How to prepare a child for kindergarten? No to tantrums and stress

Admission to kindergarten is one of the most important events in your baby's still short life. Many, even sociable, children find it difficult to adapt to a completely new environment. That is why you, as parents, must take care in advance about how to prepare your child for kindergarten. Remember that for a child, the first weeks of going to kindergarten will be stressful one way or another - after all, for the first time he breaks out of the home, begins to build social relationships, communicate with someone other than relatives and friends. And parents who are not a step away from him from the day they were born are often not around.

how to prepare a child for kindergarten

Accustoming to a clear daily routine

Try to ask in advance what the daily routine is in the chosen kindergarten, and gradually, while still at home with the baby, teach him to him. First, teach him to wake up early, do exercises and have breakfast (in most kindergartens, breakfast falls at 8:30 - 9 a.m.). From 9 to 10, the kids are engaged, and from half-past 11 they walk in the fresh air for an hour. At 12 o’clock tables are set for lunch, after which (until about 3 o’clock in the afternoon) a dream must follow. If your child is not accustomed to daytime sleep, you need to switch to it gradually - first just lie calmly, watch cartoons, read, etc. Over time, pauses should become longer. After waking up, give your child a light afternoon snack. The time from 4 to 5 pm can again be devoted to classes. At 5 o’clock, try to give the child dinner, and then you can go outside for a couple of hours.

child kindergarten

Self catering

It is very important in how to prepare a child for kindergarten, to instill in him basic self-care skills. Because educators cannot physically keep track of everything. In kindergarten, children should be able to go to the toilet or on the pot themselves, undress and dress, use cutlery and napkins, drink from a cup, clean teeth, etc. Experienced mothers who are asked about how to prepare a child for kindergarten say that it is important to think over the baby’s wardrobe. For example, it is recommended to choose blouses on buttons, trousers with elastic bands, and shoes with Velcro. The baby will cope with them much faster, and most importantly - himself.


Once in kindergarten, the child gets out of the "cocoon" and is attacked by many viruses and bacteria. That is, an important step in how to prepare a child for kindergarten is hardening. Long walks, air baths and wiping with a damp towel - all this strengthens the children's body. No later than a month before entering kindergarten, all preventive vaccinations must be done.

children in summer in kindergarten

Psychological training

Teach your child to politely ask for toys and share them. Create a positive image of the educational institution for the baby: the child perceives the kindergarten subconsciously in the same way as his parents. So if you are unsatisfied with your decision, afraid, etc., the baby will also feel these emotions. You shouldn’t lie to the child, but you don’t need to intimidate him: “You won’t obey, you’ll go to kindergarten!” Think of it as a calm need. The main thing is to show the child your benevolent and welcoming attitude to the carers, nannies and the children themselves. On average, adaptation for babies well prepared for kindergarten takes no more than 1-2 weeks. And in the summer, many children in kindergarten do not even think about taking a break from it and staying at home - they soon become so interested in this small world.

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