How to get pregnant 100 percent? What days can I get pregnant?

Many couples who want to become parents have to go long and hard to their goal. Unfortunately, in our time more and more often young men and girls hear that they are barren. Infertility diagnosis is made only after one year of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, subject to regular sexual life without protection.

Many girls are interested in the question of how to get pregnant 100%. Let's try to figure this out.

Menstrual cycle

In a normal, normal state, a woman has menstruation once a month. These are red discharge from the genital tract. At the time of their release, the representative of the weaker sex loses the endometrium, which is necessary for the attachment and development of the fertilized cell.

After the end of menstruation, a woman begins a follicular phase. It lasts normally from one to three weeks. During this period, several follicles in the female ovaries grow and develop, but only one of them opens and releases a mature egg. Also at this time, a new endometrium is growing, ready to accept a fetal egg.

When the follicle has reached the required size, it breaks and releases a female cell, which begins to slowly move through the fallopian tubes. If in the next day the cell meets a sperm, then fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur. The days closest to ovulation to become pregnant are considered the most favorable. If conception did not happen, then after about two weeks the woman begins her period and a new cycle.

how to get pregnant 100 percent

How to get pregnant 100 percent?

In order to increase the likelihood of conception and pregnancy, it is necessary to have sex on the day of ovulation and the next couple of days. How to calculate these most fertile days? There are several methods for determining them. We will analyze each in detail.

pregnancy cycle


One of the most accurate ways to determine favorable days is through special tests. It consists in detecting an increase in luteinizing hormone, which contributes to the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg from it. Once you get a positive result, the percentage of getting pregnant increases dramatically. It is on this day and the next 2-4 days that you need to have sexual contact.

It should be noted that testing must be carried out strictly at the same time, from noon to 20 hours.

Temperature determination

percent get pregnant

Another method that doctors recommend is daily recording of basal temperature. Using this method, you can get pregnant on the day of ovulation. The essence of this option is that every day a woman should measure the body temperature in the rectum for five minutes. After that, write the result.

Based on the graph, it can be concluded that immediately before ovulation, body temperature decreases slightly. The next day, there is a sharp jump, and the temperature rises to the level at which the entire remaining cycle remains. Getting pregnant on the day of the jump in indicators is most likely.

Allocation Tracking

Another way to determine fertile days. Many women wondering how to get 100% pregnant get a recommendation from a doctor to monitor their discharge. And indeed, the consistency and intensity of the fluid leaving the genital tract changes throughout the cycle.

On the days closest to ovulation, the woman feels that the vagina becomes wet, and the discharge becomes stretched. Many representatives of the fair sex note that this liquid is similar to raw chicken egg protein. It has no color or smell. It is in this mucus located in the vagina that the male sperm can survive up to five days.

Immediately after the end of favorable days, the nature of the discharge in a woman changes dramatically. They become less abundant and thicken. Their appearance resembles a thick cream. Also, the discharge may acquire a white tint, but still have no smell.

days to get pregnant

Ultrasound examination (folliculometry)

One of the most reliable methods that explain how to get 100% pregnant is to do an ultrasound test several times per cycle. During the diagnosis, the doctor notes the number and size of the follicles and calculates the approximate date of ovulation. The next consultation, as well as the diagnosis, is prescribed approximately two days before the expected exit of the female cell from the ovary. By that time, it will be possible to determine the approximate date of the onset of ovulation to the nearest day.

The doctor will prescribe the next examination after ovulation. This is necessary in order to make sure that the cell is released.

Calendar count

get pregnant on the day of ovulation

Many women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after menstruation. The answer to it depends on the length and regularity of the female cycle. If the fair sex has a regular short cycle in which the follicular phase lasts only one week, then the onset of pregnancy immediately after the end of menstruation is very likely.

In order to calculate fertility days on their own, without the help of tests, examinations and temperature measurements, it is necessary to have a clear established cycle. Remember the last three menstrual cycles and add up their duration. Divide the resulting number by three, and you will get the average length of your normal cycle.

Assuming that the second phase lasts from ten days to two weeks, subtract these numbers from the obtained cycle length. Therefore, you should get the average day of ovulation. Two days in front of her and a couple after her are the most favorable moments for conception.


So, how to get pregnant 100 percent? For the greatest likelihood of fertilization, combine several methods for calculating fertile days. For example, when using the method of measuring temperature and testing, you definitely will not miss a favorable day.

It is also possible to combine research with an ultrasonic sensor and a calendar method of counting.

In order to increase the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to take breaks in sexual contacts. Do not try every day, and even more so several times a day. With each ejaculation, the number of male cells in semen decreases. It is better to choose a specific tactic and have sexual intercourse every other day.

After ejaculation, do not jump instantly. Lie down a little and allow the sperm to penetrate as deep as possible into the uterus.

If after one year the pregnancy has not occurred, you must consult a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe some tests for you and your partner and find out the reason for not having a pregnancy.

Can I get pregnant right away


It is worth saying that none of the above methods will give you a 100% probability of pregnancy. They will only help to calculate the most favorable days. Even conception in artificial conditions and implantation of embryos in the uterine cavity does not give a 100% guarantee that the fetal egg will catch and begin its development.

Plan your pregnancy in advance and contact your doctor if you have any questions or doubts.

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