Today we will analyze one of the most important questions for everyone who plays in “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” - how to increase the carried weight. It is impossible to transport large loads, because the automatic maximum reaches a mark of 60 kilograms. This is quite small, which means that the player is provided with inconvenience.
Laws of physics
We will be helped by the tricks that Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl stores in itself. How to increase the transferred weight, because 60 kg is a lot for an ordinary person. That is why the developers of the game considered it necessary to add notes of realism to the gameplay, it is impossible to carry heavy loads. But after all, game reality is significantly different from life, in the first place in that it should break the boundaries. So, in “Stalker” you can still increase the maximum available weight that a player is able to carry. Let's get down to business.«: » -
, . , gamedata. - configs, - creatures. , «actor.ltx». . «max_walk_weight = 60». , , , «» , - . : .
You also need to fix such a moment as the correction of the critical mass. It is this mark that indicates at what point the character will lose power quite abruptly and quickly: during movement and jumping. We make the way: gamedata \ configs \ system.ltx. In the line max_weight = 50, the last digit is changed to any other, the document is saved. To make sure that the changes are working properly, you must run the game. This manual is suitable for any version of the mods. So we have solved one of the most important tasks in the game “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” - how to increase the transferred weight.