Long-term abortions: risks, possible consequences, opinions of doctors

Where to have an abortion for a long time? There are many clinics, but there must be good reasons for this. Not every doctor will take that responsibility. When planning an abortion, you must understand that it has a large number of adverse effects. An abortion at such a time has the right to appoint only a doctor, relying on unfavorable medical conditions for the mother or fetus.

If a pregnant woman has contraindications to childbirth that threaten her life and well-being, then she is advised of surgical abortion. Another factor according to which abortion can be performed for a long time is a severe abnormality in the fetus.

have a long term abortion

Dates up to 12 weeks

There is no difficulty in making an interruption in the first weeks of pregnancy. The clinics where you can have an abortion for a long time are much smaller. In accordance with the law, any lady has the opportunity to terminate an unwanted pregnancy before 12 weeks. The faster the abortion is done, the less negative the patient will be in the future. Ladies consider drug termination of pregnancy as harmless to health. The term when it is allowed to be carried out should not be more than 7 weeks. Another relatively safe method of abortion is vacuum aspiration. Exercise it is allowed up to 12 weeks.

If it was not possible to complete a medicinal or vacuum termination of pregnancy in the early stages, the doctor will advise medical abortion. It is performed by surgery. There is a pattern: the longer the term during an abortion, the greater the consequences after the operation. These include physical problems in the patient, and mental disorders.

long term abortions reviews

Reasons and indications

At the initiative of the patient, late abortion intervention cannot be performed. Such permission can only be given by a medical board. Its representatives make a positive decision and give approval for the procedure in such situations:

  1. Conception occurred due to violent sexual acts against a girl.
  2. It was revealed that the child is outside the uterine body.
  3. Late abortions can be performed in the presence of fetal abnormalities: genetic abnormalities, abnormal bookmarks of organs, pathogenic effects of external factors (radiation, chemical elements or physiological effects) on the child.
  4. Death of the fetus.
  5. Physical immaturity of the patient, for example, if conception occurs in a girl under the age of fifteen.
  6. The girl’s presence of painful conditions that threaten her life, for example, urinary, endocrine, blood-clotting pathologies or diseases of the peripheral structures of the nervous system.
  7. The patient, being in a position, suffered from serious illnesses or underwent therapy that could adversely affect the formation of the child (carcinomatosis, rubella, or antibiotic therapy). In this case, the medical consultation is able to approve a positive decision to terminate the pregnancy at a later date.

Sometimes such a conclusion is adopted in situations where a pregnant woman has not been aware of her situation for a long time, therefore, she led an immoral lifestyle (took alcohol, drugs) without restrictions. At the same time, the lady registered in the antenatal clinic does not consist and does not intend to become a mother. In this case, doctors conduct an examination to clearly see what pathologies are present in the crumbs. If they are found, an abortion is performed.

It is worth paying attention to the reviews of those who had an abortion for a long time. Women write that he caused irreparable harm to both physical and mental health.

long term abortion

Social Indications

After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the girl will not be able to complete an abortion procedure of her own free will. How long is it allowed to terminate a pregnancy? Practitioners know the episodes when the women performed abortion at 8 months. However, from a moral point of view, it is believed that after 3 months there is a tiny little man in the uterus who has the right to exist. Therefore, it will be necessary to justify that the destruction of this life is advisable. In a clinic where they have abortions for a long time, they will want to find out about the reason. After all, it can be carried out due to the social status of women:

  1. The death of a spouse.
  2. Lack of housing.
  3. The presence of more than 4 children in the family.
  4. Mom's small age (up to 16 years).
  5. Pregnancy due to rape.
  6. Arrest of father or mother.

It should be noted that there are many “important” social reasons for abortion. In Russia and other civilized countries, late abortion is permitted only for medical reasons, and in some states it is prohibited under any circumstances.

where you can have an abortion for a long time

What needs to be done before abortion?

Since late abortion can be performed according to special indications, the lady must undergo a full examination before the operation (not only at the gynecologist, but also at specialists of other profiles). As a rule, the examination implies the mandatory implementation of a gynecological examination in the chair and laboratory tests - bacterial examination from the cervical canal, smears from the urethra and vaginal cavity, biochemical and general blood and urine tests.

In addition, the patient is prescribed tests for HIV, Rh factor and group, antibodies to hepatitis C, syphilis, etc. In addition, FOG, express ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs, cardiogram may be required. After receiving all the results of the examination, the pregnant woman turns to a consultation with a professional of a therapeutic profile and related specialties - a gynecologist, endocrinologist, oncologist.

Next, doctors make a decision about abortion and what method this abortion intervention will be performed. Up to a 20-week term, interruption is performed under abortion conditions. After 20 weeks, the procedure is carried out in a hospital obstetric department.

  • The patient needs to receive specialized psychological help and support.
  • The lady must be informed of the various methods of abortion.
  • The doctor must consult the patient about the likely negative consequences and complications associated with abortion.

After the procedure, the woman should stay in the clinic until the completion of the recovery period. Next, she should undergo a final examination. What are the downsides of late abortion? Firstly, surgery can adversely affect your health and cause complications. Secondly, abortion is considered an invasive operation, which makes it rather painful. Thirdly, a woman may experience bleeding and cramping. Fourth, anesthesia used during the procedure can provoke discomfort.

