How much should a modern woman do in time! Raise children, cook for the whole family, clean, wash dishes, wash clothes and at the same time work! Facilitate the life of the housewife smart assistants offered by the household appliance industry. If it comes to cooking, then the best way out is to buy a slow cooker.
What can a multicooker do?
What kind of device is this, what functions it copes with, today every good housewife knows. The uniqueness of the multicooker is that you can cook boiled, fried, stewed dishes and make pastries. Moreover, the role of man is only to load products into the bowl and turn on the desired mode, the rest will be done by the technique itself. Cooking breakfast, lunch or dinner does not take much time, a woman does not have to stand at the stove. The slow cooker itself knows how long it takes to cook this or that dish and when to turn off. She will delight both beginners and experienced housewives - in it you can cook soup, porridge, vegetables, scrambled eggs, pilaf. At the same time, all cooking takes place in one bowl, so in the kitchen there is a minimum of dirty dishes. A wide range of products presented in stores allows you to choose exactly the device that suits your family. When choosing, first of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the bowl. What volume does the most frequently purchased multicooker have? 6 liters - the optimal size for preparing a wide variety of dishes.
Volume matters
Which device to choose if you need to feed your family? Small appliances are quite suitable for cooking for one to three people, but if there are more members in the family, or there are often guests in the house, it is better to choose a larger appliance. Capacity is measured according to the size of the multicooker bowl. 6 liters - the most optimal volume for cooking. In such a device, you can easily load the necessary ingredients that can be fried, stewed, boiled and baked. You can boil 4 liters of soup or bake a cake weighing up to two kilograms, bake whole chicken or duck. The volume of the dish can be adjusted if you want to cook a small portion. For this, you just need to put fewer products.
Functionality and Performance
A larger multicooker is more productive. 6 liters of volume not only allow you to put more products, but also cook food more diversely due to the large number of different functions. A large crock-pot can be equipped with yogurt cooking capabilities, a double boiler effect and many other useful abilities.
Does such a multicooker differ in increased productivity? 6 liters are provided with great power, which means that food can be prepared faster and better. It will replace several kitchen appliances: stove, double boiler, oven, deep fryer. The heating function will provide the family with a hot lunch by the selected time. The manufacturability of the device is also manifested in the fact that the indicators of the device show which process is currently being performed.
Convenient delayed start ability allows you to load products from the evening and, setting a timer, wake up in the morning to a ready hot breakfast.
Despite the complexity, the devices are convenient to operate, their menus are clear and simple.
Stores offer so many models that among them there is sure to be a multivark suitable for you. 6 liters of volume are devices of different manufacturers. They differ from each other in technical characteristics, which sales consultants in any home appliance store will tell you about.
Mulinex - fast, reliable, economical
Any housewife will be delighted with the Mulinex multicooker for 6 liters. The French brand has developed a kitchen appliance with the effect of a pressure cooker and a double boiler. Moulinex CE 4000 halves the cooking process while ensuring high quality food, as the use of steam preserves nutrients. This is its advantage over a stove or a conventional slow cooker. This model has 6 automatic modes. Cereals, vegetables, meat are cooked under high pressure, so the process is faster. Porridge and vegetables can be cooked with low pressure, and fry without it at all. The device allows you to saute vegetables, fry cutlets and pancakes, stew all types of meat, heat food.
This model has a stylish design - a case made of shiny metal, combined with plastic look great and will become an adornment of any kitchen. A convenient removable lid makes it easy to wash the appliance, many housewives have noted this advantage. Due to the high pressure, the cooking speed increases and, consequently, the energy consumption is reduced. In addition, with the device in the kit there is a recipe book.
Choosing Redmond, Get Ready for Variety
RMC-m30 - a modern multicooker Redmond. 6 liters is a rather spacious bowl, suitable for a large family. In it you can cook a varied and healthy food, while spending very little time. This model is equipped with a dozen automatic programs focused on the method of preparation and type of products.
Dietary meals and food for the child are prepared using the "steam / cooking" program - boiled meat, fish and vegetables will appeal to everyone who prefers a healthy diet. The second mode perfectly cooks porridge in milk from various types of cereals. In addition, it is useful when cooking jam, jam and other desserts.
A separate program is designed for cooking buckwheat, which can be cooked with porridge and side dishes, and another one for making loose side dishes from rice and other cereals.
Soup / bean mode allows you to cook soups, compotes, marinades. With its help, you can also cook beans, peas and other legumes.
This multicooker is able to fry cutlets, steak, fish without burning and oil splashes in the "frying" mode. There are special programs for cooking pilaf, jellied meat, yogurt. And completes the list of possibilities - “baking / bread”. This option is recommended for creating casseroles, pies, cakes, muffins, as well as for baking different types of bread.
Useful features
In order for your food to be always ready to be served on the table, the multicooker is equipped with the function of warming up dishes, and also knows how to maintain the set temperature of ready meals (automatic heating).
Cooking in this multicooker is simple, because a book containing 120 detailed recipes and many colorful color illustrations is attached to it.