We are taught a lot in life. But, unfortunately, no one really talks about how to behave as children, how to raise a child. Basically, we learn about this on our own, having felt all the “charms” of fatherhood and motherhood. Unfortunately, young parents make many mistakes that have unpleasant consequences.
Preschool child
From the age of three, the baby begins to feel independent. But at the same time, everything still remains attached to parents. During this period, the child does not distinguish between the real world and the fantasy world. It is at this age that the baby does not depend on society. Children satisfy their needs and desires. But everyone also needs the attention of loved ones, especially parents. Also, this age is considered the age of "why." During this period, kids ask different questions, which sometimes even the most intelligent adults lead into a dead end. A feature of this age is that children experience various fears.
How to behave with a child 3-6 years old?
At this age, psychologists advise especially to love, feel sorry for your child. Hugs, kisses and affection are also important. At this age, he needs to do what he wants to do. His ideas should be responsive, listen carefully to the baby, if he wants to talk with you. At the same time, honestly answer all questions asked by him. If you lie, the child will take an example from you. Then it will be difficult to retrain him not to lie.
In games do not deny the child. In the process of them, you can understand what problems in the future will arise in the baby, how to solve them.
Give him freedom of choice, but teach him what to consider with others. Stop him when he wants to do some bad serious thing. Do not be afraid to show your discontent in the process.
Punishment of a child aged three to six years
How to behave with a child to mom if she needs to punish a child? Try not to use threats against him. In this case, it is not necessary to patronize the baby too much. You need to punish him only for actions. When the baby shows personal qualities, then do not scold him. Do not resort to physical punishment. Of course, this method gives a faster result, but you should think about how you will behave with the child further.
At this age, you should not focus on children's quarrels. The causes of tantrums in the streets and in the shops lie in family relationships. No need to hang a naughty label on the child. Remember that at this age, children "mirror" the relationship of their parents. At the time of hysteria, try to redirect the child's attention to something else.
Child 7-10 years old
During this period, children have such a time-consuming task, such as study. It is clear that often the teacher becomes the authority. At this age, children often have a splash of imagination. Therefore, they live in a fantasy world in which much is created like what they saw and heard. Now an embryonic idea of personal rights is being formed, interest in your body is increasing. Children copy their parents in behavior and intonation.
Features of interaction with a child of seven to ten years
How to behave with the first child at this age? Now let's figure it out. During this period, it is worth discussing with the child the problems of the relationship between representatives of different sexes. It is necessary to demonstrate the importance of husband and wife by example. In the presence of a child, do not be shy to show care and tenderness for a partner. Find out the phone numbers of the parents of his classmates, get to know them, make friends. Thus, you show that you can be friends with families.
In the learning process, help the child feel joy. This will increase his desire to learn, as well as contribute to personal development. Present all the requirements to the child in a positive way, that is, say what you want.
What is not worth doing? Complex situations and solutions
How to interact with a child? How to behave mom properly? Do not demand from the child that he cannot fulfill. Also, do not be jealous of your child to the authority of the teacher. In no case do not compare your child with others.
Very often in children at this age there is insufficient motivation to study. This is because parents make their children study before school. It’s better to tell the child that it is at school that he learns a lot of interesting things. Of course, the baby needs to be developed, but his information should not be reloaded.
Teenager 10-14 years old
This period is considered a difficult age. Therefore, many parents are interested in how to behave with a child in such a period? It is important to remember that now your child is in serious crisis. The reason is the physiological discomfort, which is caused by the active restructuring of the growing organism. As a result, psychological breakdowns occur. Teenagers are characterized by romance, self-affirmation. Frequent mood swings, causeless sadness - all this is characteristic of a child aged 10-14 years. Teenagers often defend their point of view, criticize the authority of adults, listen to the opinions of peers.
Interaction with a teenager
How to behave to parents with a child at this age? Adolescents, as before, need attention and care. Only all this should be given to the child not as a mom and dad, but as a partner. At this age, you should speak on equal terms with the child. You should give him pocket money, plan a family budget together, and spend free time. When conflicts arise, give your opinion after the child.
Be sure to listen to what the teenager is saying. Those who are interested in learning how to behave with a child should remember that children need to be told that any actions entail consequences. Therefore, before you do something, you should think carefully.
Teach a child at this age to adequately endure troubles and sorrows. The feelings of your child should be treated with extreme care, emphasize the importance of choosing friends and girlfriends. Also, be sure to indicate the framework of acceptable and unacceptable in relations with people in general.
Children 10-14 years old. Possible problems and methods for solving them
How to behave with a child so that he obeys? In no case do not demand from him blind and immediate obedience. Do not humiliate him and threaten. Disrespect for you and him is unacceptable. When explaining a child’s actions, do not start the conversation with interruptions and accusations. In no case do not give a negative assessment of the object of attention of your child.
In adolescence, due to a change in the hormonal background, the child can become rude, naughty. In this case, it is worth increasing his self-esteem. Then his behavior will change for the better.
Children 15-18 years old
Many are interested in learning how to behave with older children. At this age, it is worth telling them about their successes and failures. It should be prepared that during this period the child can enter into an intimate relationship, acquire bad habits. At this age, it is worth helping him in solving problems, supporting him.
The first love falls precisely for this period. You should not destroy the values of the child, saying that there will be many more such boys / girls. Talk heart to heart with your child. The only way you can not break a good relationship with him.