The child lost a milk tooth, but the new one does not grow: reasons and what to do?

All parents at some point wonder about when their baby will begin to change teeth. There are situations in which it is important to understand why milk teeth fell out, and new ones do not grow. Only experienced dentists can determine the cause of this problem. A man is born without teeth and eats liquid food. But at a certain moment he has milk teeth, and then molars.

Why a person does not immediately grow permanent teeth

Adults have 32 teeth, although some have only 28. The child’s jaw is so small that so many teeth cannot fit in it. Therefore, the baby grows only 20 teeth, which then change. With age, the child grows up, the size of the jaw also increases. Permanent teeth begin to break at the age of 6 or 7 years. However, they are formed under the first dentition since the birth of the baby. This contributes to the fact that milk teeth are replaced by indigenous and fall out.

Milk teeth are a kind of "pioneers." They “show” to the indigenous where they should go with growth. They necessarily begin to stagger over time and fall out. If the milk tooth fell out, and the new one does not grow, parents need to take the child to dentistry.

Teething terms

the tooth fell out is not growing

Before you understand why milk teeth have fallen out, and new ones do not grow, you need to find out the dates and growth rates of molars established by dentists. This will allow you not to panic ahead of time and consult a doctor in time if necessary.

The rudiments of milk teeth begin to form in the first trimester of pregnancy (at 8 weeks), and at the 20th week the rudiments of molars are laid. They are located in the jaw of the crumbs very deeply. It should be understood that not all teeth that erupt in a little man fall out in the future. Some of them immediately become permanent.

The first tooth in the crumbs appears at about 6 months. By the age of three, all his teeth are growing. When do the indigenous ones erupt?

By about 7 years old, the baby grows molars, which in dental practice are called sixth teeth. At the age of 11 to 13, molars also appear, but this time the 7th. These teeth have no milk analogues; after teething, they immediately become permanent. All other molars gradually replace milk teeth. At the age of 6 to 8 years, the central incisors germinate in the child, and from 7 to 9 years the lateral incisors erupt. From 10 to 12 years old, premolars begin to grow in a child, which are differently called fifth and fourth teeth, according to the dental formula. Indigenous fangs erupt at the age of 9 to 13 years. In adults, wisdom teeth appear, but not always. If you consider that the process of changing teeth takes place according to a certain schedule, parents care about why their child has some kind of delay. Usually they are very worried about why the milk teeth fell out, and the permanent ones do not grow.

Physiological causes of pathology

examined by a doctor

Milk dentition is not replaced by the primary one immediately. After the loss of milk tooth, a certain period should pass. Only after this does the molar appear. Subsequently, he fully takes the place of his predecessor. But in some children, even 3 weeks after the loss, there is no hint of teething. Parents start to worry. However, this does not always indicate the presence of a disease. There are cases when the tooth body began to erupt only after 1 or 2 months. There can be many reasons for this. In addition, there are cases that even in adults retained milk teeth. Only a specialist can determine this.

One of the reasons why the milk tooth fell out, and the new one does not grow, is the lack of its rudiments. Diagnosis of the pathology is possible using an x-ray. In this case, the patient is given dental plates, and upon reaching adulthood, a new dental body is implanted. There are no other ways to solve the problem.

two boys

But there are teeth, the laying of which is quite late. These are eights. Their rudiments form only in adolescence - at 13 or 14 years.

Parents should remember that they should go to the hospital on time in all cases if any pathology is noticed in the child's oral cavity. If after tooth loss more than three months have passed, and reddening of the gums and their swelling are observed, then here you can not do without the help of a doctor. Such symptoms indicate that the tooth body cannot erupt. In this case, the edge of the gums may acquire a blackish tint. In this case, the specialist must open the gum so that a new tooth erupts.

Considering the question of why the milk fang fell out, and the molar (or other teeth) does not grow, it is necessary to establish the causes of the pathology. They are as follows:

  • Infections that affected the formation of the rudiments of the dentition.
  • Serious mechanical injury.
  • Incorrect dental treatment.
  • Lack of calcium in the body.
  • Unbalanced diet of the child.
  • The presence of caries, which slows down the development of a permanent tooth.

Other causes of deviations

at the appointment with a stomatologist

Worried about why a milk tooth fell out, and a new one does not grow, many parents think about physical pathologies. They are not aware that there are still some reasons that contribute to impaired development of the permanent dentition. The negative factors include:

  • Bad environmental conditions.
  • Eating foods that are harmful to the body.
  • Frequent stressful situations.
  • Too frequent eating porridge and mashed potatoes.

What can be done to rectify the situation?

If it is discovered that your child has lost a milk tooth, and a new one does not grow, you can have an impact on the development of teeth. First, care must be taken to ensure that an infectious disease does not develop. Secondly, it is required to develop a child’s diet so that he has enough vitamins and calcium. If there is an injury to the oral cavity, you must contact a medical institution. It is necessary to restore the functionality of the gums in a timely manner before the development of molars. If this is a complex case, then radical treatment methods will be required.

Only a dentist can determine at what period of development a particular molar is located. Remember that first front lower teeth should fall out first.

If the cause of the pathology is an infectious disease, you need to restore the child’s immune system. It is also advisable for the baby not to worry and avoid stress.

Tooth on a string


If the child has lost his teeth and does not grow new ones, then it is necessary to exclude such a pathology as adentia. If your child is diagnosed with this, then only prosthetics will come to the rescue. After all, he simply does not have the rudiments of permanent teeth that should have formed in the child in the womb. Sometimes it happens that the pathology develops as a result of previous inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Fortunately, such a disease is very rare.


teeth fell out and do not grow

Usually, older children are referred for prosthetics. After all, doctors need to wait until the jaw of the child is formed. This will allow you to do the procedure once and not to perform repeated manipulations. In the event that an adentia is inherent in only one tooth, this does not mean that others will not erupt. It is important not to panic, as modern medicine is able to cope with the problem without consequences for health. Thanks to this, the child will be able to lead a normal lifestyle.

Who to contact for help

If your child has lost a milk tooth, and a new one does not grow, it is possible that he has a metabolic disorder. It is best to consult a pediatrician to order appropriate examinations and tests. Further, long-term in-patient therapy will be required if it is a complex case. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the direction to the orthodontist. This specialist will install the tooth plates, and also explain why the milk tooth fell out, and the permanent one does not grow for a certain time.


child brushes his teeth

It is better to take care of the child and prevent the occurrence of pathology, if possible. Of course, each parent is interested in why the lost milk teeth do not grow (that is, why they are not replaced by molars). Prevention will not solve the problem, but will help not to aggravate the situation.

It is necessary to pay attention to oral hygiene. Young children cannot brush their teeth properly. The child needs to be taught how to perform such a procedure, to provide him with everything necessary for the proper care of the oral cavity. It is important to teach the child to rinse the mouth between meals, as well as give the baby enough water to prevent saliva from drying out. In addition, the baby should eat at the same time. And if you notice that a child has lost a tooth and does not grow indigenous for a long period, then you should not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.

It is also required to remove food debris so as not to damage the teeth. At first, cotton swabs are used, and a little later - toothbrushes for babies. Care for the oral cavity should be on time, because there live microbes belonging to the class of streptococcal. They damage the enamel, which subsequently leads to serious pathologies.

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