First-aid kit for a newborn: a list of necessary

With the birth of a child, parents have many topical issues related to the list of pharmacy products for the baby. There are many drugs that can be taken from the first days of life. But it is necessary to carefully study the composition, manufacturer, reviews and from this draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the drug.

Buy ready-made or assemble yourself?

In the first weeks of the baby's life, special ready-made first-aid kits are sold. But since the price is too high, and some drugs can be replaced with better ones, the best solution is to put together a first-aid kit for your baby.

First you need to figure out what should be in the first-aid kit for a newborn, because some of the basic tools will need constant replenishment. Let's divide the necessary funds into several groups in order to consistently examine the question of the degree of their need.

The first list for a newborn’s first-aid kit:

  • first aid drugs
  • antiseptic
  • hygiene products,
  • care supplies.

Heat and runny nose. How can I help you?

So, the first group of drugs includes medicines or auxiliary preparations and accessories for first aid for colds and fever. First you need to have a thermometer, it will be most reliable to purchase an electronic one. In case of temperature, there must be an antipyretic. Children from birth are recommended candles "Tsefekon" for children. Candles are provided in two dosages:

  • 50 mg - from 1 to 3 months,
  • 100 mg - from 3 months to 3 years.
thermometer, temperature

Next - a tool for washing the nose. Very often, newly made parents mistakenly begin to heal the physiological runny nose of the baby. In case excess mucus appears in the nose of the newborn, which prevents the baby from breathing, it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline or aqualor and get rid of the mucus with an aspirator. In dry indoor air, the baby’s breathing may become whistling due to dry nose. In this case, it is also necessary to rinse the spout with aqualor or drip special drops based on sea water for a single use.

Colic: warm diapers or a reliable cure?

Medicines for colic must definitely be in the medicine cabinet. From birth to three months, a baby may have colic. In order to calm the baby at the time of discomfort, you can give him a cure for colic. Many decide to do without this purchase, but colic in newborns is a very unpredictable phenomenon, and it is best to have drugs that suppress gas formation and soothe the intestines of the newborn.

funds for colic

It is not strictly advised to open the drug until necessary, most often the shelf life of anticolastic drugs is limited to at least 10 days or a little longer.

Allergy Products

The presence of allergy drops in a house where there is a child of any age is mandatory. It would seem that what could be an allergy in a newborn who eats only breast milk or milk formula? But situations are sometimes unpredictable. New products that a mother has introduced into her diet can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions in the baby. Also, an allergy can appear on a pet, domestic plants or an antipyretic. There are many provoking factors, and it is easier to protect yourself and your baby from this by purchasing antihistamine drops and adding an antihistamine ointment if desired.


Herbs of a string and chamomile are indispensable in the first months of a baby's life. These miraculous aromatic herbs have a calming effect, which, in principle, is no secret. Newborn babies swimming in a little water with easily brewed herbs is especially useful. Such bathing prevents the appearance of diaper dermatitis, soothes and relaxes the child before going to bed and favorably affects the nervous system.

camomile and succession

If the baby has a rash, irritation from diapers, then frequent washing with a weakly brewed string will help relieve itching, redness and localize the focus of irritation. This is what you need to put in the first-aid kit for a newborn.


Let's move on to the group of antiseptic drugs. So, from the first day of life, a newborn needs to process the umbilical cord zone. First-aid kit for a newborn baby should contain the following funds:

  • hydrogen peroxide 3%,
  • the green
  • potassium permanganate for swimming,
  • miramistin.

Everything for baby hygiene

For a tricked out person, you need to have a whole arsenal of care accessories.

  • The first is cotton buds with a limiter to prevent injury to the ears of the tricked-in ear.
  • The second is scissors with rounded, safe ends to prevent injury to the fingers, since newborns do not control movements and do not fix the handles in one place for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to cut your nails while the baby is sleeping.
  • Thirdly, a brush with very soft bristles to remove a crust from the baby’s head after bathing.
  • As well as cotton sponges, liquid paraffin and a sterile bandage, it is also necessary to add to the list of funds in the first-aid kit for a newborn.
scissors for newborn

Relieve the discomfort of the baby

There are some auxiliary devices, the use of which greatly facilitates the life of the baby and his parents. This is a vent tube, a small enema, eye pipettes and, of course, an aspirator for suctioning mucus from the nose.

newborn suction pump

Everything for the care of the newborn

First of all, you need to choose high-quality diapers. No need to immediately buy a large package, where more than 50 pieces. There are special diapers for newborns in mini-packages, with a slot at the navel. Notice how important it is for the baby’s clothing to be breathable and made from natural fabrics, so that the belly button is not beautiful and does not become infected due to improper care. It is in order to avoid injury to the navel area, in the diapers for newborns there are special slots.

