A cat, like a person, is susceptible to various diseases. Very often, owners are faced with a problem such as constipation. If you don’t help the animal in time, dangerous consequences can develop. To prevent this, treatment should be provided in a timely manner. Therefore, each owner should know what to do if the cat has constipation.
What is constipation?
Constipation can be called a stool delay in an animal for more than three days. It is important to understand that constipation is not a disease, but a sign of abnormalities. Most often, the reason lies in the malnutrition of the cat. By changing the pet’s diet, you can forget about this problem. But if there are any additional unpleasant symptoms along with constipation, it is better to determine the cause with a doctor.
If a cat suffers from constipation for a long time, then in addition to pain, most internal organs are also at risk. The gastrointestinal tract is primarily affected. Accumulated stool leads to intoxication of the body and inflammation of the intestine.
How often does a cat go to the toilet?
A healthy adult animal visits the toilet “for the most part” once a day.
Kittens, due to the increased metabolism associated with rapid growth, go to the tray twice.
Elderly cats, on the contrary, are less common: for them it is considered normal to go to the toilet once every 2 days.
Constipation in old cats is very common. This is due to the fact that the intestines of the animal work more weakly than in a young animal.
After sterilization or any other operation, the cat may also have problems with bowel movements. During anesthesia, the intestines relax, which leads to difficulty promoting the feces.
That is why it is forbidden to give food to a cat 10-12 hours before surgery. The veterinarian conducting the surgery should advise how to feed the cat after surgery, depending on what food she used before the operation.
There are other causes of constipation in cats.
- The most common factor is considered unbalanced nutrition;
- The pet does not move much, is obese.
- Low water consumption.
- When licking, a lot of hair gets into the stomach, especially for long-haired breeds. Coat accumulates in the intestines, leading to constipation.
- Worms.
- Accidentally swallowed an inedible object.
- Situations in which a cat is stressed.
- Hernia.
- Oncological diseases.
- Urolithiasis disease.
- Inflammation of the paraanal glands.
Constipation after childbirth
A sign of constipation in a nursing cat is the lack of urge to go to the toilet within three days after the birth of the kittens. Due to pressure on all organs, including the intestines, constipation can begin during pregnancy. As a rule, this happens in the last stages. Also, the cause of constipation can be a stretched intestine, impaired peristalsis and pain during bowel movements.
You can help the cat by changing the diet and express enema. Since the pet is feeding offspring, the use of medications is undesirable.
Symptoms of constipation
In addition to the fact that the pet cannot go to the toilet for a long time, there are several more signs of cat constipation:
- cat's lethargic state, lack of activity;
- poor appetite or its complete absence;
- bloating;
- nausea and vomiting;
- while trying to go to the toilet, the pet is anxious and begins to scream;
- in especially difficult cases, the temperature rises.
What to do urgently for cat constipation
Very often, owners confuse constipation with bowel obstruction. These are two different diseases, with different treatments. At home, it is problematic to distinguish constipation from obstruction. Therefore, at the first sign, the best option would be to consult a doctor. With the help of an X-ray and an ultrasound, the clinic will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Treatment of constipation in a cat at home with a laxative and enema is not recommended, as there is a high risk of harming the animal. You can easily hurt a pet, make a mistake with the temperature of the water and its amount, damage the intestines. In the case of a laxative, the doctor will prescribe exactly the drug that suits your pet and prescribes the right amount. The exception is Dufalac, which owners most often use on their own.
Vegetable oils
In no case should you use them in the treatment of constipation. Vegetable and castor oils adversely affect the body of the animal. They do not reach the feces, as they are absorbed by the intestines. In addition, when they are consumed, the animal’s liver is seriously affected. Despite the many tips on the Internet about the benefits of castor oil, it is worth knowing that when it is used, cats experience severe pain in the stomach.
