Which cleaner is good for Android?

When using a smartphone based on the Android operating system, a huge amount of unnecessary information accumulates over time. These are cache files, outdated passwords, history of visits and searches, log files, processes and much more. Over time, they all become completely useless, but they still remain in the device’s memory. To prevent this from happening, cleaner programs are used that remove all garbage from memory. Which cleaner is good for Android, we will tell in the article.

Where does the trash come from?

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1 Click Clear

good cleaner for android

1 Click Clear. , , , , . , . .

, . , , . – « ». . . "". – 4.

Clean Master

which cleaner is better for android

, , ""- – Clean Master. . . , , . : -, , . , (Instagram, YouTube).

, , 10 . , . Clean Master . . – -. ""-.

App Cache Cleaner

best cleaner for android

- App Cache Cleaner. , . . . ( ) , , .

Call Log Monitor

best cleaner for android rating

, , Call Log Monitor. . . -. . . . , . . , , "" , .

History Eraser

History Eraser , . , , , , "", . -, .

Advanced Task Manager

what is the best cleaner for android

"" – Advanced Task Manager. ""- , - . . , . . , , , . .

""? , , . - , , , , . ? , . "" "".

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