South African Boerboel is an excellent family dog, affectionate with all family members, loving children. His main goal is to protect the owner and his family.
From the history of the breed
South Africa is considered the birthplace of this dog, despite the fact that the roots of this ancient dog-shaped breed come from Asia. In Assyria, these animals were used as soldiers, covering their bodies with special armor. Alexander of Macedon brought them from Egypt to Europe. After a while, mastiffs for protection and hunting dogs were taken out of the Boerboels. It is believed that almost all varieties of the now-known European dogs are descended from these two species.
Already in the XVII century, this breed was again restored from European breeds. At this time, they began to use it as a farm dog. As a result of natural selection, a hardy and strong African boerboel appeared.
In the 80s of the last century, work began on the restoration of this breed in South Africa.
External data
A rather large dog with a height of up to 75 cm at the withers. Such a giant weighs over 80 kg. His body is harmonious and well balanced, the muscles are prominently expressed, the skeleton is strong and quite massive.
African Boerboel has a flexible back, slightly elongated body, developed powerful croup, muscular strong limbs. South African boerboels move silently.
The dog is well-built and has good health and longevity. With proper care, she lives up to 15 years.
In Boerboel it is short and smooth. The color is usually cream, light yellow, dark red, tiger and spotted are also possible. On the face you can often see the "mask", the ears are darkened.
African Boerboel - character
Characteristics of the Boerboel’s personality and character are genetic, which have been fixed for several centuries, since in the process of natural selection the strongest individuals endowed with certain mental and physical abilities remained. Working and living conditions excluded stupid, overly confident or unreasonably brave dogs from the stock.
Dog African Boerboel has a stable psyche. For its impressive weight and height, it is quite mobile and active. Therefore, it requires serious daily physical exertion, for example, runs for 5 km.
South African Boerboel is not a capricious, balanced dog with a wonderful character. A faithful and devoted friend for all households, ready to rush to the defense at any second. He takes great pleasure in playing with children, while he carefully watches over them.
An African Boerboel, whose photo you can see in our article, is waiting for attention and care from its beloved master.
This dog is not distinguished by excessive viciousness and unjustified aggression. She is loyal to others.
A well-bred African Boerboel does not create conflicts with other pets. To strangers is loyal, but wary.
South African boerboel is an animal with vivid individual characteristics. He is very independent and independent. Males prefer to dominate, so behavior correction may be required if the puppy was raised incorrectly.
These dogs are naturally endowed with a good memory, they train very quickly. When perceiving commands, they are thoughtful and somewhat slow - they are not used to executing commands on unconscious automatism.
If you notice overt sabotage when executing commands by an adult boerboel, this means that your authority has significantly shaken or you made obvious mistakes in your upbringing. To correct the behavior of an adult animal, we recommend contacting a specialist dog handler.
If for some reason you decide to take up this work yourself, then be extremely careful. Stop the slightest evasion of the command. Be persistent, but never use physical force. Otherwise, you completely lose your authority, and then it will be very difficult to establish relations with your pet.
Maintenance and care
The African Boerboel, whose photo you see in our article, is a viable animal that easily adapts to any climate. Despite the fact that it is a southern breed, it can adapt to any conditions.
In Africa, these dogs live in the open. In our country, they are often kept in urban apartments. Animals feel great in country houses. They can live in the fresh air, as well as in insulated rooms. But at the same time they should have free range. A pregnant dog and a bitch with puppies are always lodged in a separate protected place.
Make sure that there are no drafts in the place where the animal sleeps. Litter must not be too stiff.
Training and education
Raising a puppy may require restricting his communication with strangers. The thing is that Boerboel (owners' reviews confirm this) is extremely sociable, so it can quickly get used to guests who are often in the house. He will trust them, like all family members.
African Boerboel is undoubtedly endowed with high intelligence, as well as excellent memory. Do not be fooled if it seems to you that the dog is reacting too slowly to commands. Slowness is the result of mental activity, cunning and ingenuity. Boerboel never acts automatically, but only after assessing the situation.
Natural selection made Boerboel a genetically healthy animal. Veterinarians point out only two possible main problems regarding the health of these handsome men.
The first of them is quite typical for all large dogs. This is a predisposition to joint disease (dysplasia).
The second problem is vaginal hyperplasia, which affects bitches. This disease is genetic. It is inherited. Such animals are excluded from breeding.
How much do boerboel puppies cost
A South African boerboel puppy can cost from 5,000 rubles. This price is asked by the owners of the animal without documents. The offspring of parents of champions costs from 50,000 rubles.
African Boerboel - owner reviews
The owners of these wonderful dogs claim that it is impossible to find a better companion. This dog attracts with its magnificent character, cheerful disposition, sociability and ability to get along with all the inhabitants of the house. In addition, many say that the dog is very affectionate and immensely devoted to the owner.