Many children are very sensitive to infections and, after infection, easily get cough complications. So that expectoration does not drag on and develop into a more serious illness, babies should take special medications. A lot of positive reviews are collected by the Fluditec mucolytic for children, and what are its features will be discussed later.
The composition of the drug
The main active ingredient of the drug is carbocysteine. A drug with an increased dosage for adults and children is produced.
Fluditec cough syrup (for children) is produced with a banana flavor and a carbocysteine concentration of 2%, as well as a caramel flavor and an active substance concentration of 5%. Syrups differ in color, caramel has a brownish tint, and banana - orange. Accordingly, in their composition there are different dyes, but otherwise each drug has the same additional substances:
- sucrose;
- purified water;
- glycerol;
- sodium hydroxide;
- methyl larahydroxybenzoate.
Effectively helps against cough "Fluditec" for children due to the fact that it activates the enzymes of the mucous cells, which are responsible for the ratio of sialomucins in the sputum. Thus, the viscosity of the bronchial secretion is minimized, the baby clears his throat easily.
The mucolytic effect is manifested already 30-60 minutes after the first dose and reaches its maximum effect and concentration in the body after 2 hours. The effectiveness of the drug is largely due to the fact that the maximum concentration of the active substance is maintained for 8 hours. The remedy is excreted by the kidneys unchanged.
Indications for use
The main indication for taking Fluditec for children is a cough of any origin, mostly dry or wet at an early stage. A pediatrician may recommend using this drug in therapy with:
- tracheitis;
- asthma
- bronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- tracheobronchitis and other diseases.
In addition, syrup is often recommended for the preparation of bronchi before analysis, sinusitis of adenoids, otitis media, rhinitis, other inflammations of the middle ear or nasopharynx with separation of mucus.
Despite such high efficiency and a wide range of effects, Fluditec for children is not recommended to be taken without the consent of the doctor, since the drug is still synthetic. But you should not be afraid of his appointment. With simultaneous administration with antibacterial agents, syrup enhances their action and accelerates recovery even in the most difficult stages.
Side effects
In rare cases, individual sensitivity to the components of the drug or if the dosage is exceeded, may manifest unwanted symptoms. Among them:
- nausea;
- pain in the stomach;
- vomiting
- gastrointestinal bleeding;
- flatulence;
- diarrhea;
- allergic rashes;
- swelling;
- weakness and dizziness.
After drug withdrawal, all side effects disappear within a day, and their treatment is symptomatic. If there is no improvement, consult a specialist.
Bans to use
According to the instructions for the use of Fluditec for children (expert reviews confirm this information), the product cannot be used to treat babies under 2 years old. A more concentrated form of syrup is allowed for children from only 15 years old. An undeniable contraindication is personal intolerance to any component and gastrointestinal ulcer. The drug is also prohibited during pregnancy in the first trimester. According to the doctor’s testimony, you can take it only from the 4th month or during lactation.
Caution should be taken with syrup for inflammation of the bladder. It is also better to consult a doctor if there is a need to eat in accordance with a low-carb diet.
How to take medicine
Syrup "Fluditec" for children is intended exclusively for oral use. The duration of the course and dosage of the drug depends on the diagnosis and can only be adjusted by the pediatrician. As a rule, until complete recovery it is enough to use the product according to the instructions for 5 days, but if necessary, the course can be extended. The frequency of administration also depends on several circumstances and is usually 2-3 times a day. The dosage is always calculated according to the weight of the baby and should not exceed 30 mg of the main substance per kilogram of the weight of the child.
Thus, children 2-5 years old are recommended to give 3-5 ml of the drug twice a day, not exceeding the daily dosage of 200 mg. For older patients, the daily dose is increased to 300 mg, which makes it necessary to take syrup three times a day.
As for the reception scheme, there are no strict restrictions. "Fluditec" for children instruction (reviews of experts explain the decrease in the effectiveness of the drug by ignoring the rules) allows you to take it before and after meals, the main thing is to observe a break between the use of the medicine and the meal. Before eating, syrup should be drunk for 40-60 minutes, and after eating - after 1.5-2 hours. With increased sensitivity of the digestive system, the gaps can be halved.
