Riddles about the air. Short riddles about the air

Riddles are a test of ingenuity and logic, not only for children, but also for adults. They develop the thinking, imagination and imagination of man. Guessing can be turned into an exciting game that both educates and develops. In this article, you will read the original long and short puzzles about the air. They will be useful to parents and teachers when they play with children on the street, go camping or go outdoors.

Riddles in verses

When you and your children went fishing or went out for a walk on the street, play a game with them. It can be riddles about the air. With their help, the child will understand and rethink a lot.

puzzles about the air

  1. He is invisible, and so what?

    No one can live without it.

    Neither eat, talk, nor even drink water.

    We can’t melt the bathhouse and get a spark.

  2. It is everywhere, it is not visible, only everyone needs it:

    And kids, planes, tires, birds and cars,

    Grass, meadows and underwater.

    Here it is, what a mystery.

  3. It is very necessary for breathing

    Everyone in the country and on the planet.

    With the wind is very friendly.

    We know everything about him with you

    No one will catch him with his hand.

  4. No one notices him

    Nobody talks about him out loud.

    One thing we know for sure

    That we breathe it in, and we all really need it.

Short riddles

If you don’t know what kind of riddle you can think of about the air, read the article. Here you will find short riddles, like which you can compose yourself.

short puzzles about the air

  1. What can a person not see but breathe easily?
  2. What can not we see both indoors and outdoors?
  3. This invisibility is always with us. He doesn’t ask for a visit, but makes him breathe.
  4. What does not have weight, color and shape?
  5. What invisible surrounds people, animals and nature?
  6. Man is always next to this invisibility, but he has never been able to see.
  7. Constantly in the field. Everyone thinks this is a horse, but it is not him. Flies in the sky like a titmouse, but it is not a bird.
  8. A fish cannot live without water, and a man without what?
  9. He is not leaving us anywhere. In any weather, at any time of the year he helps us live.
  10. Around the nose flies, but does not fall into the hands.
  11. Everyone can hear it, but no one will see it.
  12. Invisibility sits on the shoulder and blows out in the nose.
  13. They can not stock up or borrow for a while. If he disappears, then the living creature will die in 10 minutes.
  14. We can’t touch it. But we know for sure that it is not soft and not hard.
  15. Why is the sound? There is no help - and the sound disappears.

All of the above puzzles about air are needed by both children and adults. When a teacher studies the world around him with preschoolers, you can play a little game at the same time. Each child will be happy to solve puzzles and ask them to educators and peers.


When a teacher tells children about nature and phenomena, he always mentions the air. Very often, kindergarten experiments are carried out using balloons. On the basis of such activities, you can solve riddles about nature, including air, with the children.

what riddle can you come up with about air

Such a fun lesson is very popular with kids. Their mood rises, they learn to think logically and fantasize. Riddles about the air are not only interesting, but also informative. Thanks to them, children understand nature and atmospheric phenomena even more.

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