Very often people wonder how to remove stains from sweat under the armpits. This task is not so simple, therefore, to obtain the desired result, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. First of all, it all depends on the fabric and how much the stain fits into it. That is why the housewives are forced to experiment and constantly look for new ways to remove sweat stains under the armpits.
Yellow circles on a dress or shirt are a direct blow to a person’s reputation. In society, such traces are considered to be a sign of sloppiness. They can easily spoil the image, even if otherwise the image is perfect. Therefore, each person needs to know the basic rules for caring for these areas on things.
Most problems arise with white clothes. Sweat marks are very visible on it, but getting rid of them is not so simple. The article will give clear and understandable answers to questions about how to remove stains from sweat under the armpits on colored clothes made from different materials.
Main rules
Traces of sweat are among the most capricious pollution. To cope with them is difficult, but quite possible. Before you learn how to remove sweat stains under the armpits, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:
- You need to act immediately. Collecting dirty things for several days to wash them all together is not worth it. This increases the likelihood that unpleasant traces of sweat will remain on clothing forever.
- Wash better in cold water. Traces of sweat, as well as traces of deodorant, are best washed in cool water, since hot helps to "seal" them.
- Excellent stain removers are folk remedies. Purchased products that contain chemical components can harm fabrics. To protect yourself from such consequences, it is recommended to use the funds that are present in each house (they are described in detail below).
- Yellowish traces must be handled correctly. Sweat marks need to be processed starting from the edges and moving towards the center. If you act in the opposite direction, the pollution will only increase and removing it will become even more difficult.
Yellowish spots on white clothing are best removed with chlorine-free products. Such stain removers can only enhance the yellowness effect, and the sweat marks themselves will attract the attention of others.
We clean fresh spots
Sweat stains should be removed quickly. If they have literally just appeared, then they can be washed with ordinary cold water, without even using any detergents. But if the pollution is still fresh, but it was not immediately noticed, you can try one of the four methods provided below.
Laundry soap
This tool captivates many people with its versatility. It helps to get rid of stains on absolutely any fabric. Soap solution can be made from laundry soap, which instantly removes sweat. If you wish, you can simply rub the resulting stains with a dry bar, leave for a while and rinse with cold water.
After rubbing the contaminated areas with dry soap or dipping clothes in a soap solution, it must be allowed to turn sour for 30-40 minutes. Immediately after this, you should not just wash the soap, but wash the item in the washing machine.
Instead of household soap, you can take the usual liquid detergent for dishes. Just a couple of drops will be enough for a quality solution for soaking.
Hydrogen peroxide
A tool such as peroxide can easily restore their neatness to white things. From snow-white shirts and T-shirts, yellow spots can be removed if you follow the instructions:
- Treat only contaminated areas with peroxide.
- Leave the item for 20-25 minutes so that the treated area dries out a little.
- Wash with the recommendations on the label.
Replace hydrogen peroxide with lemon. To do this, you just need to squeeze a little juice on the yellow spots, and then proceed according to the above instructions.
This method allows you to remove yellow sweat stains from fabrics such as wool, fine knitwear and light cotton. The most important thing to remember is moderate use. If vinegar is used in minimal quantities, then it will not cause any harm to clothing.
The instruction is quite simple:
- Treat the yellow spots with vinegar using a cotton pad.
- Leave the clothes on for about an hour.
- Wash a thing manually or in a washing machine, but only in cool water.
If there is a need to remove stains from a colored synthetic thing, then for it you need to prepare an acetic solution. To do this, pour the substance into ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 4. Leave to dry off the thing is not for an hour, but somewhere for 20 minutes.
Stains from sweat on white, oddly enough, can be removed using ordinary vodka. Such a peculiar express method does not require soaking at all. But before using it, you need to remember that it is better not to experiment with sensitive materials.
Traces of sweat must be treated with liquid using a sponge or cotton wool. Immediately after this, you need to thoroughly wash your clothes in the usual way.
