Interesting birthday contests for children: funny, moving, musical

Planning to celebrate your baby’s birthday at home? Then you just need to come up with interesting contests. By the birthday of your child, it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel. You can take advantage of games that are already time-tested. Look for options for such contests below.

Get dressed

interesting contests

One of the interesting contests for a child’s birthday can be created using unnecessary clothes. In a large box you have to put baby things. It can be various shoes, hats, scarves, scarves, t-shirts and skirts. How fun and interesting is the contest?

Children become in a round dance, and in the middle is the leader. The music starts to sound, and the round dance comes to life. The host also begins to spin with his arm extended forward. When the music ends, the one that shows the finger of a person standing in the center should take one of the things in the box. It is advisable that the children do not see what they get. To do this, you need to close the box, and cut a small hole in one of the walls. A blindfold thing, the child puts on himself. Now this lucky one becomes the host, and the game continues. The competition will come to an end when there are no things left in the box. The one who will be dressed the funniest wins. You can come up with prizes for the contest for a child’s birthday. It can be sweet souvenirs or small toys.

Gift portrait

contests for children at the birthday party in the house

For a birthday it is customary to give presents. You can hold a contest, as a result of which the birthday man will receive many of his own portraits. Yes, it will be caricatures, but still funny. How to hold an interesting birthday contest? The conditions will be as follows. All the children sit at the table, and the facilitator blindfolds everyone with a thick scarf. Now you should give each child a pencil and a piece of paper. At the signal, the children begin to draw a portrait of the birthday man. You can give participants not one pencil, but several colored ones, then the result will be even more interesting. Such contests and games for children’s birthday are perfect. After the allotted 5-7 minutes, you should stop the guys and untie their eyes. The winner can be considered the one whose portrait will bear a greater resemblance to the birthday man.

Game of cats

contests for children at the birthday party in the house

Want to check your children's auditory memory? You can have an interesting birthday contest. It will help not only pass the time, but also teach children to be attentive and listen not only to words, but also to the timbre of the voice of the interlocutor. Similar games develop attention and memory. How to hold this funny birthday contest for kids?

You need to make one child lead. He turns away from the other participants in the action, standing behind him. Now one of the guys should meow. You can do it quite loudly or very quietly. After one child meows, the game begins. Children scatter around the room and begin to portray cats. They rub against the walls, wriggle, arch their backs and meow. The leader turns and begins to bypass his peers. His task is to find out which of those present published the first meow. If he guesses, then a point is counted to him, and the meower becomes the leader. The one who scored the most points wins. Of course, you can not count points. In this case, the children will enjoy the game, and not chase the prize.

Dwarves and giants

You can develop attention in many ways. For this purpose, you can use contests for children at a birthday party in the house. Thanks to such games, the guys will be better able to absorb information and learn to listen to the interlocutor. How to conduct a similar game?

Leading should appoint an adult, for example, the father of the birthday man. He becomes in the center of the room, and the children around him form a big round dance. Any fun song is included and the competition begins. The host should say only two words “gnome” and “giant”. When a man says “dwarf” - the children should squat, and when the word “giant” sounds - the children should stand on tiptoe. The task of the leader is to confuse the guys. On the word "giant" a man can sit down, and on the word "gnome" he can stand on tiptoe. Inattentive children will repeat the movement for the leader. The one who does this flies out of the game. The most attentive guys who win the competition receive gifts. At the discretion of the lead can be either one or three prizes.

Pop the ball

mobile birthday contests for children

All children love to break and destroy something. Of course, this desire cannot be encouraged. But you can hold a contest for children at the birthday party in the house, which will allow the children to pour out most of the energy. Thus, it will be possible to protect the house from unintentional losses in the form of vases, flower pots or decorative figurines. How to hold such a useful competition?

It is necessary to inflate such a number of balloons that will coincide with the number of children at the holiday. If you did not have time to prepare the props in advance, do not be discouraged. Children will enjoy the process of independently inflating balloons. After each child coped with the task, you need to attach him an inflatable props to his leg. Moreover, the thread should be at least a meter. Now you need to declare the terms of the competition.

