Every self-respecting gamer should know the launch parameters of “CS GO”. The settings for weak computers will be described below. If you use the above tips, it is quite possible to get a significant increase in FPS - 60 at least. So, let's begin.
Video card
« » . « ». « ». «». « ». « » . NVIDIA – , . . . « NVIDIA». «». « ». « ». . « ». . « » . « ». . , . . «». .
For a successful setup, a number of parameters may be useful to us. The meaning of them we will now describe. The –console option allows you to use the console in the game. The -novid command removes the splash screen. The + ex_ attribute is a network parameter. The -threads 4 command allows you to use all 4 cores in the processor. If there are 2 or 6, the number in the team must be replaced with the corresponding one. The + rate command is a network parameter. The optimal refresh rate for the display is -refresh 120. If the monitor does not cope with this indicator, set a lower value. Network parameters include + cl_updaterate 128. To disable mouse acceleration in a game ,apply –noforcemparms. The speed of the manipulator in this case is constant. The + cl_cmdrate option is also important. To start a high priority game, use –high. The network parameter -tickrate 128 is familiar to many users by CS 1.6.
Next, we describe how to configure the “CS GO” for a weak computer in terms of startup parameters. To select them, go to Steam. We open the section "Library". Choose Counter-Strike. Click the right mouse button. Go to the "Properties". Here we set the rate of 128000. As well as a number of other parameters, based on the characteristics of the computer. We give the necessary commands below.
From the inside
« » . . , 800x600. « » . FPS. « » . . . Counter-Strike “” . , . . . . « ». unlocked cores are painted black, unused cores are gray.