According to statistics from health facilities, late abortion is performed by approximately 2% of women in the total number of abortions.

What are the methods?

The selection of the method of abortion intervention depends on the duration of pregnancy and the general state of health of the woman. There are 3 methods of late abortion: saline flooding, artificial labor and a small caesarean section. When saline is filled in the amniotic fluid, a puncture is made. Under the control of ultrasound, hypertonic fluid (sodium chloride) is injected, due to which the fetus dies, which causes a miscarriage. Artificial births are possible thanks to specific substances that activate contractions in a pregnant woman. Further, everything is accomplished, as in typical childbirth. If a surgical method is chosen for abortion, then the patient undergoes a mini-cesarean section on the cervix and in its lower region in order to extract the fetus. This method is used if pregnancy threatens not only health, but also the life of a pregnant woman.

long term abortion

Partial birth abortion

Such an abortion procedure is rarely used in obstetric practice. The entire interruption procedure takes approximately 3-4 days. Termination of pregnancy by this method begins with the expansion of the cervix. In order to facilitate the well-being of the patient, it is recommended to drink antispasmodics. Around the second day, the lady begins to feel contractions.

With the help of ultrasound technology, the doctor establishes fetal presentation, then covers the legs of the fetus with special clamps and pulls the fetus outward, while the head remains inside the female body. In order to prevent ruptures of the birth canal, the doctor cuts the neck of the fetus and with a special suction pumps the brain out of the skull. As a result, the fetal head is reduced in size and is easier to extract. Then, with the help of vacuum aspiration, placental tissues are aspirated, and the uterine cavity is scraped out by a curette, freeing from embryonic fragments and blood clots.

who had an abortion for a long time

Small Cesarean

Such an abortive process is almost no different from the classical cesarean procedure. In the lower abdomen of a woman, the surgeon makes a minor incision, through which the fetus is removed. When the embryo is alive, it is killed. Such an abortive procedure may adversely affect the subsequent reproductive abilities of the patient, but sometimes it is impossible to do without such an intervention.

Typically, a small caesarean section for termination of pregnancy in the later stages is prescribed if there are contraindications for independent childbirth. In most cases, doctors resort to this method in urgent situations, if fetal extraction should be performed immediately.

Fill or saline abortion

Quite serious from a psychological point of view is the method of salt abortion, which is used to terminate pregnancy in the later stages. It is justified in cases where the fetus has developmental pathologies, but with other types of abortion (for example, during artificial birth), it can be born alive. The process of filling:

  • A needle is inserted into the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid (approximately 200 milliliters) is pumped through it.
  • Next, a mixture of sodium chloride is injected into the bubble.
  • Under the influence of this solution, the fetal heart stops.
  • This abortive method is very cruel, since under the salt influence the fetus feels unimaginable suffering, receiving significant burns of absolutely all planes of the trunk and mucous internal organs.
  • The woman clearly feels everything that happens to the baby.
  • Two days after the death of the fetus, a woman provokes an artificial birth.

Such abortion often leads to emotional trauma in women. Often, the appearance of the skin of children killed in this way terrifies even the medical staff. The worst thing is that some children after such a sacrilegious method of killing are born alive. Most of them die within 24 hours, but there have been cases when such children survived, although they became completely disabled.

Late Abortion Complications

With each method of abortion in the later stages, the problems are very serious, therefore, pregnant women are warned about them beforehand. In some cases, this information forces a woman to change her mind. After the procedure, a rehabilitation course should be taken, which helps restore mental health, the state of the reproductive organs and the body as a whole.

Complications during an Abortion

At the time of surgery, cervical ruptures are frequent, which can cause difficulties during subsequent childbirth. Serious injury to the uterus, including perforation, sometimes occurs.

In addition, late abortions often cause bleeding.

Another unpleasant moment is the fragments of the placenta remaining in the uterine cavity. In such cases, curettage is performed.

Complications after the procedure

The following complications may occur after a long term abortion:

  1. Inflammation, suppuration of the endometrium - the internal mucous layer of the uterus. This is fraught with difficulties with subsequent conception.
  2. Infections of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Danger of the possibility of obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  3. Adhesions in the fallopian tubes can cause an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Hormonal disruption initiated by abortion.
  5. Weights due to Rhesus conflict. In the case of a negative Rhesus factor, medication is needed.
  6. The threat of miscarriages at various times during subsequent pregnancies is enormous.
  7. Infertility. Therapy may be ineffective.

Who is contraindicated in?

Late abortion has many contraindications, which include coagulopathic conditions associated with bleeding disorders, which is why there is a risk of post-abortion bleeding.

Also contraindications for such an interruption are:

  • First pregnancy and lack of medical indications.
  • Exacerbated chronic pathology.
  • Long-term hormone therapy with glucocorticosteroids.
  • Infectious diseases and inflammation of the reproductive organs.

If the patient has at least one limitation for the operation, the doctor must clearly explain the real reasons for the refusal of such an intervention, its dangers and consequences.

long term abortion can be done


Women in reviews of long-term abortions, even many years after the procedure, are very sorry about what happened. Many write about severe psychological trauma, prolonged depression after an abortion. Many of these women managed to get pregnant again and safely give birth to a healthy baby. They write that they only have an abortion for medical reasons and warn all women that they need to be very careful about their health in order to reduce the risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus.

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