The second youngest group is the age of 3 to 4 years. Age groups in kindergartens

3-4 years is the age when the kids go to the garden, get to know society, communicate with the team, intellectually, physically and creatively begin to develop and learn the world. This is the age when a child learns not only communication in the family circle, but also begins to communicate outside it. Now the child perceives the adult not only as a parent, but also as a carrier of social function. Naturally, the child also wants and seeks to perform such a function, but so far he does not have such an opportunity, and therefore the game comes to the rescue. A child of 3-4 years old manifests himself in the game, which is noted by kindergartens and is used as the main direction of work in kindergartens and developing kindergartens.

second youngest age group

Kindergarten groups and their activities

The distribution of children takes place depending on how old they are, other personal characteristics are taken into account by educators already in contact and during the game or training.

Age groups in kindergartens are divided into:

  1. Very small children from 1.5 to 2 - nurseries.
  2. The first and second youngest group - the age of children from 2 to 4 years.
  3. Children of the older group are not more than 5 years old.
  4. The preparatory is gaining preschoolers from 6 to 7 years old, who have to go to first grade.

The nursery group is still very young children, and the main goal in the garden is to develop in them self-care skills, the process of thinking, memory, psychomotor functions that are responsible for the development of speech.

The first youngest and second youngest groups help children in the role-playing games to form the correct behavior in different situations, as well as with the help of educational games to train memory and develop speech.

age groups in kindergartens

In the middle group, children are helped to develop moral and moral ideas.

But the older one replaces the game activity with more serious activities aimed at understanding the world and social relations.

The preparatory group helps the child prepare for school and is more conscious about the world around him.

Specialized kindergarten groups

In some kindergartens, enrollment takes place not only by age, but also by the principle of children staying in it and their development.

GKP is a short stay group, that is, children are recruited there, whose parents are not yet ready to give the baby to the garden for the whole day, or if the line has not yet arrived. As a rule, there are not many children in them (about 15 people), which will positively affect the implementation of an individual approach to each child.

The speech therapy group, whose activities are aimed at children with a speech development problem (incorrect pronunciation), helps, promotes the development and improvement of speech.

Groups recruiting children with limited health abilities (impaired vision, hearing, musculoskeletal system, developmental delay, emotional-volitional disorders). They help children with limited abilities to achieve development results almost like ordinary children.

The summer group gathers children of different ages for a short stay, namely for the summer period. Her activities are aimed at entertainment (games, hiking).

The second youngest group. Area of ​​activity

Teachers direct their work to a process that develops and shapes the concepts of a common culture, the development of intellectual, personal, physical qualities, the development of the educational process in children 3-4 years old.

For children of this age, a “3-year crisis” begins, which must be taken into account by educators and psychologists, and the activities of teachers in the group contribute to the development of personal qualities and guide the child as an individual in the right direction.

At this age, children are very curious and grasp everything on the fly, therefore, for a more extensive development of their abilities and exploring the world from two sides, the child is offered a role-playing game with which he sees and studies the situation.

The second youngest group takes into account the age of the child in the first place, because games are selected carefully and even in some cases individually for each child.

Games for children 3-4 years old, used in the activities of the kindergarten

In different age groups , kindergartens develop children through games, and for each category and age of the child there will be separate games and situations presented in them.

games for children 3 4 years old

For very young children, games will be more entertaining in nature (moving, theatrical), but at the same time they will help kids learn the world.

Games for children 3-4 years old are completely different in direction and each game has a certain function for the development of a small person. The following are distinguished:

  • role-playing;
  • movable;
  • didactic;
  • theatrical.

Role-based storylines help the child study the situation bilaterally, and learn to communicate in groups of several people, develop an interest in thinking, and develop a communication function.

Outdoor games develop the child’s physical abilities, observation and attentiveness.

Didactic games improve thinking, memory, attentiveness, teach a child to react quickly in a situation, contribute to improving memory, help to understand the world.

Theatrical games have not only an entertaining function, but also develop the social and emotional sphere of development of the child.

Games for children 3-4 years old are the main activity with the help of which they form their individual qualities and learn the world.

