Surely every woman knows that new shoes bring a lot of problems, the main of which can be corns on her feet. This is completely natural, because the foot adapts to a certain type of shoe, and each of your new clothes makes the foot change. As a result, the addiction process can last several weeks, during which you will constantly rub your fingers. Some women prefer to wear shoes gradually, putting them on for a short while and then doing it more often. But this is not a wise decision, because every time you put it on, you mock yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to know several ways of how to carry tight shoes without harming the legs.
This is a fairly long process. It is also worth considering that homemade tips on how to carry tight shoes can sometimes lead to damage. Therefore, you must carefully read the tips and think before you apply any of them in practice.
What can be done with narrow shoes and how to carry leather shoes?
First you need to remember that shoes made from natural materials are more moody, so you need to stretch them carefully, otherwise instead of comfortable shoes you will get dull and already permanently spoiled shoes. Some housewives prefer not to take risks and take her immediately to the workshop. I must say that such a choice is quite worthy, since the master will be able to stretch new shoes quickly and without harm. He does not resort to various folk methods, but uses a special device - a stretcher. A few hours on such an instrument - and your shoes become comfortable and stop harming you. However, the services of masters are not suitable for every housewife, so you may need knowledge on how to carry tight shoes at home.
As mentioned above, natural materials are quite moody, so all procedures must be carried out only in the inside of the shoe, not touching the outside.
Consider several options for how to carry tight shoes:
- Leather shoes can be stretched with vodka or alcohol. To do this, moisten a cotton swab or pieces of old newspapers in them and put as much as possible into shoes. We leave the shoes in this state for several hours until everything inside is dry. You can’t put it on the battery to accelerate the effect, otherwise the appearance can go bad.
- If you don’t have a few hours and you need shoes in an hour, then treat it inside with alcohol or vinegar, and then put it on a thick woolen sock. Walking around the apartment takes about an hour to feel the expansion.
- Also, boiling water is suitable for stretching. Since the skin becomes very soft when exposed to high temperatures, this can be used without harm to the shoes. To do this, pour a small amount of boiling water inside the shoes, after a few seconds pour it and put it on a thick toe too. Within half an hour you will feel much freer.
It should be noted that all the tips on how to carry tight shoes imply the presence of a really high-quality and reliable pair. If the shoes are of poor quality, then some tips can make them unusable.