A common practice is the appointment of the drug "Curantil" to expectant mothers, as well as women who are planning a pregnancy in the near future. Therefore, do not be surprised if the doctor writes you a prescription. How to take it, what is it for, and is it dangerous to use it? All these questions arise in women, and not always the local doctor, due to their workload, can answer them. Many mummies are surprised by the appointment of an “extra” drug, since it is believed that the fewer the tablets, the healthier the baby will be. However, doctors of a different opinion, the side effects of Curantil are too insignificant and in most cases can not be compared with the expected benefits for the mother and child.
When planning
Not every woman is prescribed a drug at this stage. Most often, you can talk about pregnancy planning when a woman has certain health problems. If a history of miscarriages or abortions, infertility therapy, all this leads to the fact that the woman receives treatment, and one of the components is Curantil. Side effects are minimal, so doctors sometimes prescribe it "just in case". To understand why it is prescribed, let's consider the pharmacological properties of the drug.
Effect on the body
Curantil is a drug that improves blood microcirculation. That is, we are not talking about large arteries and vessels, but about a network of small capillaries. They are the ones that fit every cell of our body, nourishing them and saturating with oxygen. According to the mechanism of action, it is an antiplatelet agent that prevents the adhesion of cells, resulting in blood clots.
For the future mother, this effect is very important, especially if she has a tendency to thrombosis. Therefore, the doctor prescribes Curantil. This method in most cases avoids complications from the internal organs. It happens that blockage of blood vessels leads to temporary infertility. In this case, against the background of treatment, the long-awaited conception may occur. Side effects of Curantil can occur if there is anemia in the history, that is, blood is already liquid.
This term is more clear. So the drug restores immunity. This happens because the drug is able to stimulate the synthesis of interferon. This is a special blood protein. The side effects of Curantil continue to be carefully studied today, because the mechanism of action of interferon has been clarified only in general terms. It is believed to be safe for mother and baby. But let's not forget that inhibition of immunity is a physiological process aimed at reducing the risk of fetal rejection.
Creation of favorable conditions for conception
If a woman has already been on examinations with suspected infertility, then she knows well what is at stake. Side effects of Curantil may not be taken into account, because it allows you to build up the endometrium in the uterine cavity. This is nothing but the inner nutrient layer to which the ovum is attached. If a fertilized egg descends into the uterus and the endometrium is too thin, it will not be able to gain a foothold and a miscarriage will occur. A woman may feel nothing but regular menstruation. By the way, the latter is precisely the result of endometrial exfoliation. If pregnancy has not occurred, then it becomes unnecessary. And after menstruation, a new cycle begins, and the nutrient layer of the endometrium inside the uterus grows again to receive a fetal egg.
Slightly deviated from the topic. So, doctors prescribe Curantil in order to build up the endometrial layer, considering it a good help for future conception. Alas, it has not yet been possible to prove this fact. Maybe it's just a matter of time. That is, the drug may not harm, but not the fact that it will provide the necessary assistance.
Prevention and treatment of varicose veins
This is another disease that should be controlled if a pregnancy is planned. Curantil helps to avoid thrombosis, which can be very significant help. Over the course of all nine months, it is the vessels that are subjected to a huge load. For some women, for the first time, signs of varicose expansion are observed, while for others, already existing problems are exacerbated. Therefore, to take preventive and treatment courses before starting a pregnancy will be very helpful. But if for a healthy person this drug will be an excellent help, then in the presence of some diseases it is best to refuse it. It can also cause side effects, which we’ll talk about now.
First trimester
At this time, women usually come to register in the antenatal clinic. And they immediately get a recommendation to drink Curantil. Side effects during pregnancy with women are rarely discussed, but now the doctor does not even have a complete picture of their health status. Therefore, it is best to delay taking the drug until the results of the tests are ready, and again ask the doctor about its use.
Indeed, this drug is not a vitamin, and it is not worth using it for prevention. In the first trimester, it is prescribed to improve the utero-placental blood flow, but the load on the vessels of these organs is still low. But if a woman’s coagulogram shows a strong increased blood coagulation ability, then the appointment is justified.
The second point is the support of immunity, which is very important during this period. However, the effectiveness of interferon is in question, therefore, there are authoritative opinions that it is better to eat onions and garlic, fruits and vegetables, as well as undergo hardening procedures. In many Western countries, doctors today refuse to prescribe Curantil to their patients. Side effects during pregnancy in the early stages depend on the individual characteristics of the body, but in some cases, the drug can cause bleeding.
