Details on how to untie the phone from "Steam"

Today we’ll talk about how to untie a phone number from Steam. Currently, this platform offers users various account protection tools.


how to untie the phone from steam

To resolve the issue of how to untie the phone from "Steam", it should be remembered that identification in the specified system by entering a password and login is not limited. The project developers have implemented the ability to use the computer hardware. In case of authorization from another PC, the user must confirm that he is the owner of the selected profile. To do this, a special letter is sent to the email address associated with the account. It contains a code that allows you to activate the input.

. . Steam Guard. , , , . . . . . Steam Guard , , , . . , . , , . Steam Guard.

how to untie a phone number from steam

Next will be given a practical guide that will allow you to resolve the issue of how to untie the phone from "Steam". It should be said separately about one important circumstance. With the described method of protection on a mobile phone, obviously, there is a Steam application. Disabling the authenticator can only be done through it. Thus, the question of how to untie the phone from "Steam" without the phone has no practical solution. So, to achieve the result, we launch the official mobile application. To do this, on the mobile phone, click on the corresponding icon. When the application opens, go to the menu using the button in the upper left corner. Select the item Steam Guard. A window of the same name will appear on the phone.


how to untie a phone from steam without a phone

Next in line is the final stage in deciding how to untie the phone from Steam. We use the function "Delete Authenticator". After that, a confirmation window for the selected action appears. Click on the appropriate button. We agree to the removal of the authenticator. After that, a system message will appear. It will discuss successful disconnection of an unnecessary authenticator. From now on, activation codes will be sent to the selected email. After deciding how to untie the phone from Steam, account protection will be less reliable. This should be remembered. If your account does not have expensive games, such actions are justified. We hope that now the problem with logging into Steam will be completely resolved.

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