Allergenic cats: breed names and photos

Allergy is a serious disease that can be caused not only by food, but also by pets. Therefore, many people suffering from this disease suppress their desire to have a shaggy ward. However, not so long ago it was found that communication with not every animal provokes redness, itching and sneezing. In today's article, we will provide a brief description of cats from the allergy-free list.

General information

Specialists who studied this problem came to the conclusion that the cause of allergies can be not only wool, but also the saliva or urine of animals. Therefore, to minimize the risks, they advise giving preference to short-haired or bald cats of light color. It is also worth considering castration or sterilization of your pet.

In addition, especially for people who have health problems but dream of a four-legged friend, a valuable list of allergy-free cats has been developed, the names of which many of you have heard for the first time. This list includes sphinxes, javanese, orientals, balineses, Cornish and Devonian rex. In addition, long-haired Siberian cats were in it. Paradoxically, in 75% of allergy sufferers there is no reaction to these furry animals.

Canadian Sphinx

According to one of the most common versions, these hairless cats existed in the time of the Aztecs. Confirmation of this theory can be considered rock paintings, which depict the silhouettes of these amazing animals. As for the history of modern sphinxes, it began in 1966 in Canada. The ancestor of the representatives of this breed is considered to be a hairless baby named Prun, born of the most ordinary domestic cat. They came to Russia in the 80s of the XX century and quickly gained serious popularity.

allergy free cats

The Canadian Sphynx is an allergenic breed of cats, the photos of which cannot convey all their beauty. This is a very graceful and graceful animal associated with aliens. It has huge ears, a thin long tail and a proportional body covered with hairless folded skin. Canadian sphinxes are endowed with a complaisant, loving and extremely calm disposition. They perfectly adapt to life in urban apartments and do not require complicated care.

Don Sphinx

This is one of the youngest breeds, born of a fluke. A resident of Rostov-on-Don named Elena Kovalev saved from the hands of young hooligans a tiny cat, later named Barbara. Due to the stress, the animal began to rapidly lose hair. The treatment prescribed by the veterinarians did not give the desired results, and studies have shown that the changes occurred not only externally, but also at the genetic level. After some time, the growing Varvara gave birth to three perfectly bald kittens, one of which became the ancestor of the new breed.

allergenic cat breeds

Don sphinxes are allergenic cats that have a peculiar appearance. On a wedge-shaped head with sharply defined cheekbones and well-defined eyebrows, there are slanting almond-shaped eyes and large, ears tilted forward with rounded ends. A strong, muscular body is covered with elastic wrinkled skin, which can be a light fluff. Don sphinxes are very friendly, smart and sensitive. They easily adapt to the lifestyle of their owners and practically do not cause trouble.

Cornish Rex

England is considered the birthplace of these unusual animals. The first work on their breeding began in 1950. The breed received official recognition after seventeen years. at the same time, it was divided into Cornish and German Rex.

photo of allergenic cat breeds

This type of allergenic cat is not large in size. The average weight of an adult Cornish Rex varies between 2.7–4.6 kg. Representatives of this breed have a thin body, covered with a soft, wavy awn, under which a very short undercoat is hidden. They are very active, curious and completely unforgettable. These animals do not tolerate loneliness and require close communication with people. They do not require complicated care and special nutrition, which means they are suitable for living in urban conditions.

Devon rex

This allergenic breed of cats appeared due to random gene mutations. In the 60s of the last century, residents of one of the English counties found an animal with soft curly hair near local mines. Subsequently, this cat became the mother of several babies, one of which was very similar to herself. He received the nickname Kirlie and became the ancestor of the new breed.

allergy-free cat list

Devon Rex - allergy-free cats with a dense muscular body, a wide chest and elegant thin legs. On a large head with full cheeks and a moderately long muzzle there are low-set ears, wide-set at the base, and slightly elongated eyes. The whole body of animals is covered with soft wool with textured curls. As for color, the standard allows for the existence of gray, purple, chocolate, white, black and honey-cinnamon individuals.

Oriental Shorthair

The homeland of these allergy-free cats, the name of which many of you hear is not the first time, is the East. In the 19th century, they ended up in Europe, but failed to immediately interest local breeders. The breed received official recognition only in 1974. And a few years later the first orientals were brought to Russia.

names of allergenic cats

These animals are graceful and flexible. They are very muscular, graceful and beautiful, because they immediately attract the attention of ordinary people. On a pointed triangular head there are relatively large ears and almond-shaped slanting greenish-yellow eyes. The entire oriental body is covered with a shiny silky awn, under which, in general, there is no undercoat. Representatives of this breed are very playful and love to be in the spotlight. They do not tolerate loneliness and easily learn simple tricks.

Balinese cat

This breed was bred by American breeders in the 40s of the last century. According to one version, they appeared as a result of purposefully crossing Siamese and Angora cats. The breed received official recognition only in the 80s of the last century. And they were brought to Russia after almost ten years.

list of allergenic cat names

Balineses are practically allergenic cats with a small, stretched body, long limbs and a thin, lash-like tail. On the wedge-shaped head with a narrowed muzzle and powerful jaws there are almond-shaped eyes set wide and large triangular ears. In addition to a pleasant appearance, Balinese is endowed with an excellent character. They are very balanced, patient and absolutely not aggressive. Representatives of this breed quickly become attached to their owners, but do not tolerate familiarity and excessive obsession.

Siberian cat

This is the only native breed, whose homeland is Russia. Specialists were unable to establish the exact origin of these animals. According to one version, their ancestors were wild forest and steppe cats with a highly developed hunting instinct. They received official recognition only in 1982.

types of allergenic cats

Despite the fact that Siberians are the owners of a luxurious fluffy fur coat, they are considered almost allergenic cats. Representatives of this breed immediately attract attention not only with their beautiful coat, but also with relatively large sizes. Depending on gender, the weight of an adult varies from 4-12 kg. On a large proportional broad-headed head with a well-developed chin there are oval eyes and slightly rounded ears. The muscular elongated body of Siberian cats is covered with thick luxurious hair, forming a collar, pants and tow. As for the color, the most common among Siberians are tortoiseshell, bicolor, smoky, apricot, white, blue and black individuals.

Representatives of this breed are very loyal and friendly. They are patient with children and do not like to be alone. These animals are extremely temperamental and active. They are very jumping and not indifferent to everything connected with water.

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