Wasp bit a dog - what to do? First aid

In the summer, we all want to spend more time outdoors. And our pets are no exception. However, we must not forget about basic safety rules. Before going on a long walk, take water and a cup with you so that you can drink your pet. If the street is too hot, then choose a route along the trees, avoid open spaces. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the dog so that it is not bitten by insects. This applies not only to ticks and fleas, but also to bees, and especially wasps. If a wasp has bitten a dog, then it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to it. Today we will tell you what to do.

wasp bit the dog

We collect a first-aid kit

Every dog ​​breeder should remember this. In order not to panic at a critical moment, everything you need should be at your fingertips. If you are going for a walk in the summer, you should take hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool, potassium permanganate, iodine, as well as antihistamines with you. It can be tablets and Suprastin injections, Fenistil drops. They help out a lot if a wasp has bitten a dog and it develops an allergic reaction. She can be very impetuous, and in this case decisive action is needed.

Where to be vigilant

In nature, the owner wants to relax and give the four-legged friend an opportunity to play for his pleasure. However, if there is a flower meadow nearby, where there are a lot of honey plants, you need to be vigilant. There may be many bees that your pet decides to hunt. However, bees are not as dangerous as wasps. Flowers are of little interest to these insects, but they flock in large numbers if jam is cooked at home. You can stumble upon them in the garden, near the apple tree or vineyard with ripe fruits. Here you need to pay special attention to the safety of your dog.

wasp bitten dog

How to determine what happened

If a wasp has bitten a dog, you will learn about it from your pet's desperate screech. This is extremely painful, so ignoring your friend’s behavior at this point will not work. Immediately determine whether it was a wasp or a bee, it is unlikely to succeed, for this you need to examine the place of the bite. Bees leave a sting, on this their life ends. A wasp is much worse, its sting has no notches, and it can thrust it several times. The body receives a large dose of poison. The main danger is an allergic reaction that occurs on insect saliva containing an anticoagulant. Therefore, if a wasp bit a dog, the likelihood of developing anaphylactic shock is very high.

a dog was bitten by a wasp in its paw

What to do

Assess the condition of the pet. If at first glance nothing bad happens to him, examine the place of the bite. Since the bite is painful, the dog will definitely demonstrate which part of the body is bothering her. If the sting remains in the wound, then try to remove it with tweezers or eyebrow tweezers.

It is very useful to apply ice to the wound, as well as treat it with iodine. To prevent an allergic reaction, be sure to give half a tablet of Suprastin. Pre-crush it and dissolve in water.

the dog was bitten by a wasp in the paw what to do

Wasp sting

If you see that there is no sting in the wound, and edema instantly develops in this place, then the dog was bitten by a wasp. What to do in such a situation, we will now analyze. There is no time to panic, you need to pull yourself together and provide first aid. Try to put pressure on the bite site and remove the poison from it. Open the Suprastin ampoule immediately and deliver an intramuscular injection. If you have only a tablet with you, crush it into powder, dilute it with water and pour it into your mouth.

All this must be done immediately after the dog was bitten by a wasp. What to do then? It is best to immediately pack up and go towards the veterinary clinic. If you observe increasing edema, rapid breathing, vomiting, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Therefore, the closer you are to the clinic at this moment, the better.

a dog was bitten by a wasp in the face

Bite on the paw

There are basic symptoms that every owner should know. If a dog was bitten by a wasp in its paw, then first you will notice whining. Soreness of a bite is highly dependent on the affected area. In this case, the limbs are less sensitive, so in some cases you will get off with a slight fright. The animal will gnaw its paw, roll on the ground, limp and tighten the bitten limb. Nobody canceled the allergic reaction, so be sure to give antihistamines. But in most cases, such bites do not lead to serious consequences.

Wounded Paw Treatment

So, the dog was bitten by a wasp in its paw, what should its owner do? First, crush half the Suprastin tablet and pour into the mouth. Squeeze the wound thoroughly and rinse it with a solution of potassium permanganate. On top, apply a bandage from a bandage with a napkin soaked in a decoction of sage or chamomile, calendula or hypericum.

After about 30 minutes, the dressing can be removed. If the general condition of the dog remains normal, then the bite site can be spread with Bepanten. In order to relieve pain, it is recommended to inject a dipyrone (0.5 dice). If the edema does not subside within three hours, even with the general normal condition, you need to show the animal to the doctor.

the dog was bitten by a wasp in the tongue

Curious nose

It is he who most often suffers from flying insects. Dogs love to catch flies, and can also fly down a striped wasp on the fly. However, this insect can stand up for itself. If a dog was bitten by a wasp in the face, then there is a serious cause for concern. The consequences can be disastrous. It is very dangerous if the bite fell on the neck or lip. Swelling can develop almost instantly. It will prevent air from entering the lungs, resulting in death.

Emergency help

Most likely, edema develops if the dog was bitten by a wasp in the tongue or larynx. In any case, if the bite fell in the area of ​​the muzzle, neck or mouth, you can not hesitate. Inject immediately any antihistamine in your medicine cabinet. If you do not know how to stab, open the ampoule and pour it onto the tongue. Apply baking soda to the wound, put ice on top and - immediately to the veterinarian! If the bite fell on the tongue, try to put a cloth moistened with cold water in the mouth.

In an emergency, you do not have to choose drugs, so everything that is at hand is useful. "Dexamethasone", "Suprastin", "Diazolin", "Tavegil" - all this can be obtained at the nearest pharmacy without a prescription. If the edema is very strong, but far to the veterinary clinic, then you can give a strong diuretic, such as "Furosemide." An intramuscular injection of magnesium sulfate can also help. However, ideally, you should go towards the clinic as soon as possible.

The most dangerous symptoms

Do not leave your bitten pet for a single minute. Within 3-4 hours, he needs constant care. As we already said, the worst allergic reaction. And it’s very difficult to say how strong she will be. Edema, bloating and redness are a normal reaction that is accompanied by pain, but does not threaten the life of your pet.

It is much worse when the dog starts to stumble, there is a shaky gait or a sharp fall. This indicates a strong allergic reaction and swelling of the larynx. Shortness of breath or its complete absence, in some cases vomiting, foam from the mouth, is observed . In this case, the score is minutes. An injection of an antihistamine and adrenaline and urgent help from a veterinarian are needed.

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