Each child must guard his ball, and burst the ball of a neighbor. But you can’t use your hands and push each other. Children should also be prohibited from biting and cursing. Yes, the game is a gamble, but the bounds of decency should be observed. The winner is the one whose balloon remains intact. To make the game more fun, you can fill in the details for this contest with confetti. In this case, the explosion of the ball will be accompanied by a multicolored scattering of colored sparkles. To lose it was not very offensive, you can put a nice message into each ball. What could it be? Good luck, good grades at school or traveling. You can write everything that you think will soften the heart of a losing child. You can cut out a cute note in the shape of a heart.

Find the candy

A fun birthday contest for children should be accompanied by laughter and positive emotions. To achieve this result, it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel. You can use the contests that have long been loved by children. One of them is finding candy. But you have to look for it not with your hands, but with your mouth. And where is the search? In a bowl of flour. You should put candy in any deep container, and then fill it with flour. Now you should plant a child in front of each bowl and announce the start. The one who is quickest to manage to get and eat candy, he won. Do you think that only boys will take part in such a competition? Nothing like this. Girls will also be happy to excavate to get to the treasured sweetness. And so that the parents of the guys do not accuse you of spoiling your clothes, you should put on each participant in such a competition a raincoat. And it is advisable to spread the oilcloth on the floor. Otherwise, then the flour will have to be collected with a vacuum cleaner throughout the house. Believe me, her children will be able to instantly pull away even in the farthest corners, when they play hide and seek.

Create a planet

Children love to fantasize. Many adults cannot understand how this happens in children. Fantasy can be expressed in various ways, and the task of parents is to direct the stormy imagination in the right direction. For example, you can have a fun birthday contest for children. What is needed for this? As details you should take balloons and markers.

First, each child needs to inflate his balloon. Or you can purchase such a props in advance and pump it with helium. In this case, balls after such entertainment can become a decoration of the room. How to hold a competition? The host gives the children markers and announces the conditions. In 5 minutes, the children should draw as many inhabitants as possible on their planet, in the form of which the balloon is now playing. It can be anything - dogs, cats, people or aliens. The main thing here is quantity, not quality. After the announcement of the conditions, a start is announced. Lead pinpoints 5 minutes. After the time has passed, children should remove the markers and find out who managed to draw the most figures. All participants should give balls, and the winner must be given a symbolic prize.

Team singing

funny birthday contests for kids

Does your child like to sing? In this case, arrange a music contest for children on their birthday. The guys will appreciate this gesture. After all, at home, parents rarely give their children the opportunity to shout from the heart. They say: think about your neighbors, I have a headache from you and everything like that. Yes, the parents of the birthday party will have to endure 10 minutes of screaming, but it's worth it to see sincere happiness in the eyes of the birthday person. How can I hold a team competition for children on their birthday?

Guests should be divided into two groups. The first team asks the volunteer to leave the room. At this time, both groups of children come up with different songs. When this step is completed, the parents name the recently released child. And as soon as he enters, the two teams start screaming different songs as loudly as possible. The task of the child is to determine what his team is singing. Then you should set off for a walk in the next room of one of the participants of the other team. And then sing again. Those guys whose teams scored more points win, that is, the participants of which were able to determine more musical compositions performed by their friends.


contests games for kids birthday

Mobile birthday contests for children are the basis of fun. Therefore, they should be carried out as much as possible. But the fun must be controlled by adults. Otherwise, children will be able to easily smash the whole apartment in two hours. And in order to somehow pacify the children, they need to be invited to play forfeits. This fun entertainment should be carried out as follows.

Each of the participants gives the presenter a personal item. It can be a pendant, earring, ring, keychain or toy. Now all the guys should write a task on two pieces of paper. If children lack the imagination to come up with tasks, adults can come to their aid. For example, you can write the following tasks: sit down 10 times, put a saucepan on your head and knock on it with a ladle, crow 5 times, portray a cat, etc. Now the tasks are stacked in one container, and personal items in another. The presenter takes out first a personal thing, and then the task. And the child performs written on a piece of paper. You can convert this game into a competition. In this case, the points should be considered. The child who picks them the most wins.

Yes, no, black, white

contests for parents on a child's birthday

So that adults do not get bored, a contest should be held for parents on the child's birthday. Unlike children, their dads and mothers prefer to celebrate the holiday while sitting. Therefore, contests should come up with drinking, not mobile. One of the interesting games is called yes, no, black and white. These words cannot be pronounced. How can such a game go? The leader alternately asks each player questions. And they should be with a catch. The task of the leader is to make the player respond with one of the forbidden words. Examples of question and answer:

“Did you brush your teeth today?”

