Various types of physiotherapy are very successful in complex treatment. There are practically no contraindications to physiotherapy , and the procedures help to cope with the disease faster. During pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited, and, it would seem, physiotherapy becomes a real salvation! But is it possible to do physiotherapy during pregnancy? What procedures are allowed, which ones should be treated with caution? After reading the article, you will learn the answers to these questions. We will also talk about the indications for physiotherapy and contraindications.
How long is physiotherapy safe for?
Physiotherapy during pregnancy is helpful. It may be required not only in case of obstetric pathologies and exacerbations of somatic diseases, but also in some infectious processes or the common cold. Physiotherapy during pregnancy in the early stages helps to fix the fetus, save it. If there is a threat of premature birth or a miscarriage, then some procedures are often prescribed. During late pregnancy, physiotherapy prepares both the woman’s body and the fetus for childbirth. As a result, physiotherapy is not dangerous at any time.
In what cases can a doctor prescribe physiotherapy?
- During pregnancy in the early stages, sessions are prescribed in case of a threat of spontaneous miscarriage. Also, sessions prevent premature birth at a later date. So, physiotherapy during pregnancy at the 2nd trimester can be prescribed in order to avoid the loss of the baby.
- In the first half of pregnancy, women often suffer from toxicosis. To alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman, a course of physiotherapy is prescribed.
- Some women are overcome with gestosis - a condition similar to toxicosis, but appearing from the second half of pregnancy. Gestosis is a dangerous pregnancy pathology that threatens the life of not only the baby, but also the mother. With gestosis, physiotherapy helps well.
- At the end of pregnancy, starting with the fortieth week, women are prescribed courses to prepare the body for childbirth.
- In acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, a course of physiotherapy is better prescribed instead of medication.
- With intrauterine growth retardation of the baby.
- With symphysiopathy - discrepancy of the pelvic bones. Such a pathology is often found in women with many children and with multiple pregnancy.
- Physiotherapy also helps after childbirth - for the speedy healing of wounds: with perineal injuries and after cesarean section.
- In the treatment of endometritis.
- To improve intestinal motility after childbirth.
- For uterine contractions after childbirth.
Some women are skeptical of physiotherapy during pregnancy, after it. Many believe that these are completely useless procedures that only take time. In fact, the effectiveness of physiotherapy is proven. It is applicable not only in combination with medicines, but also as an independent treatment in cases where the drugs are contraindicated, for example during pregnancy. What does the patient get when completing the course?
- Reduced cramping and pain.
- Increased immunity.
- Improvement of blood circulation.
- Recovery is complete in the shortest possible time, especially if, in addition to physiotherapy, drugs were also used.
- Reducing the number of drugs taken or completely abandoning them.
- No side effects.
Physiotherapy during pregnancy is also applicable for prevention. Women who attended physiotherapy sessions during the period of bearing the baby experienced fewer complications during pregnancy, during childbirth, and after them.
Physiotherapy during pregnancy is completely safe only if there are no contraindications. Procedures are very effective, and they are prescribed to everyone who does not have:
- mental disorders;
- any intensity of uterine bleeding;
- oncological diseases.
If there are no contraindications, then physiotherapy will benefit at any time. You can also take a course after childbirth to reduce the risk of possible inflammation and restore strength faster.
Are all procedures safe?
There are a lot of types of physiotherapy today. But not all of them will benefit future mothers, some should be used with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor. If you want to take a course of physiotherapy yourself, then first of all, consult a gynecologist who is leading your pregnancy.
Further we suggest to get acquainted with absolutely safe procedures and those which need to be treated with care.
Electric shock
Physiotherapy during pregnancy through exposure to direct electric shock is used very often. This procedure helps to significantly reduce the dosage of prescribed medication. Under the influence of current, therapeutic substances penetrate the tissues faster and better, which accelerates recovery.
Electrophoresis is often used for expectant mothers. This method is mainly used to prevent miscarriage and premature birth. As a therapeutic solution, magnesia is used. Thus, magnesium ions act on the smooth muscles of the uterus, remove tone from it. This procedure is safe for both mother and baby.
Calcium electrophoresis is used in late pregnancy to prepare the woman and the fetus for childbirth.
Endonasal electrophoresis, like galvanization, is used for severe toxicosis and gestosis. Galvanization is the transmission of a small current through a woman’s body. The procedure is safe and painless, you can only feel the diverging heat and slight tingling in the affected areas.
Electrosleep is used for women with gestosis in the last trimester of pregnancy, when the pathology made itself felt with severe edema, high blood pressure and changes in indications not for the better in urine and blood tests.
The full course of barotherapy is 10 sessions. This therapy is prescribed in case of intrauterine growth retardation of the baby. Barotherapy not only improves blood circulation, but also the formation of new blood vessels and the smallest capillaries in the baby and in the placenta.
Barotherapy is the effect on the body of low or high atmospheric pressure. The procedure is safe for the expectant mother and fetus.
Massage is aimed at relaxing the ligaments and muscles, which is so important for pregnant women. A constantly growing abdomen causes pain in the lower back, fluid congestion leads to discomfort in the legs and arms, goosebumps begin to run, "it can even reduce muscle. Can you massage during pregnancy? It is possible, but only in certain areas - legs, arms, head, occiput and neck Massaging the back, especially in the second and last trimester, is absolutely impossible.
If we are talking about anti-cellulite massage, then first of all, consult with a specialist, because this procedure should be approached with extreme caution.
Other diseases and physiotherapy
Laser radiation, ultraviolet radiation and UHF therapy are used in the complex treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis in pregnant women. The first type of procedure can be applied even independently at home.
Inhalations with drugs, electrophoresis and phonophoresis are used to relieve during periods of exacerbation of bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Is it possible during pregnancy physiotherapy in the form of inhalation with a certain medicine, only a doctor will tell. Even simple saline solution is not used without consulting a leading gynecologist.
Types of physiotherapy to be approached with caution
Despite the fact that the prescribed species are described as safe, everyone needs to be approached carefully and only after examination by a gynecologist.
Therapies that are not recommended in the second and third trimester include hydrotherapy and mud therapy. Until the end of the first trimester, these types of therapy should be used with extreme caution, assessing all possible risks.
But there are also types of physiotherapy that are completely contraindicated for expectant mothers. Fortunately, such a list is small, but still, every woman during pregnancy needs to know what can threaten her.
Magnetic therapy
Such physiotherapy is good in that it relieves swelling, reduces pain, has anti-inflammatory qualities, and has a sedative effect. It would seem that this is all that a pregnant woman needs! But not any effects of a constant or variable magnetic field are extremely contraindicated for future mothers and babies. You can not even use small rings, bracelets for legs and arms.
Microwave therapy
It is not recommended to deal with diseases during pregnancy by this method. Microwaves penetrating the body penetrate the developing baby, and their effect on the small organism has not yet been fully studied.
In no case is the effect of low temperatures on the body of a pregnant woman allowed. This is not only known to every physician, but any woman in an interesting position should also understand.
Some of the therapies prohibited during pregnancy will help to restore the female body faster after childbirth. But no procedure, even allowed during pregnancy, can be resorted to without special recommendations and instructions. The specialist will evaluate all the possible risks, starting from the course of pregnancy, and say whether it is possible to resort to certain procedures.