Wet wipes should always be available, but it is better not to neglect washing and washing the newborn with plain water.

Whether a thermometer is suitable for measuring the temperature of the water in the bath before bathing the baby, each parent decides independently. If you are afraid to adjust the temperature of the water and prefer to adhere to the stated norm of 34-37 degrees with accuracy, then a thermometer for water can be added to the shopping list in the first-aid kit for a newborn.

Creams, Oils, and Ointments

The use of baby cream is advisable if the baby's skin is prone to dryness. The cream must be chosen as close as possible to the eco-composition. Why does the cream not always help in the area of ​​diaper rash? All because any cream has moisturizing properties. If, for example, a child has diaper rash, then after applying the cream, in no case should you immediately put on a diaper. In order for the skin to accelerate its regenerating functions and applying the cream is beneficial, it is necessary to let it "breathe". After applying the cream for 5 to 10 minutes, it is necessary to leave the child without a diaper if the newborn suffers from the appearance of diaper dermatitis. Baby cream should be included in the list of what is needed for a newborn. But at the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's skin.

diaper rash cream

Newly made mothers do not always know about more effective remedies for diaper rash and are more likely to use various expensive baby creams. Therefore, read the list of auxiliary pharmacy products in order to always be fully armed and to know what should be in the first-aid kit of a newborn child.

Zinc ointment slightly dries diaper rash and has a healing effect. Many experienced mothers prefer simple and affordable zinc ointment to expensive means. According to reviews, it effectively affects the manifestations of diaper dermatitis. After its application, you can apply a moisturizing baby cream.

Sudokrem also acts effectively, it is less budgetary, but quickly eliminates diaper rash, which is important.

Even if the first-aid kit is fully assembled, and the parents are sure that they have not missed anything, new needs may appear over time. Do not panic and purchase additionally something from the group of antibiotics or other drugs. Often, a newborn may have problems with stools. So, if constipation can be eliminated by means of glycerin suppositories or microclysters, then diarrhea lasting more than three days may be a sign of some gastrointestinal disorders.

For subsequent appointments for problems with irregular stool in a child, you need to contact a pediatrician. Most often, standard tests for infections and dysbiosis are given. After obtaining results with elevated titers, for example, staphylococcus, the pediatrician prescribes bacteriophages, antibiotics and drugs with bifidobacteria.

A baby kit for a newborn is insurance against unforeseen situations. So, if parents turned to the pediatrician in time, noting diarrhea, then the appointment of bifidumbacterin will help normalize the microflora and eliminate diarrhea. It can be added to the list of what is included in the kit for a newborn. Bifidumbacterin will also eliminate excessive gas formation, constipation, and vomiting. All this is due to the colonization of intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria.

And so, the composition of the first-aid kit for a newborn includes:

  • antipyretic drugs (candles),
  • drops or spray based on sea water,
  • antihistamines (drops "Zirtek", ointment "Gistan"),
  • antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, zelenka, miramistin),
  • medicinal drops for colic ("Bobotik", "Espumisan"),
  • "Bifidumbacterin",
  • Smecta
  • nasal aspirator
  • small enema (from constipation can be replaced by "Microlax"),
  • baby cream (Sudokrem and rejuvenating),
  • herbs (chamomile, string).
for constipation for the newborn

Organization and storage of a children's first-aid kit

After completing, the first-aid kit for the newborn should be stored in a place that corresponds to the temperature regime of all drugs. Get a storage case. Let everything inside be in free placement, all space not too crowded. This complicates the search for the necessary, especially if parents are worried in a hurry.

box for drugs

Let the first-aid kit for the newborn be kept in a place visible to the parents, but so that the children are not able to reach it. It is important to understand how much this responsible task is - to collect a first-aid kit for a future baby and try not to miss anything. This article will help you always be fully armed and at the time of urgent need not to get confused, not to run headlong into the pharmacy, but to calmly and confidently rely on the contents of the first-aid kit for a newborn.

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