- Sure.

“What color was your paste?”

- She's striped.

“Have you had breakfast?”

- I believe that breakfast should not be skipped.

- So you have breakfast every day?

Such questions can be asked endlessly. Therefore, you should take a certain time, for example, 5 minutes, during which the player needs to hold out. If he copes with his task, then he won. But believe me, to win in this children's fun is very difficult.

Dance while you can

What do children love more than sing? Right, dance. This passion appears before them before they really learn to speak. Therefore, dance contests for children on their birthday are simply necessary. They will help them throw out the accumulated energy, as well as relieve tension if it suddenly arises. After all, when dancing, even the most shy child will be able to quickly become free. But boring a regular disco is boring. You can somehow upgrade it. For example, invite children to pair up. It is advisable to divide the contestants on the principle of a boy-girl.

Under the feet of each pair you need to lay a newspaper sheet and turn on the music. Couples should dance until the song ends. The task of the team is not to go beyond the bounds of the paper under their feet. After the song is over, the couple leaves the newspaper and the presenter folds the sheet in half. Now the task is becoming more complicated, since the surface of the dancing area has decreased. The next song is included. If one of the partners goes beyond the allotted boundaries, the couple is eliminated. After the song is over, the newspaper sheet is folded in half again. The competition is held until the winner is revealed.

Eat for health

Birthday treats are usually many. But this does not prevent children from snacking between main courses. Therefore, satisfying this passion of children, you can hold a simple birthday contest. Details for children should be prepared in advance. It should be deep plates and balloons for breakfast. They can be replaced with cereals or pads. But still, it is preferable to use balls. They are light, and you can swallow them a lot right away. What is the competition?

Children should be paired. There will be two people in one team. The task of one participant is to feed his partner. But it seems that the conditions are easy, but then what is the interest? The fact is that a nursing spoon will not be held by hands, but by mouth. That is, his task is to scoop up the balls and bring his partner to the mouth. Moreover, hands in this process cannot be used by any of the team members. Those children who win the task faster than others win. To make the competition more difficult, you can fill the balls with milk. Then bringing the spoon to the mouth will be harder and more interesting at the same time.


Another interesting birthday contest for kids is food. But here the children will train not their concentration, but dexterity. How to hold a competition? Again, you should divide the children into teams of two people. One of the contestants becomes a chair, and the other remains to stand on the floor. Each team is given an apple, to the leg of which a long thread is tied. The person standing on the chair holds the tip of the thread, and the apple should hang down at the level of the mouth of the second player. At the signal of the leader, the children standing on the floor should start eating fruit. Hands cannot be used in this process. And leaning an apple on your partner is also prohibited. You need to eat fruit in the air. Yes, this is a difficult task, especially at first, when there is no way to catch on a smooth surface. The team that faster than others coped with the task wins.

So that none of the children were offended, a contest can be held twice. The second time, you should swap the children who stood on the chair, and those who ate the apple. You can use any fruit in this game. For example, pear, nectarine or plum.


What contests for young children on a birthday can be held? Those in which you do not need to think a lot. Young children do not know how to read and write, so if the kids take part in a storm of fun, all games should be adapted for them. And one should not think that because of this, contests will become less interesting. You can offer children to play "crocodile". What are the rules of the game? All participants should be dealt five cards on which the animal is drawn. These cards cannot be shown to anyone. Children should take turns to go to the center of the room and show the pantomime image that they received. The participant cannot use the speech and must not point to objects. He needs to clearly demonstrate the habits of the animal. If the children cannot guess who their peers are showing, then this participant drops out. The child who will be the best in pantomime wins, which means that all his animals will be quickly guessed.

If you play not with small children, but with schoolchildren, you can complicate the task for children. In this case, the guys will have to show not animals, but situations. For example, you can make such cards: I got a five, I wash my windows, I walk with a dog.It will be interesting to see how the guys cope with such a difficult task. Such pantomimes develop the imagination well and help the child become more conscious.

If you want to remove the competitive moment from the competition, you can turn the crocodile into a game. In this case, you do not even need to independently procure cards. Children can make up words themselves and whisper them in each other’s ears.

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