Игровые манипуляторы. Использование манипулятора. Манипуляторы - это...

In life, we carry out manipulations with the help of hands. But with electrical engineering is not so simple. And here manipulators come to the rescue . This allows us to expand the possibilities of interaction with technology. Therefore, let's consider what game manipulators are and what they are.

general information

manipulators this

A manipulator is a device that differs from the usual mice and keyboards in the form and principle of action. According to the last characteristic, we can say that they are able to recognize smooth pressing.

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use of the manipulator

Before playing, you need to process the manipulators. This means that all non-standard functions must be customized to your taste. In fairness, it should be said that according to them the values ​​are set already in the "default" mode. But this may not be enough. So, returning to the steering example considered earlier, we note that if we are not comfortable with the sharpness of its rotation, then we go to the settings and change the parameter responsible for this to a smaller or larger side.


manipulator this device

Now you can find full-fledged applications for games. So, the use of a manipulator is popular, in which a fully controlling complex of a car is simulated (where, in addition to the steering wheel, there is also a gearbox and three pedals). But you need to understand that such developments are quite fragile to fully simulate the whole situation. The vast majority of manipulators are not designed for the fact that they will be excessive use of force. Although they suffer sudden movements without problems, it should be noted when talking about manipulators: this largely depends on the quality of the brand used and the presence of the original / fake. In principle, this can be attributed to almost all areas of our lives.


game controllers

There is a desire to feel yourself in the cockpit, while not even leaving your room? Well, this idea can be very easily implemented. Thanks to the constant improvements in manipulation systems, joysticks have appeared. They exist in many variations and models - even with feedback. Perhaps the game did not seem easy. True, for entertainment, where you need to quickly and abruptly respond to various events, they will not work. So, if you need to rotate 180 degrees with the mouse, then this is a trifling matter. With the joystick, you must wait until the control subject slowly, but confidently unfolds. It is mainly used in racing and simulations.

Steering wheel

keyboard manipulator

We have already considered similar manipulators. This device allows you to fully enjoy the game. The most modern samples not only provide ease of management, but also allow you to feel different resistance in different places. So, on an asphalt highway you will notice a slight jitter of the steering wheel. When driving on virtual pebbles, a person feels a strong twitch and somewhat difficult control. True, the price difference is simply amazing. Let's take two devices: one has simple resistance, and the second one is as described. The difference in their price will be three times, if not more.

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Technical features

computer manipulators

The manipulators can be based on digital or analog operation principle. The first is more primitive than the second. Almost all manipulators are now available with feedback. This is the name of an imitation of external influences that a gamer can feel in order to better immerse himself in the game world. Previously, only expensive manipulators had this effect. It is now only the cheapest and most primitive samples do not possess it. As a device that does this, one or even several motors are used.

For example, we give the following. The aircraft is controlled, but a bird gets into one of the turbines, which puts it out of order. In this case, a command is sent to the manipulator, and it begins to roll on its side with a single motor.

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  3. The presence of power from USB. In this case, there is no need to take care of the external power supply. True, this option is not suitable if you need to provide a relatively high power.


computer manipulators

So we considered the topic of manipulators. Of course, this is only a general inspection without going into various issues, and it will be enough to make a choice for yourself. Although, perhaps, a mouse and a keyboard are suitable for interaction.

The manipulator, after all, is a complex device and also expensive. It was created specifically for new opportunities, as well as for a more sensitive transmission of sensations to humans. But if finances allow and there is a desire, then you can spend part of your earnings on acquiring such an add-on for your computer or set-top box.

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