Addict children. Drug addiction treatment. Drugs and children

Of course, drug addicts are the worst nightmare for parents. What could be worse than the news for the mother that her child is subject to this scourge? How to avoid a similar problem in the family? What if the child has already been captured in this terrible captivity? How to help him break out of the tenacious paws of this disease? How to recognize the problem in time? This article will address many issues of interest to parents whose children are drug addicts. Also, attention is paid to the prevention of addiction and the peculiarities of the education of adolescents.

children addicts

Drugs and the effects of their effects on the body

It should be noted several particularly dangerous drugs that can cause addiction and destroy the psyche of the individual, as well as health.

Opium group

Considering the problem of "Drugs and Children", you can not remain silent about these drugs. Opium and its medicines are used in medicine as powerful painkillers. However, they are among the most dangerous, causing dependence in the shortest possible time. This group includes heroin and morphine. Due to the use of these drugs, the nervous system is affected, a brain disorder occurs, the lungs and liver suffer. Of particular danger is the use of opium drugs by women during pregnancy, since it is likely that freaks, sick and premature, extremely weak babies will be born. Drug addicts may also be born, to which doctors are forced to use methods of withdrawing from the condition of “breaking” on the very first day of their life.

drugs and children


The use of this drug is fraught with the fact that the cardiovascular system is affected. It causes hallucinations and paranoid psychoses. Very often, drug addicts, like adult cocaine addicts, can die, both at the time of using the powder, and at another time. Death usually occurs as a result of myocardial infarction or sudden respiratory arrest.


Its use causes a decrease in intellectual abilities. Smoking "weed" by many is regarded as harmless pampering. However, this is far from the case - it causes a violation of psychomotor functions. And the worst thing is that in most cases, marijuana use leads to a switch to more serious drugs, for example, heroin and morphine.


The use of these drugs causes damage to the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Long-term use of amphetamines leads to psychosis and other mental disorders. Teenagers and drug addicts, photos of which from time to time appear in the press in the "Incidents" section, under the influence of these means are capable of committing terrible acts, including murder or suicide, without realizing themselves in this report.


A narcotic drug that destroys the psyche disrupts the cardiovascular system. It is quite common among teenagers attending nightclubs and other entertainment venues of this kind. It is noteworthy that many children do not perceive ecstasy as a drug.

children addicts photo

Why prevention of drug addiction in early childhood is necessary

Each parent wants to grow a successful personality from their child. Naturally, the habit of drug use by a teenager in no way contributes to the achievement of this goal, and even erases all that is positive that adults managed to put into his soul, heart, head. Therefore, it should at all costs protect the offspring from addiction. After all, prevention is likely to be cheaper than treatment for drug addiction, both financially and morally. And health losses can be avoided if a terrible problem is prevented. Therefore, from an early age, you should talk with your child about drug use, taking into account age-related characteristics. It should also be understood that the treatment of drug addiction in childhood is a more complex process, because it mainly relies on an internal moral attitude, where the patient himself needs willpower and an understanding of the harmfulness of this habit. And the younger the patient, the weaker his willpower, the more difficult the healing process is. This is another problem of child addiction.

child addiction problem

Preventive discussions with a child, taking into account age

  1. From 3-4 years old, it is necessary to explain to the baby that the tablets taken according to the prescription and under the supervision of a doctor treat, and if they are used independently, they cause great harm. By the way, it will be appropriate in a conversation to report that harmful poisons, drugs, sleeping pills are often mixed into refreshments - ice cream, drinks, sweets, pies - in order to harm the child. Therefore, in no case should you take from strangers any sweets, food, juices or even plain water!
  2. At 5-8 years old, you can talk about addiction to drugs and what can happen if you use unfamiliar substances. Children - natures are impressionable, visual images play a major role in their consciousness. Therefore, you can find a video or film that shows a child who was injected into a state of inadequacy with drugs and, for example, was kidnapped. Fear, a sense of self-preservation in this matter can help in education.
  3. By age 9, you should tell the child, using concrete examples, that the use of prohibited substances can be fraught with dire consequences. For example, a story about the death of a drug addict who lived in a neighboring house, or about a car accident involving a drug addict. It is very important to talk with your son / daughter and that it may be possible for people in his / her environment to offer drugs. The child should be ready to hear such a proposal and be able to refuse it.
  4. In adolescence, talking with a young man or girl about this topic becomes much more difficult. But the prevention of drug addiction during this period is especially relevant.

drug prevention

Four steps to cure drug addiction

If the ailment struck a teenager, then trying to get rid of it yourself is hidden - at least, a presumptuous step. But by and large, this is fraught with aggravation of the problem. A disease will not leave a person, but it will teach him to be more careful, prudent, cunning and dodgy, hiding drug addiction from loved ones. Therefore, the best option would be to contact the problem in special clinics. It is there that they will qualitatively conduct treatment according to modern methods of getting rid of this addiction, which are based on the “four elephants”:

  1. Examination, both medical and psychological, including DNA analysis, based on the results of which the most optimal treatment scheme is selected.
  2. Removal of poisons, toxins from the body, withdrawal of withdrawal symptoms - detoxification or elimination of the “breaking” condition.
  3. Procedures: drug treatment, metabolic therapy, massages, hardware techniques, group and individual psychotherapy and the like.
  4. Rehabilitation.
    drug treatment

Help for loved ones during the recovery period

Perhaps, at the last, fourth stage, as never before, the participation of acquaintances, relatives, friends and loved ones is required. This period - rehabilitation - is most important in the treatment process, since it depends on it whether the former addict becomes a full-fledged personality or will again fall into the netherworld of drug intoxication. Therefore, it is extremely important to help a person restore communication contacts, push him to a new life by the emergence of a new hobby, hobby. It is especially important to interest a teenager during this period, for example, by giving him a computer or by offering ... to shoot together his own film for the contest! Actually, every adult himself feels what occupation can be offered to a former patient in order to arouse his interest in a new life.

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