Aquarium flashlight fish: care and maintenance

Small lantern fish are unpretentious and peaceful, so they are very popular in home aquariums. Due to the fact that fish can live in a wide range of water parameters and temperatures, they are great for keeping with other non-aggressive species. Consider the appearance, features of reproduction and content of lantern fish.

General information

The aquarium flashlight fish got its name due to small bright spots that are located at the base of the tail and at the gill cover. When rays of light fall on them, there is a feeling that they are glowing. You can consider this feature only in good lighting. Also common is the name lighthouse fish.

Seaweed fish

The lantern fish belongs to the order of cyprinids, the haracin family. It is believed that the species first appeared in South America. The habitat of lantern fish is Peru, Guiana, Brazil, Suriname, Guyana. They settle in rivers with a slow course, streams, lakes, tributaries and coastal areas. They prefer shallow depths, often found in thickets of plants. They are also found in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. Most often they live in areas with lush greenery, and therefore are unaccustomed to bright light. They were brought to Europe in 1910.

In good conditions, the fish is able to live 5-6 years.

Fish lanterns have good immunity. In the event of a change in their behavior, color, or rash, it is worth checking the conditions of detention and water parameters. Most health problems are the result of abusive conditions.


In length, the fish can reach 6 cm. It has a silvery body with transparent fins. It is elongated and flattened laterally. The back is darker than the belly. In the upper part of the eye you can see the red pigment. There are dark spots behind the gills and at the base of the tail. Along the body is a dark streak. On the body you can see reflective spots that are indistinguishable in poor lighting. Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced. Females are slightly larger than males, they have a more rounded belly. In males on the anal fin, you can consider the hook with which they cling to the female during spawning. In the lumen they can see a swimming bladder, in females it is much worse visible. Also, males on the anal fin can see a small light stroke, which is crossed by 3-4 rays. Below are photos of a flashlight fish.

Small fish lighthouse

Character and Compatibility

The lantern fish, when solitary, become inactive and begin to hurt. This is due to the fact that in nature they live in flocks. It is best to keep flashlights in an amount of 6 to 20 individuals.

These are peaceful and active inhabitants of the aquarium. They can easily get along with other proportionate fish. They live in the middle and upper layers of water, like to hide in algae. They can be kept together with gouras, zebrafish, small cichlids, parsing, tetra, live-bearers. Do not settle along with aggressive and large species that can harm flashlights. It is also worth abandoning the neighborhood with fish that have long lush fins. Flashlights are able to bite them.

Small fish flashlight in aquarium

Content Features

The lantern fish lives in fresh waters. The aquarium should have a rectangular, elongated shape. For a couple of fish, the volume of the aquarium should be 15 liters. For a flock of 10-20 fish, an aquarium of 70-200 liters is needed. For a flashlight fish in an aquarium, you need a filter that will maintain a weak current. Aeration required. Water needs to be changed every week: about 25% of the total volume. The optimum temperature is 22-28 degrees. It is worth keeping producers before spawning at a temperature of 20 degrees. Fish are most active in dim light, so you should not put a lamp for them. The soil must be used dark. The best choice is sandy, which is chosen by lanterns in a natural habitat. Large-leaved plants can be planted in the aquarium near the side walls and background. You can also add floating algae. It is necessary to put a variety of decor, because lanterns like to hide. Enough space should be left for swimming.

Appearance of the fish


In nature, lantern fish feed on small insects, worms, crustaceans, and plants. It is almost impossible to find individuals that feed on live food in home aquariums. For many generations, fish lived in domestic conditions, and therefore, they eat dry prepared food without problems. However, do not feed them monotonously. You should either purchase specialized balanced mixes, or diversify your diet yourself using live feeds. Vegetable top dressing is also needed, otherwise lanterns will begin to torment algae. Fishes can be given frozen food - daphnia, shrimp, squid, mosquito larvae. Adult lantern fish need to be fed once or twice a day.


Females reach puberty faster than males. This happens at the age of seven months. For spawning, you need to use an aquarium with a volume of about 25 liters. At the bottom, you should plant small-leaved plants or use a grid with proportional eggs divisions. This is necessary so that parents do not eat eggs. A week before spawning, the female and two males should be put in separate containers and plentifully fed with live food. Water should be enriched with peat. The water temperature should be 3 degrees higher than in a general aquarium. Spawning lasts 2-3 hours. Female throws eggs on plant leaves. At a time she is able to lay from 200 to 800 eggs. Immediately after this, manufacturers need to be put out of the aquarium. Twelve hours later, it is worth removing the whitened unfertilized eggs. The aquarium needs to be darkened.

Flock of fish lanterns

Larvae emerge within 24-36 hours after spawning. Time depends on the temperature of the water. After 5 days, the larvae become fry. Now they are able to swim well. They need to be fed with rotifers and infusoria. The fry acquire adult coloration at the age of one month.

Thus, the flashlight fish became popular among aquarists due to its unpretentiousness and peaceful nature. It is easy to breed and interesting to observe. The flashlight does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. In order for the individuals to be in good health, and for a long time they pleased the owner with their graceful beauty, it is very important to provide them with optimal living conditions.

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