How to enable the language bar in Windows 7: procedure, recovery, programming tips

The language bar, which is responsible for displaying the current language and changing keyboard layout changes, which most users almost never use, in Windows systems of any generation tends to disappear at the most inopportune moment, and for no apparent reason. After that, of course, working with text documents or using any particular language when visiting Internet sites becomes uncomfortable. Next, we will try to consider why such settings "fly off", and how to enable the language bar in Windows 7 and similar modifications. Basically, almost all methods are similar to each other, but in the latest versions of the system and some updated assemblies, they may differ. But for a start, we will dwell briefly on the reasons for the disappearance of the panel itself.

Why does the language bar turn off?

In general, it is not known for certain why this happens. But based on the fact that the panel display refers to the functioning of the system process, it can be assumed that this service does not work correctly, does not start due to short-term malfunctions in the OS itself, conflicts arise under the influence of third-party programs that interfere with the launch of the service (including due to the presence of viruses on the computer). You can often encounter situations where the user independently changes the language and panel settings, but at the same time disables its display in the system tray. Rarely, but there are also some problems with the functioning of all kinds of optimizer programs, which, trying to establish the best performance for a computer system, simply deactivate what they think is unnecessary services for the user, blocking their main processes.

How to enable the language bar in Windows XP and higher in the simplest way?

Now let's move on to practical actions and suppose that the language change panel has suddenly turned off (disappeared), although in the PCM menu called through the system tray, its settings turn out to be active. How to enable the language bar in Windows 8, is it lower below, because, in theory, it has not been disabled by the user?

Pin language bar in Windows 7

To do this, you can use the standard section of languages ​​(and regional standards) in the "Control Panel", on the corresponding tab, press the button to change the keyboard, and then on the tab of the language panel set the docking point of the language panel in the task bar active. If this item is highlighted, but the panel still does not appear, try disabling panel docking, save the settings, and then reactivate it. If this does not help, it is quite possible that after deactivating the panel fastening, you will first need to completely reboot the system, and then turn it on again.

Note: by default, in the seventh version of the system and below, the start of the panel is registered in the section of the main components automatically loaded with Windows and is presented there as a ctfmon process.

Language bar at startup

You can enable the language bar in Windows versions 7 and below through the configuration (msconfig), where on the startup tab you just need to check the box on the corresponding service item. In the eighth and tenth versions, autoload was taken directly to the Task Manager, however, it is useless to look for services there in these systems (it simply isn’t there). And how to enable the language bar in Windows 8.1 and higher? To do this, you can use another technique that is suitable for all versions of the system.

How to enable the language bar in Windows 7 through commands?

Almost all of the main services that can be started in manual mode, with rare exceptions, are accessible for start via the Run menu, command line, PowerShell console or Task Manager.

Manual start of the language bar

Therefore, you can use the above tools and just ask for execution a command in the form of the abbreviation ctfmon.exe, which corresponds to the executable file of the panel start. In the case of the “Run” console, the file extension can be omitted, and launching directly on behalf of the administrator is not required (neither the command itself nor the shell in which it will be executed).

Starting a service from a file

As already clear, when starting with the command, the launch is performed specifically for the file. Almost all of these files can be found in the System32 directory. How to enable the language bar in Windows 8 or in any other modification?

Starting the language bar from a file

It seems that everyone already understood that in the specified directory it is enough to simply find the executable file ctfmon.exe and set it to start by double-clicking. If you restrict access to some services or change the system configuration, you can run the file as an administrator, although it is unlikely that restrictions on system configuration are so tightened that it may be required.

Registry Actions

Now we will consider the problem of launching the panel in the latest versions of Windows, because, as already mentioned, there is no process in startup, and the above methods for some reason may not give the desired effect.

Setting the language bar in the registry

You can enable the language bar in Windows 10, however, as in systems of a lower rank, in the most cardinal way, using the change of some parameters of the registry. In the editor (regedit), you need to navigate the HKLM branch through the directory tree and find the Run section there, as shown in the image above. To the right should be the CTFMon parameter, for which the value is set in the form of the full path to the service startup executable. If there is no such key, you need to create it manually using the string parameter in the RMB menu, assign the appropriate name and set the desired value corresponding to the location of the file in the System32 folder. Upon completion of the actions, the computer system must be completely rebooted without fail.

Please note that there can be quite a lot of Run folders in the HKLM branch, so you need to refer exclusively to the one indicated in the image above.

Adding a service to autoload if it is not displayed in the list

However, speaking about how to enable the language bar in Windows 7, we can offer a simpler technique that logically corresponds to the actions taken in the registry, with the only difference being that the service can be placed in the startup section without intervention in the registry.

Language bar shortcut in startup

To perform such actions, it is enough to create a shortcut for the executable file of the service, placing it either on the “Desktop” or saving it directly in the directory with the source file, then cut it and paste it into the startup section by calling it from the “Run” console with the “shell” command : startup ”, entered without quotes. Accordingly, after moving the shortcut to the specified location, for the service to start correctly, as in the case of editing the registry, the computer must be completely restarted.

Docking a panel when setting up notifications

How to enable the language bar in Windows 7 and other systems, a little understood. Now it is necessary to take some actions in order to prevent the panel from turning off and its labels disappearing in the system tray.

Customize Icon Display in Windows 7

To do this, you can use the notification settings in the properties of the taskbar and the Start menu, and in the list shown after clicking the change settings button, activate the service itself and check the box for constantly displaying all the icons in the notification area.

Customizing system icons in Windows 10

If we talk about how to enable the language change panel in Windows 10 using the same methodology, you need to use the notification center setting, select the display options for the system services icons, and put the input indicator display switch in the active position.

Additional option

But it can be assumed that none of the above options worked. How to enable the language bar in Windows 7 and other systems, because there seem to be no more options left? In principle, you can use the installation on your computer of a small but very useful utility called Punto Switcher, which is able to automatically track the correct text input and change the language or keyboard layout when errors are detected. It certainly displays the panel icon in the system tray.

Brief Summary

If we summarize, it can be noted that, based on the advice of specialists, it is best to use the launch of the service, say, from the Run menu, followed by setting up notifications. However, many users (if nothing else helps) can be advised to manually place the shortcut of the executable file in the startup section or, even easier, install an automated utility that monitors the correct text input.

Naturally, one should not forget about the impact on the system of all kinds of viruses or user applications that are clearly in conflict with the system services, therefore, if necessary, it is better to perform a full computer scan for threats, and if possible, remove recently installed unnecessary software applets that could theoretically cause this kind of conflict.

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