The maximum duration of treatment is 10 days, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Typically, the drug helps get rid of cough in 5 days. It is important to remember that even with the complete disappearance of symptoms in just 2-3 days, you can not stop taking the medication, since an untreated cough will return in an even more complex form.
Parent reviews
Reviews about the syrup "Fluditec" for children are mostly positive. Many parents note its high effectiveness and ability to stop even a running cough in a short time. By the way, some consider a strong expectorant effect as a definite drawback, since taking the medicine in the evening provokes sputum discharge all night, which means the baby will sleep poorly. In such cases, it is recommended to simply divide the dosage into morning and afternoon doses, and before going to bed give the child a lighter natural medication, for example, syrup from licorice root or marshmallow.
A disadvantage, many parents consider the synthetic composition of the drug, especially the presence of dyes, but do not complain about its effectiveness.
In rare cases, reviews about the use of Fluditec for children contain information about the occurrence of side effects. Children have diarrhea, nausea, and weakness.
Interestingly, some pediatricians recommend taking the syrup even for babies younger than 2 years old, reducing the dosage. Sometimes this is really advisable, but in most cases it is better to give preference to another approved remedy, because Fluditec is still a synthetic preparation and can be very difficult to tolerate by a fragile organism.
Direct analogues of the drug
In most cases, the syrup in question is tolerated by young patients very well, and its price and effectiveness give the drug an additional advantage over the others, so it is rare to find a replacement. Of course, no one is safe from personal intolerance and in such situations, you should pay attention to medications with a similar active substance.
The most popular is Libexin Muko. Syrup differs only in the presence of another dye and flavoring, therefore it is considered a pure analogue of Fluditec. You can also take it only from 2 years of age for the same indications. Side effects and prohibitions on use are also identical.
On the basis of carbocysteine, a cough drug "Bronchobos" was made. It is available in the form of syrup for children and capsules for adults. The medication is a classic expectorant with the same previous indications. Children are allowed to take syrup from the age of 2 years, and therapy is different in that after the disappearance of symptoms, treatment is continued with a reduced dosage. Many parents note that negative reactions during its use occur much less often, therefore they often prefer this drug as the main one in their medicine cabinet.
Mukosol syrup was made on the basis of a similar active substance, but its main difference is that the drug can be used in children starting from 2 months. This is due to the minimum dosage of carbocysteine, which is calculated so accurately that the medication practically does not cause side effects even in the smallest patients. In addition to the liquid form, the drug is available in capsules for children over 12 years of age and adults. Dosage and duration of treatment depend on the patient's age and diagnosis.
A good analogue is Mukodin syrup, also based on carbocysteine. The drug is approved for use in children over 2 years old, has similar indications, prohibitions and a list of side effects.
Similar action
Syrup "Fluditec" has analogues for children, not only by the main active ingredient, but also by the principle of exposure. So, if necessary, replace the drug, you can pay attention to medicines with an expectorant effect, but on the basis of other substances. The most popular and cheapest is Bromhexine, which is approved for use in children also from the age of two.
A very simple and cheap drug is Mukaltin. You can take it starting from 12 months, since the basis of the drug is a natural extract from the root of the marshmallow.
More modern and expensive drugs are Lazolvan and Gedelix syrups, which have no age restrictions at all and can be used for children from birth.
Often, drugs such as “ACC”, “Ambrobene”, “Fluimucil” and others are also used to treat cough. Which one to choose should be decided by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body and its diagnosis.
Coughing is a very serious complication of any disease, and if you do not get rid of it on time, it can develop into very serious diseases. In this case, the children's body needs to help fight the infection and get rid of sputum. Expectorant in the form of syrup for children "Fluditec" copes with the tasks very well. Despite its synthetic origin, many parents trust the drug for its speed and quality of work.