vessels of the umbilical cord. If the process is disrupted, then there is a risk of developing anomalies. But even here the doctor cannot make a completely accurate diagnosis.
  • A regular examination by a gynecologist. The doctor monitors the baby’s heartbeat and, if abnormalities are found, may suspect a shortened umbilical cord.
  • Cardiotocography. According to this technique, synchronous computer recording of contractions of the infant's heart muscle and its activity is carried out. After that, the obtained data are compared with uterine contractions. If there is no connection between these processes, we can talk about the presence of a short umbilical cord.

If an ultrasound scan accurately indicates a pathology, this will allow doctors to prepare the expectant mother for cesarean section in time. So, we found out what a short umbilical cord means. Surely you will want to know about the consequences of the pathology and what doctors usually do when they find a problem.


What complications can you encounter if you suddenly find that the cord is short? The consequences can be quite serious. Here are the most common ones:

  • Labor is difficult.
  • The baby goes through the birth canal too slowly.
  • The cardiac activity of the fetus is disturbed.
  • There is a risk of birth injury to the mother.
  • Acute hypoxia of the child occurs.
  • The risk of injury to varicose vessels increases.
  • In some cases, hemorrhage in the umbilical cord begins or rupture occurs.
  • With a strong tension of the umbilical cord, placental abruption occurs.

The consequences of a short umbilical cord during childbirth are especially dangerous for the baby. Hypoxia can lead to a violation of psychological functions.

What do doctors do when they find a problem?

when the umbilical cord falls off in a newborn

We figured out why the fetus has a short umbilical cord and what consequences may arise from this. Let's see what the doctors do when they find such a problem. So, to reduce risks, a number of measures are being taken:

  • The expectant mother will be hospitalized until the birth, especially if there is a suspicion of multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck.
  • Doctors have an emergency caesarean section if the child is severely deficient in oxygen.
  • A planned cesarean section is prescribed when a threat to the life of the child is detected after a diagnostic examination.
  • If it is found that the umbilical cord is short already in the process of childbirth, the doctor performs a section of the perineum.

Even with minimal risk of pathology, the expectant mother must be prepared for everything. Under medical supervision, it will be possible to eliminate complications and negative consequences for the health of the baby and woman in childbirth.

Single entanglement

The umbilical cord may become short due to a single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. It may not be tight and tight.

In the first case, the loops of the strand are located at some distance from the body of the fetus. Thanks to this, the baby can unravel. In addition, there is no compression of the internal organs of the child, which does not entail the development of dangerous pathologies. And if the pregnant woman has no other deviations, the baby can be born naturally.

If a single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the child’s neck is tight, then the prognosis is less favorable. With this clinical picture, the risk of hypoxia is very high. Tight entanglement can lead to clamping of the umbilical cord in some areas. As a result, blood flow decreases and oxygen starvation of the fetus develops. With this pathology, doctors must send the patient for Dopplerography, which allows you to assess the degree of change in blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord.

Double entanglement

baby in the womb

Double cord entanglement around the neck is a fairly common complication of pregnancy. With this pathology, the strand fits some part of the fetal body twice. Thanks to modern clinical technology, it has become possible to deliver without consequences for the mother and baby, even in such a situation. Depending on the type of entanglement, the doctor selects the appropriate method of delivery. However, if there is a tight double entwining of the umbilical cord around the neck or triple, then, most likely, the expectant mother will be sent to a cesarean section.

How to treat?

Even though modern medicine has advanced, today there are no methods for treating a short umbilical cord, either medication or physiotherapy. The only thing is that the doctor, with suspicion of this pathology, can hospitalize the expectant mother and prescribe additional examinations for her, especially when it comes to multiple entanglement. Based on the situation, a planned or emergency caesarean section is prescribed. Only regular medical supervision will allow the mother to identify the problem on time and avoid the consequences.

What can not be done? Preventative measures

newborn child

If the umbilical cord is short for physiological reasons, then it is impossible to extend it. However, if the cord becomes less due to the child’s strong hyperactivity, then the situation can be changed. So what is not allowed during pregnancy? How to prevent the development of pathology?

  • Do your best to avoid situations leading to oxygen starvation. Proper nutrition, walking, and drinking plenty of clean water will help here.
  • Do breathing exercises, because it helps to saturate the body with oxygen.
  • Do not be nervous, otherwise your anxiety will be transmitted to the fetus.
  • Do not miss the examinations at the doctor, go through all the examinations and take tests.
  • Listen to calm music, talk with the baby to calm him down.

The main thing is that you can not be nervous during pregnancy, since such a condition increases the motor activity of the fetus.

Harbingers of Childbirth

Want to know how to identify precursors of labor at 38 weeks gestation or other dates? Right! This will allow you to mentally prepare for the birth of the baby.

So, some mothers notice the first signs of an approaching birth even at the 36th or 37th week of pregnancy. However, there are those that indicate that the baby will be born today or tomorrow.

First of all, mom’s belly drops. This indicates that the fetal head sank into the small pelvis. In women who give birth for the first time, this phenomenon is observed at the 34-36th week of pregnancy. In multiparous ladies, the abdomen can go down a few days before delivery or already at the beginning of labor. Such a harbinger of childbirth at 38 weeks of gestation is very noticeable to others. In addition, the expectant mother notices that she has become easier to breathe, and a palm can be easily positioned between the chest and stomach. However, at this point, pressure increases on the bladder, which leads to more frequent urination.

baby model in the womb

You should also know that at the end of pregnancy the nature of vaginal discharge changes. Indeed, in the cervical canal throughout the entire period of gestation there is a cork, which is a clot of pink or brown mucus. In some cases, it departs at the 36th or 37th week of pregnancy, and sometimes the day before the onset of labor, in whole or in part. Another harbinger of childbirth is considered to be a weight loss of 1-1.5 kg. This indicates a decrease in edema and the amount of amniotic fluid. In addition, during this period, mom may notice that false training fights are becoming more frequent. They are painless, but sometimes they can be accompanied by aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. These contractions differ from the real ones in that they are irregular. In addition, diarrhea, as well as nausea or vomiting, may begin in the pregnant woman a few days before labor. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother.

Another harbinger of childbirth is the instinct of “nesting”. The future mother, who was weak just recently, suddenly starts spring cleaning, cooks all day and so on. This is normal, but it’s very important not to overwork it, since in the near future a process will begin that requires a lot of effort from you.

Every woman dreams of a healthy baby. And if you suddenly find that the length of the umbilical cord is below normal, do not panic. Experienced doctors will do everything possible to ensure that your child is born without consequences. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations.

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