The birth of the long-awaited baby is a huge happiness for the whole family. If two appear at once, this is double happiness. If royal twins see the light, this is not just joy, it is a real gift of fate. Indeed, the birth of both a girl and a boy at once is a miracle from above for both parents, because now they can enjoy both the education of their daughter and son.
What is royal twins?
To answer such a simple, at first glance, question, you need to look at least one eye in history. Recall monarchical families. The birth of twins in them meant the appearance of a serious threat to the throne. And this is so, because immediately two heirs could cause splits and indispensable hostility.
What means "Royal twins"? So called the twin babies who were born heterosexual. For any monarchical family, it was a real royal gift. And not just because babies were born. In this case, the world was not broken.
The practical benefits of royal twins for the state
The boy, growing up, became the heir to the throne (no one fueled the struggle for power, and therefore, intrigue, which resulted in multiple killings and split of the country, was not expected). And the girl could very well be married very favorably, especially if the groom was a royal from a nearby state. The conclusion of such a marriage strengthened peaceful ties with neighboring powers, because the brother and sister did not share anything among themselves, and even more so would never start wars with each other. That is why when royal twins came into being, it was perceived as a special blessing from heaven. Even some kind of magic.
In the sensational 5 years ago series “Closed School” of one of the Nazi developments, which continued to this day to carry out their insidious plans, it was precisely the promotion of the birth of twins. Their serious Gemini project was even developed. Thanks to certain medical influences, quite often not only two girls or two boys were born, but also the notorious royal twins. By the way, departing from the theme of the series, we must pay attention to the fact that in real life there really was a prototype of one of the Nazis, occupying a rather high post. He was a German geneticist. After the war, he managed to escape the court for his illegal actions regarding humanity, human lives, and he settled abroad in one small village. Almost until the end of the 70s of the last century (before his natural death) in this village, twins were born in women in 90% of cases, many of whom received the corresponding name - royal twins. Statistics of these strange circumstances exist in reality. Especially since neither before nor after the presence of genetics did such a miracle happen in this village.
Dizygotic and monozygotic twins
In recent years, twin pregnancies are a rare occurrence. After all, 85 born babies on our planet account for only one pair of twins. As for heterosexual twins, they are born even less frequently.
Almost always, heterosexual twins are heterogeneous (in other words, dizygotic). People call such babies twins.
But it also happens that a woman bears heterosexual identical twins. They are called monozygous. The whole secret lies in the fact that one of these twins (usually a boy) loses its Y chromosome, and therefore a girl is born. But this is rather an anomaly rather than the norm.
Similarities and differences
If a stork brings twins to a family - a boy and a girl - then they develop and grow, like all the other twins. They can be either an exact copy of each other, or, like most sisters and brothers, barely similar.
A special caste of babies is heterosexual, or royal twins. They, just like ordinary twins or twins, saw this world on the same day. But with all this, they have one important significant difference: these little ones have different sexes. They, as same-sex twins, do not have to scour at all in search of their personality, all this is already inherent in them by nature. These babies both in childhood and then, growing up, spend almost all the time together, together. But there is one interesting nuance. Even if a boy was born first in this couple, almost always the primacy is in the hands of the girl. She seems to be taking care of her brother.
How to raise twins? Joys and difficulties
When parents have heterogeneous twins, for mom and dad it is not only great joy, but also certain difficulties. Parents now need to buy different toys, different clothes. Even approaches to raising babies are completely different, as well as there are certain differences in hygiene.
Parents should not forget that mentally and physiologically, a girl and a boy develop in a completely different way. Most often, in its development, the baby is much ahead of her brother. In no case should you humiliate one of the kids, highlight a weaker or, conversely, more powerful peanut. They should not be compared either.
Why is it called the “royal twins” of a boy and a girl? Yes, because for their parents they are real little monarchs. Even now, when questions of succession are not paid as much attention as it was 100 years ago, the birth of a boy and a girl is still perceived as a kind of miracle. And that - it sounds beautiful, and for parents a real royal gift.
Historical excursion
In 34 BC, the beauties Cleopatra and Anthony, after their meeting in Alexandria, gave birth to twins - a girl and a boy. But, since in ancient times these personalities were almost equated with the gods, it was said about the children that they are divine twins.
Centuries passed, and this name was gradually transformed into the one known to everyone and considered by us (royal twins). And this is not surprising, because the story of the monarchical system is already known to you.
Today, the famous twins of our time include the kids who saw the light in Denmark, in the royal family of Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederick. It was truly royal twins, whose photo flew around the whole world. The little son Vincent and daughter Josephine were born on January 8, 2011, and were baptized on April 14.
Talk about semantics
Well, you already know what “royal twins” means - this term, as already mentioned, is quite established, even historical. Indeed, many centuries ago, power under the monarchy passed from father to son, and in the case of the birth of two boys at once, many questions arose, which often led to fratricides and wars. When royal twins appeared, problems were automatically fixed.
But what needs to be done in order for royal twins to be born in the family? Alas, there is no answer to this question yet. And to this day, scientists have not figured out as a result of what a complex game of eggs and sperm embryos of a different sex can appear. Simply put, one egg is fertilized by two sperm at once. The result of this “dance” is an intermediate type of twins, experts call it differently - semi-identical: exactly half of the genes in the babies are the same, but the other half has characteristic differences. And so it turns out a kind of Yin and Yang.
Anyway, if parents expect royal twins, or they already have double happiness, it remains to wish them to bring up truly royal daughters and sons.