Examples of kindergarten games for children

Games should develop the physical, moral, moral qualities of the child. In addition, help to learn about the world, behavior and communication in society (to learn to distinguish what is good and what is bad, to form friendliness in communication, to teach to communicate calmly, to consolidate organization in behavior and to learn to follow the rules).

Examples of kindergarten games:

  • Didactic games: “Seasons”, “Emotions”, “Clothing by season,” “For whom is the house”, etc. These games develop a child’s thinking and understanding of the world and human development.
  • Plot-role: “Seller and buyer in a toy store”, “Doctor and patient in the clinic”, “Mom and child for a walk”, etc. With the help of such games, the child learns to consider the situation and behavior in it from different angles, begins to understand adults .
  • Theatrical games are staged Russian folk tales, with the help of which children begin to distinguish between good and bad, learn the correct behavior.
  • Outdoor games: “Catching up”, “Tell another”, “Cat and mouse”, etc. Develop communication with peers and leadership qualities, not to mention physical development.

In addition to games with children, instructive, developmental conversations of such a plan should be held in kindergartens, for example, like “What does the word family mean?”, “Why do parents need to obey?” etc.

The model of the organization of work and the project of the educational process in the second junior group

Work and the project in the second junior group are approved by the administration of the educational institution on the basis of compliance with the requirements of higher authorities.

Age groups in kindergartens, in principle, work on almost the same schedule.

The work is implemented in a five-day mode for 10 hours a day.

The second youngest group, the age of children in which is 3-4 years old, implements its work through direct contact with parents and children, both jointly and individually.

Every morning, a compulsory survey of parents about the well-being and mood of the child. The regimen and daily routine contribute to the proper development of the child's body and personality.

At the end of the day there is a debriefing, discussion of creative works, informing parents.

The project in the second youngest group of the educational process is compiled and based on game, cognitive, research, artistic and aesthetic, motor activity.

project in the second junior group

The second younger group, the age of the children of which is the main component of the work, necessarily conducts psychoanalysis and analysis of the creative thinking of each child to implement an individual approach and develop it as a person.

Interaction with parents in kindergarten

In addition to working with children, teachers are actively working with parents. It includes a partnership of parents and carers, discussion of the goals and objectives of the work of teachers of the second younger group, the study of parents and their relationship to parenting.

Teachers and psychologists conduct conversations with parents, attract them to participate in the activities of the group, create conditions for joint hanging out of the child and parents for artistic and aesthetic work in order to improve the relationship and understanding between them.

parent meeting in the second junior group

The parent meeting in the second junior group involves conversations and fully informing parents about the upcoming and completed work of teachers.

The second youngest group in DOW

The activities of the preschool educational institution are aimed at developing artistic, aesthetic and cognitive, speech development in children. The second youngest group in the preschool educational institution creates the conditions for the development of creative qualities in children, improvement of speech, knowledge of the world through art.

In addition to developing activities, daily walks are provided in the second younger group 2 times a day for 2-3 hours.

a walk in the second younger group

Children in the group develop creative abilities with non-traditional drawing techniques and non-standard materials. And also form the quality of independence and aesthetic taste through the independent choice of material and theme of the picture.

second youngest group at dow

Art and aesthetic education

The development of artistic and aesthetic skills of a child goes through instilling a love of art (music, drawing, modeling, application works) and the world around it, promoting their own creative direction in children, love of literary works (reading fairy tales with which the child learns to empathize), instilling love to the beautiful.

lesson in the second junior group

For example, a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Beloved Tale” immediately develops the creative nature of the child and instills a love of folklore and literature.

The labor program of the second younger group of kindergarten

In general, the second younger group of the kindergarten, taking into account the peculiarities of this age in children, builds its activities not only through games and conversations. Teachers and psychologists are based on a work program established by the Ministry of Education.

Such a work program involves not only the development of the child’s personal qualities, but also the formation of labor activity, the development of a respectful attitude to one’s work and the work of others, forms the basis of safety (rules of behavior in the environment, etc.). On the basis of such requirements, an educational and methodical plan of work in the group is compiled, strictly according to which classes and games with children are held.

The parent meeting in the second junior group without fail provides for introducing the parents and coordinating with them the work program in the group.

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