If there is no vodka in the house, then it can be replaced with ammonia. The effect of it may not be so good, but still some improvement will certainly become noticeable. It is required to apply it according to the same scheme: processing - washing.
Getting Rid of Yellowness
Often there are times when sweat stains are deeply "stuck" in a thing. It would seem impossible to get rid of these hated yellowish circles, but the comments of experienced hostesses say the opposite. In fact, foods like salt, soda, and aspirin can do wonders.
A universal method that is suitable for all occasions is able to reanimate silk things and remove yellowish spots even from denim. It is also suitable for linen items of clothing and cotton fabric.
First of all, it is necessary to dilute the salt with a minimum amount of water to form a slurry. The resulting mass must be applied to the spots and left for 10-12 hours. After this time, you should wash the clothes in the mode that is suitable specifically for this fabric.
Thanks to the salt gruel, you can refresh the inner surface of a leather jacket and tweed jacket, where there are traces of sweat. In this case, you also need to wait about 10-12 hours, and then clean the contents and gently wash the fabric with water.
The unique features of soda are its ability to whiten yellow spots on snow-white things. Soda solution can be used for any tissue, but most importantly, the material should be light. If you apply the method on dark clothes, then there is a possibility that white traces will remain on it. The solution not only copes well with yellow circles, but also disinfects things, eliminating the unpleasant smell of sweat.
Yellowish traces can be displayed in just 5 steps:
- Collect exactly half a glass of water.
- Stir in it 4 tablespoons of soda.
- Treat the stained areas with the prepared solution.
- Leave for a couple of hours.
- Wash or rinse in cold water.
You can even find the answer to the question of how to deal with sweat stains in a medicine cabinet. Oddly enough, acetylsalicylic acid will be an excellent helper and an option to solve the problem in difficult times. Thanks to her, it is possible to remove even those contaminants that have formed on clothes for a long time. This method is ideal for absolutely any material.
Thoroughly grind three aspirin tablets and adding a little liquid to this powder, we should get a thick slurry. The product should be carefully applied to stubborn stains, rub and leave for about three hours. Immediately after this, it is necessary to rinse or wash.
In the case of delicate tissues, it is better not to risk it and prepare an aspirin solution. It requires dissolving a couple of tablets in half a glass of water. The resulting liquid must be treated contaminated areas, and then leave for 30 minutes.
How not to get stained
Since it is not so easy to draw out the yellow circles, you should remember a few important rules that will help prevent the appearance of such problems. Only four points will make it possible to forget forever about compromising footprints under the armpits:
- The deodorant should be free of aluminum salts. It is worth knowing that it is these components that provoke the appearance of yellowness when reacting with sweat.
- You must wait until the deodorant is completely dry. No need to rush to dress immediately after using the deodorant. Armpits take time to dry. Aerosol products dry in just a couple of minutes, but with a ball, it takes about eight minutes.
- You must regularly use special gaskets. This advice is especially relevant for those who wear clothing made of thick material. Modern genetic accessories are easily attached to things and protect it from yellowness.
- Things should be washed immediately. You need to learn how to wash your clothes immediately after wearing. No need to plan to put it on in the near future, as it is better to put it in order and send it to the closet. This applies even to those cases when a person walked in only 20-30 minutes.
Best stain removers
- Amway. Stain remover is designed to eliminate various types of contaminants. It is available in the form of a spray. The Amway stain remover contains the following components: perfume, sodium salt, sodium phosphonate, soda ash, baking soda, silica gel, and sodium perborate. The cost of the bottle does not exceed 300 rubles.
- "Vanish Oxy Action". A unique tool is liked by buyers for its value (200 rubles) and high quality. Liquid stain remover consists of phosphates, flavors and oxygen bleach.
These funds deserve respect and attention, since over the short years of their existence they managed to surprise people with their capabilities.