Vaseline will help
With cat constipation, liquid paraffin is used to soften feces and freely move them through the intestines. The dose should be calculated based on the weight of the animal: 1.5-2.0 ml of oil is given per 1 kg. Apply 3 times a day until normal stool is restored. Vaseline oil is not absorbed by the intestines, but simply forms a film on its surface. It is removed gradually, naturally.
The main component of Dufalac is lactulose. It softens the stool and restores the intestines. The medicine acts at the level of metabolism. The drug is safe, but has a number of contraindications, which you should familiarize yourself with before use. For example, with atonic obstruction and inversion of the intestine, the composition is contraindicated. Also, you can not use "Dufalac" with severe dehydration. If the owner decided to treat the cat with this particular remedy, then the medicine should be taken at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of the animal's weight up to two times a day.
Folk ways
Condensed milk has a laxative effect on the body of animals. Many owners are aware of this and have successfully used this method in the treatment of cat constipation at home. Condensed milk is diluted with water and given to the pet. Cats rarely refuse such a treat, and the result will not have to wait long.
Another folk remedy is raw beets or carrots. Animals, as a rule, refuse to eat them. But you can still use these tools. To do this, squeeze the juice from the vegetables and pour the cat into the mouth from the syringe.
How to make an enema at home
Of course, the best option is to go to the doctor, since only he can do this procedure professionally. The owner must understand that by doing an enema on his own, he risks harming the pet. Cats with a calm character tolerate an enema easily. If the pet has a violent disposition, the procedure may result in injury.
It will be very difficult for one to do all the manipulations, so you need to find an assistant who will keep the cat stationary.
The easiest way is to buy the Mirolax drug at the pharmacy. It moisturizes and softens feces, and also envelops the intestines and normalizes its work. "Mirolax" is a tube with paste inside. It is introduced through the anus.
If it is not possible to use the previous drug, you can make an enema with water and liquid paraffin. The water temperature should be approximately equal to the temperature of the cat: 35-40 degrees. The amount depends on the size of the pet, on average it is 50-100 ml. An enema fluid is poured into a regular syringe, the tip is lubricated with liquid paraffin or liquid paraffin. Then it is carefully inserted into the anus to a depth of about two centimeters. Press the pear carefully, the water into the rectum should flow slowly. With a sharp infusion, you can easily tear your intestines.
How to feed a cat with constipation
If the cat eats industrial feeds, then you can pick up a meal intended for the treatment of constipation. Most manufacturers have a series of such feeds.
It is also necessary to increase the amount of water consumed by the cat. Often constipation appears due to the fact that the stool has become too dry, because of this their movement in the intestine is difficult.
For cats that eat natural food, it is worth revising the diet. There is a list of foods that contribute to constipation in cats. It is better to refuse or give them very rarely. In particular, we are talking about:
- boiled liver;
- fatty meat;
- oily fish;
- hard-boiled eggs;
- rice;
- stale curd;
- smoked products;
- flour products.
Recommended food for cats with constipation:
- lean beef;
- hen;
- low-fat fish;
- fresh dairy products;
- fresh milk;
- milk porridge;
- fresh liver, previously frozen;
- adding fiber to food.
In order not to encounter constipation in cats, it is best to take care of the pet in advance and take measures to prevent its development.
- Comb out your pet and regularly give paste to remove wool.
- Often play with the cat, forcing him to move. Physical activity will help to avoid many unpleasant diseases.
- The cat should always have a bowl of clean water. In the event that the animal is reluctant to drink from an ordinary bowl, you can buy a fountain drink for him.
- Give the cat a warm milk a couple of times a week.
- The pet's nutrition should be balanced, contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the cat, as well as protein and fiber.
- Regularly carry out prevention from worms.
Many owners are looking for the answer to the question: "What to do urgently with a cat with constipation?". There is only one option - to visit the veterinarian and find out the exact reason in connection with which such a problem arose. The available remedy can always be given, but the main task is to cure the animal. Only in this case, the disease will not bother again and again.