Immoral behavior or 15 year old and pregnant.

No matter how strange it sounds, today immoral behavior of adolescents has become the norm. And almost everywhere, every now and then the condemnation of the adult generation is heard - 15 years old and pregnant. But I would like to find out if the 15-year-old girls are so to blame for everything, or whether adults who blame them are also responsible for this.

It is believed that from the moment the parents allow the girl to be friends with the guy as an adult and their responsibility begins for a possible pregnancy. And since today, a 15-year-old and pregnant girl is no longer a rare phenomenon, we can conclude that the parents are immoral.

What to do to prevent pregnancy at 15.

Firstly, each parent must learn for themselves that it is unacceptable to allow the girl to walk at night. Just think what you can do on the street after dark. Also, some parents act rashly, letting girls go to all kinds of discos, this does not mean that the child should become a recluse. But the range of his interests can be thought out by parents at an early age in the development of the girl. In this case, it means going to sports sections, or interests related to languages, music, etc.

Secondly, the atmosphere inside the family is very important, parents should not be only busy with work or themselves. It is important that the house has a friendly atmosphere, so that every member of the family is sure to share and consult with each other. Indeed, often children suffer precisely from the inattention and misunderstanding of their parents.

Thirdly, you should never ignore a girl when she wants to tell you about first love or failure in love. You should always be support for her, and even if she has already made some mistakes, do not scold, but try to help fix them.

But what if your daughter is already 15 years old and pregnant?

Well, for starters in this situation, you need to calm down and not panic. Then be sure to make an appointment with the girl at the gynecologist. And if there are no serious contraindications, in no case advise the child to do an abortion. It is known that pregnant women at the age of 15 who have had an abortion often subsequently cannot have more children.

Next, you need to solve the issue with the father of the child, because having sex with a girl who has not reached the age of sixteen is criminally punishable. And if the father and mother of the future baby, with the consent of their parents, are ready to legalize the relationship, in some cases, by a court decision, criminal liability is canceled. Therefore, it is worth soberly judging that you will win by putting your daughter’s child’s father behind bars. And if you go to a meeting, then a young, but still a family is formed.

Facts About Teenage Pregnancy.

Pregnant adolescents are concerned about the same obstetric issues as 20-30 year old women, with the only difference being that 15 year old pregnant women are at greater risk of miscarriage and premature birth. According to statistics, it is known that preterm birth and low birth weight are most common in adolescent girls. Researchers argue that this is due to the fact that adolescents rarely receive prenatal care, and if they use it, then only in the third semester of pregnancy. Due to the lack of proper management by the doctor of a young mother, babies born to adolescents are more prone to torment from any childhood diseases than children of older mothers.

Also, many teenage mothers jeopardize the life and proper development of the baby in the womb due to the malnutrition, so characteristic of their age. Here, and attempts to lose weight due to diets, and skipping meals, coming from the fashion for diets, and eating only fast food and sandwiches.

Also, a 15-year-old and pregnant girl is more at risk of dying during childbirth than older women in labor.

But all this is dust, in comparison with the fact that another person may soon be born.

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