Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary (50 years)

Birthday is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays. But over the years, the attitude towards him is still changing. If in childhood and youth we wanted to receive good gifts, were happy with new clothes, then, already in adulthood, people are more valued. Those who did not forget to congratulate, were close all these years, became dear to the heart. Having gathered them together, I just want to remember all the good things, spend the evening in a warm company, leave the fuss behind the door. Therefore, congratulations on the anniversary (50 years) should be especially sincere and beautiful. In the article you will find texts addressed to both women and men.

Dear boss

Dear (name)! Today is truly a solemn day for you! At such a moment, many begin to evaluate the years they have lived. Such a revision is a good thing, but you should not go into it. There are still so many events, unforgettable moments, amazing stories! Becoming a wise and respected leader of our team, you managed to invest a piece of your soul in each employee. Patience, understanding, leadership qualities - all this has become the key to productive work and development. We want to wish you to continue to confidently achieve your goals, to remain as sensitive and kind. Let the team always remain the second family!

To the employee

Congratulations on the anniversary of the man

Today we address our congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the woman who has become the soul and heart of our team! No matter how old the new employee was, you could always find a common language with him. We do not cease to be surprised at this amazing ability - to find the key to a person in a matter of minutes. On such a beautiful day, we want to wish the birthday girl good health, family well-being, prosperity and thank for her professionalism, dedication to work and contribution to the development of the team!

To the best leader

Often the boss is at an impressive distance from employees. He can only manage the workflow so that the company achieves the desired results. To our surprise and joy, things are completely different within this office. From the first days of work, each of the employees felt an atmosphere of friendliness and trust. All this came from you, dear (name)! Therefore, on our birthday, we sincerely want to congratulate the best boss on the anniversary and wish him only good qualified employees, well-being, health, happiness, and also everything that, in his opinion, is included in this concept!


Dear (name)! Congratulations on your anniversary! A man in his 50s can wish a lot: health, happiness, grandchildren. But we want to say something else. We wish to stay young, even inside. Let gray hair or wrinkles appear, but the days will still be filled with smiles, funny stories, kind people. First of all, you appreciate the warmth of human communication. Let there always be open and sincere people around, and never make less friends!

Live the pleasures

In fact, the anniversary (50 years) is a cool event. All around recall the achievements and experience that the birthday person has gained over the years. On the contrary, I want to wish to discard this figure, turn on your favorite music louder and show children and grandchildren how to dance! There is so much beauty in life: take the Titanic, a pack of napkins and get plenty of money or go on a trip. Let others be surprised and consider all this crazy, but no one knows better than you how to become happy.


Anniversary in the circle of relatives

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your anniversary! Relatives and friends gathered together, because the occasion is more than wonderful. For everyone who sits at the festive table, you mean a lot. Mom, wife, grandmother - this is just a small list of roles. You are doing very well with them. I want to wish you good health, happiness and love. Let only good people knock on the door of the house, and troubles and misfortunes never cross its threshold.

There is something to be proud of

Holiday with family

Anniversary (50 years) is a great occasion to recount all the merits of a birthday man! If the house is not built, then bought, the children have already grown up and give grandchildren, and small seedlings have grown into large trees. Now life is moving into the phase of creation. May family well-being, the health of friends and relatives, their attention and care not cease to give vitality. We wish to start every day with a smile, even if the weather outside is gloomy.

Good tradition

At this table, today we say congratulations on the 50th anniversary of our dear (name)! The birthday girl is pleased to hear compliments, but pride overwhelms me. There are more than enough reasons for her: you became a wonderful person, taught this to your children and grandchildren, and remained cheerful and carefree, despite all the difficulties of life. I would like to wish to always feel spring in my soul, to keep the warmth and comfort of my home, to raise my grandchildren and to grow younger in my soul.

Decent date

50 years is an anniversary in the true sense of the word. Even in Ancient Judea, this date was considered worthy of respect and honor. This means that in your life you celebrated more than a dozen of these holidays, which means that it is very difficult to surprise a birthday boy. In this case, we will take soulfulness. We wish that relatives and friends were always there, giving warmth, listening to your opinion. Let health not fail, and energy is in full swing.

Only half

50 years anniversary

He has already lived 50 years. Today you are the hero of the day, with which we hasten to congratulate! We want to preserve everything that has been achieved over the years. May authority, wisdom and invaluable experience always help to make the right decisions. We wish the guardian angel to protect from troubles and bring health and well-being to your home. The past years are not a load, but baggage, without which a person did not become what he is. Let longing, spleen and boredom not interfere with enjoying life.

There is no reason to be sad

After 30 people begins to be afraid of their age. What can we say about a more impressive date. Today you accept congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years! But this does not mean at all that life should become monotonous, measured and boring. Just imagine how many amazing things have happened over the years, how many tremulous memories that will forever remain in your memory! Not everyone can brag of half of them, which means that you need to set new goals. Emotions, impressions, acquaintances - there may be more. We wish that life did not lose color, and health, well-being and happiness were in abundance.

Everything is relative

They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit. 50 successfully lived years prove that the ability to make the right decisions is perfectly mastered by the birthday man. Although the days do not always go smoothly, sometimes fatigue and bustle cause melancholy and bad thoughts, you invariably regain your good mood and good spirits.

Wonderful person

Place for anniversary

Today I want to congratulate you on your 50th birthday! The woman to whom they are addressed is the embodiment of kindness, tenderness and beauty. For half a century, she became a caring daughter, a loving wife and a wonderful mother. Friends, colleagues and just those who know her will confirm that she deserves all the best. I would like to wish you health, which will never let you down, patience, in order to accept your family and friends as they are, wisdom, which will help strengthen your family and pass on the experience to the future generation. May well-being, prosperity and love be frequent guests in the house!

Our hero of the day

Dear birthday boy! Today we are in a hurry to congratulate a man who has hardly reached this age on his 50th birthday . Let the passport inexorably point to this significant date, but youth has not yet passed in the soul. Only a strong-willed person can safely go forward in life and push others to it. Whatever difficulties may arise along the way, you are proud to overcome them. We wish you to remain youthful and alert, enjoy life and enjoy every day!

Scenario preparation

If the anniversary organization (50 years) fell on your shoulders, then you should thoroughly approach this task. In order not to get lost in your own ideas, interesting ideas and save the concept of the holiday, you should make a plan.

It is necessary to decide what event will be in scale. Agree that a small company will be disturbed by a host, a large number of contests and excessive fuss.

Further it is worth understanding in what direction the holiday will move. To do this, make a short note about the birthday man: how much he loves such events, prefers peace of mind or cannot sit in one place for a long time. Based on this, you can begin to create a 50-year anniversary script.

Anniversary script

If the birthday boy decided to gather relatives and friends at the festive table, then it is worth adding more facts about the family to the plan of the event, offering to recall the highlights, actively using photos and videos from the family archive.

The anniversary, where colleagues are invited as guests, can be directed to improving relations between employees. Here are used contests, skits, games.

A pleasant and interesting addition to the holiday will be the photo zone, decorated in its theme. There you can place an interesting frame, as well as all kinds of funny details (glasses, hats, wigs, words from volume letters).

Small gifts for guests will look cute. These can be various funny little things.


Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman

It does not matter if the celebration will be large-scale or limited to a small company of those closest to you, it is important to congratulate the birthday man. Warm, sincere words will remind him how much good has happened in his life, and what more awaits him.

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