Second part of pregnancy
Starting from week 20, the mother’s body changes greatly. The load on all organs and systems is increasing, right now, most often, doctors prescribe Curantil. The instructions describe the side effects in quite some detail, now let's get to this. But can the benefits exceed the supposed harm? During this period, you need to be very careful about the state of the vessels of the uterus and placenta. The baby is already almost formed, the mother’s body is used to stress, but the vessels begin to feel an increased load from the fetus, which needs more nutrients and oxygen.
If there is a risk of thrombosis of the placental and uterine arteries, then you need to regularly monitor the performance of the tests. Of great importance is the lumen of the vessels and the speed with which blood flows through the arteries from the placenta to the baby. In any case, check with your doctor why he is prescribing this drug and whether it will harm your baby.
Third trimester
At later stages, the drug is recommended for placental insufficiency. This is especially true for complicated pregnancy. The drug helps to prevent aging of the placenta and greatly alleviates the condition. In addition, in the later stages, the use of the drug can prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus, improve its cerebral circulation, and help in the formation of the respiratory system. At this stage, blood supply plays a critical role for the fetus. And Curantil helps to improve it significantly. He has quite a few contraindications, despite the good effect. Therefore, the doctor must carefully weigh the benefits and harms.
Starting from the 33rd week, many women are faced with the "hiccups" of the crumbs. For this physiological effect, it is considered to be the rhythmic twitching of the abdomen caused by short-term, slight contractions of the uterus. One version of this phenomenon is a lack of oxygen in the baby’s body. If this is repeated over and over, Curantil is appointed.
Responsible for oneself
Despite the fact that it is prescribed as a vitamin, the drug is not such. Therefore, before buying it in a pharmacy, it is worthwhile to study the side effects of Curantil during pregnancy. Reviews suggest that many mothers experienced discomfort of varying degrees when taking it. This should at least alert.
It should be understood that the doctor does not remember by heart the entire list of contraindications, as well as the history of each patient. If a woman was diagnosed with acute heart attack or collapse, stenosis, then the Curantil course of treatment should not be included.
There are a number of diseases in which Curantil manifests its contraindications. Side effects in this case will be expressed much stronger, which must be taken into account. These ailments include angina pectoris, especially in an unstable state. Atherosclerosis and chronic heart failure, hypertension and arrhythmia, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, kidney and liver failure, any of these diseases is a reason to refuse to take the drug and inform the doctor about your decision. Perhaps he can pick up an alternative. Do not forget about the possibility of individual intolerance.
Side effects
Very often, women note that while taking the drug they feel a severe headache. Someone decides to continue taking it, because the instructions say that gradually the symptoms will become weaker. Others immediately refuse further use of the drug. In fact, it will be right to suspend the reception and inform the doctor about your feelings.
In addition to headache, a woman may experience severe dizziness and hypertension, attacks of nausea and vomiting, tachycardia and angina pectoris. Quite often, hot flashes resembling menopause are observed. All this can cause a drug that is prescribed to expectant mothers even without a preliminary examination, and its name is "Curantil." In the reviews, side effects are described in sufficient detail, and they almost completely repeat the information contained in the instructions.
In rare cases, increased bleeding was noted. This is a serious side effect that makes surgical intervention of any complexity impossible. To avoid this, it is necessary to adhere to the prescribed dosage. Sometimes doctors recommend reducing a single dose, but they are in no hurry to refuse to take it. Meanwhile, more and more people are abandoning the practice of using Curantil, because if there is a need for surgical intervention, the effect of the drug will complicate the work of the surgeon.
Drug dosage
It is determined individually, depending on the diagnosis and condition of the woman. Side effects of Curantyl 25 are less pronounced, since they have a lesser effect on the body. To check the reaction of the body, the doctor can start with one tablet a day and gradually bring the dosage to three.
If heart failure or cerebrovascular accident in a future mother is considered, then the dosage is increased. In this case, “Curantil 75” is used three times a day. Side effects in this case should be monitored by the attending physician several times a week. At any time, doctors may interrupt treatment with this drug. The duration of the course will depend on a number of parameters, the motor activity of the fetus, its growth and increase in the uterus.
Other drugs during pregnancy
There are other drugs that can be used during pregnancy. The most commonly used is Actovegin, which improves cell nutrition, accelerates regenerative and metabolic processes. But he also has its own side effects. A good and reliable tool is Phlebodia. The medicine stimulates blood circulation, including in the placental circle. However, its purpose for pregnant women is limited, since there are no reliable studies.
Another good drug with a similar effect is Cardiomagnyl. It dilutes blood and is therefore prescribed for thrombosis. However, it does not affect the immune system, and therefore is most often used together with Curantil. If your doctor strongly recommends you take one of these drugs, ask them to justify their decision and remind you of existing chronic diseases. Discuss together the possible benefits and harms and make a decision.