Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy - a necessity for many women

Many women are prescribed ultrasound dopplerography (Doppler ultrasound) during pregnancy to study blood vessels. The examination is also shown if the woman has a late first pregnancy or there are suggestions of the occurrence of certain diseases. Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy is recommended to facilitate the study of conditions that affect blood vessels: these are diseases that cause occlusion of the carotid arteries, as well as deep vein thrombosis, diseases of the arms and legs, varicose veins and various aneurysms.

Ultrasound during pregnancy

In case of concerns about the intrauterine development of the unborn baby if the mother has preeclampsia or high blood pressure (these conditions, due to the deterioration of blood flow through the umbilical cord, often negatively affect the development of the fetus), the fetus may be prescribed as a doctor. Using a computer, information is processed and a two-dimensional color image is created. With it, you can see if there are difficulties in the blood flow, for example, due to deposits of cholesterol.

Modern devices, with which they do both ultrasound and Doppler studies, combine information on the movement of blood through the vessels. The device shows how blood flows through the vessels, the speed of blood flow. Such ultrasound during pregnancy may be useful in order to establish the diameter of the vessel and the size of the blockage, if any. Images are usually color coded, and only a professional doctor will be able to correctly read the diagram and see where the blood flow is blocked.

pregnancy first ultrasound

Many women ask themselves the question: what happens during this procedure? This study is carried out in the ultrasound room by a specially trained specialist, it can also be performed by a vascular surgeon. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes, and it does not require the introduction of special drugs. Before starting the study, the doctor asks the patient to lie down on the table and slightly raise his head. It lubricates the examination area with gel, which improves the transmission of ultrasonic waves. The doctor presses the sensor to the skin, (some patients find this procedure unpleasant, but most do not experience any discomfort). The sensor sends signals to the computer, which are converted into an image. The whistling sound during the examination is the movement of blood in the body, and it should not be scared. Based on the results, pregnancy can be adjusted.

pregnancy fetus photo

The first ultrasound is also very necessary for a woman and her future baby. After all, only with the help of him will the doctor be able to determine the state of health of the fetus, to clarify the duration of pregnancy. The procedure not only helps monitor pregnancy. The photo of the fetus is also always interesting to see for future dad and mom.

It should be noted that you need to follow the doctor's recommendations. Therefore, you should not refuse if he prescribed ultrasound during pregnancy. Moreover, there are no complications after the procedure. A woman can engage in her usual activities and enjoy the process of bearing a child. In fact, ultrasound during pregnancy is a completely harmless procedure for a woman in position and for an unborn child.

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